Such a fierce play, people feel pain.

The opponent has no Parry ability at all.

"Whew!" Lin Zhengyu couldn't help whistling.

He had just taken a quick look at the road on the map.

Gong CE's play is really fierce.

If he were that sister, he would definitely turn around and leave when he saw Gong CE's confession next time.

Now that sister's psychological shadow area must be very large.

"Gong CE, be gentle with your sister." Lin Zhengyu all a bit can't look down to say.

Gong CE's hand speed is still fast, his eyes are fixed on the computer screen constantly dislocation of the figure, his role, must be before the opponent recover to defeat.

Otherwise, when the opponent recovers, the opponent's counter attack will slow down a lot of time.

Moreover, this time the two sides play, Gong CE exposed his own too many game habits.

Gong CE said in a cold voice: "kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself. Don't tell me that you have the habit of releasing water to your opponent in the competition."

Lin Zhengyu suddenly choked.

I didn't expect that Gong CE could be so vicious when he was so focused on the game.

"Quiet, race!" North Star Night deep voice mouth.

Lin Zhengyu nuogged and did not speak again.

However, he could not be more garrulous.

Because at the moment, the opponent's field is standing opposite him, it seems that he is ready to go.

Lin Zhengyu a flash, quickly opened the distance between the two sides, let the opponent's moves failed, and then began to counter attack.

The opponent wanted to run away, but the action was slow. Lin Zhengyu's attack followed directly.

The opponent dropped three-quarters of his blood bars.

This made Lin Zhengyu proud.

His operation became faster and more reckless, even forgetting their plan to hide their strength and cheat their opponents.

When Lin Zhengyu reacts, his opponent is only left with residual blood, and he moves away strangely and quickly.

This is not the same person who was hit by him before.

Lin Zhengyu's eyes narrowed slightly, which was to understand the intention of the other party.

The other side is using this method to trick them.

"Please note that my continuous moves may have been exposed. In fact, they are not copying our strategy. I think they should know that we want to hide our strength!"

Lin Zhengyu's voice became serious.

He stared at the TV screen coldly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed through it quickly.

Their hidden strength is a temporary initiative.

In addition to the five members of their team, only Feng Shen knows.

Feng Shen is a person who has a dead heart and can't be bought by anything, so Feng Shen has no doubt.

For many years, Lu Tianyang will not betray them.

Not to mention an Ruoxi and beichenye.

Then, the only person left is Gong CE.

"Don't panic. We don't have only one move, but now we all raise our spirits. We regard this game as a test. They may not be. Therefore, we can change our strategy and attack hard in this game."

At the command of Beichen night.


It's like a stroke.

Everyone's starting to pick up speed.

The game, which was intended to test the water, was slow and conservative from the beginning, and became violent and rapid.

Suddenly the acceleration, but also let the opponent by surprise.

It's not just the fight in the middle that's getting worse.

Other routes of fighting, also let people see blood boiling.

On the road.

The two soldiers who had been glued together.

After receiving a strong attack signal, Lu Tianyang began to speed up.

A wave of powerful continuous attack, hit the opponent unprepared, want to turn away, but was shocked.




Lu Tianyang's every attack seems strong and powerful.

"Wang Yang! Wang Yang! The ocean of love

"Wang Yang! Wang Yang! Be proud

During the whole competition, Lu Tianyang's fans were excited to shout.

Lu Tianyang didn't take part in the last match of the first team, which made many fans heartbroken.

This time, just at the beginning of the competition, Lu Tianyang acted like a modest gentleman and made them think that their love beans suddenly changed their course.

Now, seeing this fierce and fast attack with multiple damage, fans seem to see that when operating, the opponent seems to fall into the vortex in the center of the ocean, unable to struggle."Wang Yang, come on!"

"Wang Yang, we love you!"

The fans were screaming with excitement.

On the other side.

Down the road.

The fight between Gong CE and the girl who confessed to her is also very fierce.

After the girl was killed directly, she resurrected and rushed over again.

With the determination to fight back and forth, after the success of the sneak attack on Gong CE, she directly wiped off half the blood of Gong CE.

Gong CE looks like he was beaten and unable to fight back.

When the hearts of the audience are raised high.

At this time -

Gong CE suddenly moved.

The strong counterattack is too fast for the naked eye to see.

I only saw a shadow passing by.

This makes all the moves of my sister all failed.

"God of war, God of war, invincible!"

"God of war, God of war, invincible!"

In the arena, fans who support Gong CE can't help shouting excitedly.

Girls soon have only one-third of their blood left.

She quickly avoided Gong CE's attack at the moment of recovery, and then made a counterattack.

She is like a beast that has been forced to the extreme, and finally detonates the hidden attack power in her body.

Her counterattack was even faster than Gong CE.

This is almost impossible for ordinary people to complete the hand speed, but it unfolds on the girl's body.

"Ah The girl growled and her hand speed was accelerating, and then speeding up.

The incredible speed made the photographer turn the camera in the first place.

All the people saw the girl's operation and exclaimed.

"Is this an accelerator?"

"My God, let's go!"

"How can a person's hand be so fast?"

"My God, it's octopus, it's not human at all."


The audience and fans all exclaimed.

Gong CE frowned.

He has only blood left, and in the next second he will be able to recover.

It is a difficult choice whether to counterattack or to escape.

If the counterattack, it is likely that his blood can not support him to carry out the final attack, as long as the girl hits him, he will fall.

But if you run away, the duck will fly completely.

How to choose?

For Gong CE, it was the most painful second.

But one second is actually very short.

Too fast to even blink.

Attack! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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