The game characters of an Ruoxi and Beichen night appear in the game interface.

All netizens became excited at this moment.

"I've seen the king play once before. I have strong consciousness and anticipation. It's a very good assistant."

"Can the king's assistance be as good as the night team? Now change king to assist the night team, I don't know what kind of spark they can rub. "

"I can't wait to see the next fight."

"I don't know who's going to be lucky enough to play with them this time."


Whether it's on the Internet.

Or miracle Game Forum.

Or in the major Internet cafes.

As long as there are night owls playing miracle game, they are discussing this matter.

Even those who don't play this game are very excited by the atmosphere.

"If you can't keep up with me, you must tell me, don't force yourself." The north star night turns a Mou to see an if Xi one eye, command way.

An Ruoxi hook lips: "North Chen young master this is despise me?"

An Ruoxi operation of the auxiliary direct throw out two skills, slowly follow the north star night behind.

The north star night drives an Ruoxi to go ahead in no time.

"Of course not, just in case the hand speed is too fast, the opponent's injury will be great." Beichen night knows that once he enters the state to release himself, it is not easy for him to control his hand speed.

If an Ruoxi can't keep up with him, it's not the key to win or lose the battle. He is afraid that an Ruoxi's hand is injured. If so, it will not be worth the loss.

The radian of an Ruoxi's lip angle did not fall.

She understands beichenye's worries.

In the past, when she first came into contact with computer technology, she tried because her hand speed was too fast, and her hands and fingers couldn't keep up for a while.

At the beginning, I didn't feel anything.

But the next day, the fingers were calcified and unable to move.

That kind of uncomfortable taste, Ann Ruoxi has no way to forget now.

Moreover, the master still does not allow her to rest, so that she must continue to practice.

For three days, an Ruoxi fought with the keyboard day and night to finish the task of the master.

But after that, an Ruoxi's hand speed got the same quality.

An Ruoxi's role is not slow to follow behind the north star night.

Ann Ruoxi took the opportunity to move her wrist and fingers.

When her hand is on the keyboard, she quickly enters the state.

Eye color a cold.

A breath of death flashed through the girl's eyes.

At the same time.

The mage held by Beichen night has a formal confrontation with the enemy mages.


In the air, it was as if the icy sound of weapons beating.

At that moment, the mage operated by the night of the North Star, like rain, kept pounding past like the mage of the other side.

An Ruoxi's assistance also followed in the first time.

Dada, dada.

In the quiet room, two people's keyboard sound one after another.

It goes up and down.

The tacit understanding between the two has long been accumulated in the previous field of battle.

Beichen night knows Ann Ruoxi's plan.

An Ruoxi knew what to do next.

Two people highly tacit understanding cooperation, will the opponent step by step press.

The first drop of blood.

The game started less than a minute, Beichen night and an Ruoxi won the first drop of blood.

And it was the first drop of blood in the middle.

When netizens sharp eyed discovery was taken a blood player ID, the network instant fried pot.

"My God, are we wrong? This master in the middle road should be Elisha, who ranks tenth in foreign service!"

"Is there a duplicate name?"

"This game is one card and one ID, how can it be renamed again! But how can Ellie be online at this time? Now they should be over ten o'clock in the morning, but she never goes online at this point! "

"Can someone borrow Allie's game card to play?"

"This is Allie's best middle role. You don't know how serious Allie is. Do you think she might lend her game card to someone else?"

For a while, the identity of Ellie is being speculated on the Internet.

When Allie gave up the middle and ran down the road to show off, everyone confirmed her identity.

Indeed, Allie killed herself. That's right.

Whether it is her operation, or her continuous moves, people feel very strong Allie killing breath.

One kill.

Second kill.

Allie killed the two people on the road without mercy.After pushing the tower, it started quickly.

At the same time.

An Ruoxi assisted Beichen night, pushed down the first tower in the Middle Road, and then came to the road to harvest the opponent on the road.

After the system rings out the news that teammates have been destroyed, an Ruoxi's eyes brightened a little.

"It seems that we have met a master." There was a hint of excitement in her voice.

All night long, the Bureau of passers-by was in progress.

Although there are several good opponents, but generally speaking, there are no waves.

The first tower down the road was quickly pushed down.

Beichen night mouse a slide, with an Ruoxi down the road.

On the way, we still don't forget to clean up the army lines, harvest the wild areas, and open up the economy of both sides.

At this point.

Ellie killed the second tower that was pushing down the road.

The dangerous smell in the air was constantly bubbling.

The netizens watching the war were excited after seeing the whereabouts of Beichen night.

"It seems that the night team and Ellie are going to fight."

"The mage that Ellie killed was regarded as the strongest mage by the foreign media. There is no match. I don't know whether it will be defeated tonight."

"Didn't she just plant it once? This time she is sure to get her face back. It seems that even with the help of the king in Beichen night, she can't escape this time. "

"It's hard to say that if you can kill her once, you can kill her a second time."

"It's said that aw is arranged to have a friendly match with a foreign team this time. Will Allie kill that team? Is this confrontation the first to explore the true and the false? "

"That's the point."

"Wait and see."

On the Internet, there are more and more news about this battle.

Everyone is discussing which one is the best in the competition between Ellie and Beichen night.

You know, Allie killed this name, is to let many netizens are scared.

They have not seen the north star night operation of the mage, has always known that he is a shooter and auxiliary play more powerful.

Now on the top by the foreign media evaluation as the strongest wizard Ellie killed.

In fact, winning or losing has already been decided in the minds of major netizens.

"If the night team knew that they would kill Ellie, they would not choose to play the role of mage."

"Yes, but it's not a shame to lose."

"The strongest mage, even those who are slightly inferior to those who have been sealed down, are indeed not shameful to lose."

In the expectation of major netizens.

The two sides finally got on. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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