On the other side.

The office of Beichen.

As soon as Lin Zhengyu entered, he closed the door.

Originally, he looked a little more serious.

"What's the matter?" Beichen asked in a deep voice.

The seriousness on Lin Zhengyu's face did not ease. He looked at Beichen night, and his eyes were full of inquiry: "tell me honestly, will there be any dangerous things on the day of the competition?"

Beichen night casually touched on the desk, hands more powder like dust.

The discovery made him frown involuntarily.

"What danger can there be?" Said, the North Star Night raised his hand, stained with dust that side appeared in front of Lin Zhengyu: "however, I think you should be in danger."

The tone of Beichen night is a little more cool.

His office has always been cleaned by a specially assigned person.

So when he came in, he noticed that the furniture was covered with thin dust.

The office of Beichen night is cleaned by a special hourly worker.

Every time the clock comes, even if the north star night is not there, Lin Zhengyu will be here to watch.

But these dust are really tell the north star night, the hour workers this period of time did not come to clean.

That means that Lin Zhengyu is not here these days.

Lin Zhengyu looks at the finger of beichenye, his eyes become dodgy, but soon, he firmly looks at beichenye.

"You said there was no danger. Why did you strengthen security that day? He has also transferred all the guards that the Beichen family can mobilize. It's not like your style. "

Lin Zhengyu's eyes are full of exploration.

Obviously, he wanted to see whether he was lying or not from the eye to eye with the north star night.

But Lin Zhengyu is also very clear that if beichenye doesn't want to let him know, he won't show any flaws.

The north star night looked at Lin Zhengyu, that look and ordinary no different.

But what he said made Lin look pale.

"It's about the family. I'm worried that someone will attack our people in this game."

"What?" Lin Zhengyu exclaimed: "who is it? How dare you be?"

In this friendly match, there are a lot of spectators on the scene. They can also take advantage of the chaos to escape. It is really very suitable for this kind of occasion.

However, after Beichen night was attacked and lost his legs, he made a series of big moves. For the people of Beichen family, Yu Wei is still there.

If it is not necessary, no one will want to start at the time when the north star night is still in a strong state.

Recently, however, the north star night has encountered many things, which makes Lin Zhengyu unswervingly believe that no one dares to start at this time.

Beichen night looked at Lin Zhengyu lightly and did not speak.

Lin Zhengyu instantly gets the disdain in the eyes of Beichen night. He touches his nose and reflects that his problem is a little white.

If Beichen night knows who the person behind is, how can he let the other party hop here.

"Cough, actually I have something to tell you." Lin Zhengyu's face became more serious.

That serious tone, let the eyebrow heart of Beichen night also can't help wrinkling up.

No matter what happens to Lin Zhengyu, he always laughs. Even when he encounters very difficult things, he just frowns.

But it's rare to see such a serious look like now.

The last time I saw Lin Zhengyu so serious, it seemed that it was because of that girl.

"What's the matter? About Shiyu? " North Star Night asks.

At the mention of the name "Shiyu", Lin Zhengyu's pupils shrank and his lips pursed subconsciously.

"This time it has nothing to do with her."

Lin Zhengyu's tone was filled with sadness.

It has been a few years since this incident happened. But when the name is mentioned again, Lin Zhengyu's inner sadness will continue to flow.

"In fact, it's been a long time. Why do you still keep thinking about it? You know it's not your fault at all. "

Beichen night looked at Lin Zhengyu and said very seriously.

He seldom says so much at once.

"Night, you told me this thing is not once or twice. I know it's not my fault, but I saw her with my own eyes..." The sadness in Lin Zhengyu's tone is more intense.

This is a point he can't accept.

He looked at the girl he liked and was killed in front of him.

Even if it was later found out that it was because of family fighting, Lin Zhengyu always believed that he did not protect the girl well.

It's like he's trapped in a cage, wrapping himself with a smile mask.Beichen night's black eyes become more deep.

He can clearly feel Lin Zhengyu's sadness.

After this incident, Lin Zhengyu locked himself in his room for half a month. It was only on the day of the investigation that the girl's family held a funeral for the girl that Lin Zhengyu came out of the room.

However, after returning from the funeral, Lin Zhengyu seemed to be a different person.

Although the same smile, but occasionally can feel that his people are not at all.

Lin took a deep breath and let himself return to reality from his sadness.

"Night, let's not talk about that. In fact, my father never gave up on the cause of death of the eldest brother and sister-in-law. He never believed that the death of the elder brother was an accident. Therefore, over the years, the people of the Lin family have never given up the investigation."

Whether it's for big brother and sister-in-law.

Or to wish hard, the body day by day worse than the old man Lin.

The Lin family are working hard to investigate this matter.

Just recently, there has been a new development in this matter.

When the elder brother and sister-in-law went to travel, they actually went to carry out a task given by their superiors to investigate the Du owls in Southeast Asia.

Because the mission is very dangerous, so it requires a high degree of confidentiality, no one can tell.

But later, I don't know why it leaked out.

The Southeast Asian poison Xiao received the news and pretended to be close to her elder brother and sister-in-law. When the elder brother and sister-in-law relaxed their vigilance and thought that the task was about to be completed, he sent someone to kill them.

At the beginning, almost all the people involved in this matter resigned.

However, the person who leaked the secret has not been found.

They couldn't find the exact proof of who did it.

Even those several fierce competitors are clean and can not find the slightest trace.

But recently, it has finally taken shape.

This makes the Lin family all excited.

Lin Zhengyu didn't come these days because he had to investigate the matter.

"I know about it." North Star Night nodded.

"The old man said that if he didn't find out for a day, he couldn't rest assured."

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