Gong CE looks at the front in a trance.

The empty look in his eyes means that he must be thinking.

At this time, daze, does not seem to be a common thing.

And Gongce is different from mushroom.

Gong CE's performance on the court has always been highly focused.

Mushroom is often distracted. Before the game, it is always in a daze. Only at the beginning of the game will it look like a changed person.

This is also the most different place between Gongce and mushroom.

But today, Gong CE is looking at a place and has been in a trance.

Lin Zhengyu walks behind Gong CE and looks in his direction.

This look, but can not help but frown.

Because Gong CE now looks at the direction of the past.

There are almost all fans of Allie's killing team. Each fan has a different number, which is closely linked to each other and forms a row.

Looking at the past from Lin Zhengyu's present point of view, it is like a special signal.

Lin Zhengyu took out his mobile phone, quickly wrote down these numbers, and sent them to the mobile phone of beichenye. He always felt that these numbers were unusual.

After finishing all this, Lin Zhengyu stood behind Gong CE and said slowly, "what are you looking at?"

Such a cold sound, Gong CE's body suddenly a stiff.

He turned and quickly drew a safe distance, showing a defensive expression.

"Have you done anything wrong? So afraid of me? " Lin Zhengyu said in a joking tone, but his eyes were staring at the expression on Gong CE's face.

Obviously, he was observing.

But when Lin Zhengyu was observing Gong CE, Gong CE was also observing him.

After seeing his expression at the moment, Gong CE laughed and said, "that's a lot. Do you want to tell it to you one by one?"

When Lin Zhengyu put on a posture of listening attentively.

Gong CE said again: "I'm afraid that three days and three nights can't be finished. This kind of waste of time, energy, brain power and meaningless things should be done less."

"You Lin Zhengyu was very angry and laughed back. He felt that his strength was like hitting cotton and was melted away by Gong CE's words.

However, the most important thing now is to wait for the night of the northern star to make clear the meaning of that group of numbers.

Lin's intuition is that this is not simple.

And this group of figures, he looked a little familiar, as if he had seen it in the Lin family.

Mobile phone silence is the basic quality of all E-sports players.

So Beichen night did not find this information.

"Now, let me introduce you." The host's voice sounded again: "on my left is the aw team representing China against foreign players today."

"This is captain, night."

"The other four are the northern Yu, Wang Yang, the God of war and the king!"

"Aw, aw, all win, allwin, victory belongs to you only!"

"Aw team will win, rush to the international arena and win the championship!"

"Night team, night team, you must be right!"

"The gods of the universe, the gods of the universe!"

"Ocean of love, ocean of love!"

"God of war wins, invincible!"

King, king of E-sports

Aw team fans the first time to send out excited and enthusiastic cry.

They waved the aid cards and banners in their hands and cried out for their beloved love beans.

However, in such a large stadium, such scattered shouts still seem a little lonely and scattered.

After some fans called a few times, they began to shut their mouths, and the whole scene began to become quiet.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the host immediately said, "now on my right hand side is Ellie, who represents country y and competes with China today."

"This is their captain. Ellie killed it!"

"These four are..."

The host introduced the team members in turn.

Every voice of the host will cause a commotion.

The atmosphere of the scene was immediately burned to the highest point.

All the fans of Allie's killing team are shouting slogans that have been prepared for a long time, as if to lift the top floor of the whole stadium.

The deafening cry echoed throughout the field.

But on the stage.

Two teams stood side by side with the host.

The momentum of both sides is equal.

It seems that they are all receiving the worship of these fans together, no one has high or low.

"Now, our staff have prepared the scene, and the game is about to start. Fans, please cheer for your idolsThe host said impassioned.

The next moment.

The whole field was boiling again.

All the fans are excited to shout the name of love beans.

"Allie killed!"




"Night team!"

"Yu Shen!"

"Wang Yang!"

"God of war!"



Throughout the field, the names of the players are constantly echoing.

When everyone is seated in their seats.

The game officially began.

"Today's game is two wins in three games. The team that wins the first two wins wins for it and the other team loses."

"This is from the two national teams of the war, still adhere to the principle of friendship first, competition second, I hope you can have a good time."

In the arena, the warm voice of fans almost drowned the host.

All of the players have been turned on successfully.

Then, log in to your game account.

Then log in to the room that the organizer has already prepared.

Everything is going on in an orderly way.

Everyone is staring at the computer in front of them, operating silently.

"Now, there is still one minute to go into the casting process automatically. We leave the stage for our players. Please put on your headphones and get ready."

After the host finished, all the people put on the earphones.

The camera is constantly changing angles, sweeping across everyone's face.

On each player, three seconds will be left for a close-up.

The photographer's timing is very good.

In the last minute, every audience can clearly see the appearance of their love beans.

Everyone's face is relaxed and secure.

It can also be seen that everyone is very confident in this match.

It is a very exciting thing for such confident two teams to play together.

"Ellie killed Ellie killed, killed all sides are not afraid of big kill!"

“ALL win! all win! Take the first place

Fans on both sides were shouting neat slogans.

Now, the whole stadium is in high spirits.

Corner selection, officially launched!

Everyone quickly began to choose roles.

However, Gong CE's hand is placed on a role, which has been declining for a long time.

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