Ann Ruoxi walked out of the room.

The Secretary nodded to the girl when she saw her.

But his face was as serious as Beichen night.

Even when I saw anjuoxi, there was no moderation.

That means it's not that simple.

Maybe not like last time, with the help of an Ruoxi, you can spend it.

"What's the matter?" An Ruoxi went directly to the North Star Night's side and sat in the office chair he had prepared for her.

The last time two people fought side by side, an Ruoxi is still vivid.

"We have planned a merger and acquisition for three months, and they are the first to arrive. It turns out that their real purpose is this!"

Said the Secretary, gnashing his teeth.

It turned out that everything before was smoke bombs.

Now this is the ultimate goal of those people.

After the last incident, the Secretary kept all the plans in a high degree of secrecy.

Even new entrants to each project will conduct in-depth assessment of their identity.

People who do their best to do all the projects are well-informed.

But I didn't expect that those people had already focused on their biggest project.

The merger and acquisition of the American shipping company was planned by them three months ago.

Because this plan is very important, every person in charge of the project is selected at all levels, and finally the top talents are selected from the major companies.

But the secretary never thought of it.

After such a thorough work, accidents still happen in the end.

Originally thought that the most secure project, so just take it lightly, actually there are problems.

At the moment, the face of Beichen night is as heavy as ice.

The Secretary's face was also very ugly.

"They started planning three months ago, but they were robbed. That means that those people came for this in the beginning."

The Secretary continued to gnash his teeth and said, "I really didn't expect that something would go wrong with such a prudent project."

"It's no use explaining that now. The most important thing is how we can find out where the problem is, and then how to stop loss."

They must have invested a lot of experience in this project.

"What's more, the person in charge of the project and the staff must have received the news and will report it here. What should we do to appease these people is the first thing we need to do now."

Ann Ruoxi said calmly.

After she said this, she found that the expression of the north star night and the Secretary had changed.

The secretary is surprised to open his mouth, eyes in an Ruoxi and Beichen night's body sweeping back and forth.

Beichen night is with a smile, looking at some mysterious.

Ann Ruoxi looked at her body and her face through the table top clean enough to look in the mirror. Except that she had just got up and her face was a little pink, it was no different from usual.

Is it because I said this, so it's strange?

, "as like as two peas, you can say the same thing as two." The Secretary said with some emotion: "in the moment just now, I thought you were the second little attached body."

The Secretary's expression is very exaggerated in an Ruoxi's eyes.

But from Beichen night and the Secretary's expression, an Ruoxi knows that the secretary is telling the truth.

Face inexplicable a heat, an Ruoxi pursed lips: "which has so exaggeration."

secretary is as like as two peas, who are afraid of not believing, and shook his head vigorously: "no, believe me, it is exactly the same!"

"Well, I trained it myself. How could it be different?"

I want to stop a word from Beichen.

But he looked at an Ruoxi and Beichen night's eyes, more ambiguous.

Anjosi wants to explain.

But it's no use knowing these explanations.

Simply continue to say their own ideas.

"So, let's start from three aspects: first, pacify the people, second, investigate, and third, stop loss. Then, let's see what we can do to get back what those people snatched from us."

In other words, what they took away was just temporary storage.

Looking at the potential in an Ruoxi's eyes, the Secretary couldn't help but stretch out his hand and clapped in seal style.

"Er Shao, like miss an, please teach more. In this way, I don't have to come to you as soon as there is an accident."

After the Secretary finished, the atmosphere of the room was suddenly a bit treacherous.

An Ruoxi looked at the night of the North Star, the corner of his lips seemed to smile.

That light look in the eyes, but is telling the North Star Night - you try to adjust a few try.Beichen night smile, it is obvious that has fully received the signal of an Ruoxi.

But her appearance in the north star night, is also very lovely.

"If Xi is gifted, why didn't you learn something when you stayed with me for so long?"

Beichen night's voice is not cold or hot, but let the Secretary feel a strong sense of crisis.

Grunt -

the secretary took a mouthful of saliva.

He seems to have accidentally caught a horse's leg.

The wind direction of the fire is not right.

Secretary busy to an Ruoxi smile, smile with a bit of flattery.

"That's of course. There are really few smart business talents like miss an, so I'll follow the instructions of Er Shao and miss an, and call me if you need anything."

The Secretary finished and left with oil on the soles of his feet.

Looking at the back of that hasty escape, an Ruoxi can't help but laugh: "he is quite lovely."

The voice has just dropped.

An Ruoxi suddenly felt cold on her side.

It was obvious that the chill was emanating from the night of the north star.

Looking sideways, I saw the young skin smile flesh not to smile lightly way: "is it?"

That cool thin tone, let an Ruoxi's desire for survival rose rapidly.

"Yes, but you are the one who gets my heart most. In front of you, no one is cute." An Ruoxi said firmly and definitely.

Beichen night squint at her, eyes are still cool.

An Ruoxi eyes turned, the body directly forward a together, facing the north star night is bar Ji.

"Work first. We can train well after this matter is handled. I can wait to be awarded the gold medal middle road and gold medal assistant with you."

Ann Ruoxi smiles with a bent brow and eyes.

As if this thing is the best thing in the world.

The lip corner of the night of the North Star immediately followed the curve together, the acid gas that just came out, also quickly dissipated.

An Ruoxi heart of the alarm lifted.

See North Star Night picked up in front of the plane, dial the Secretary's inside line.

"I went to buy coffee for everyone in the company and delivered it in person. I said it was too cold today. I'd like to comfort you and continue to work hard."

On hearing this, an Ruoxi can't help but mourn for the secretary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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