An Ruoxi and Lu Tianyang have captured the two defense towers of the other side.

The other party has successfully resurrected with full blood.

An Ruoxi and Lu Tianyang first returned to the city to replenish blood.

They attacked again.

Now, the economic development and tower pushing situation of both sides are beginning to level off.

North Star Night in the middle road and Ellie kill two people have been fighting.

Both of them are very skilful.

At the same time, he has rich combat experience and talent.

Between the two of them, I'm addicted to you.

But what's more important is the atmosphere of killing between them and the ruthlessness of each other. Every time they meet, the hearts of the audience will be raised.

This time, they're on it again.

The atmosphere of the scene became oppressive.

"Allie kill, come on!"

"Night team, come on!"

Fans who support Alisha and Beichen night are shouting for their support.

Although they are very clear, wearing headphones, their idol actually can't hear what they are shouting.

But they still strive to shout, fight all their strength, in this moment to release their own passion.

The fans were sweating.

On the stage, Alisha and Beichen night are also sweat cencencen.

The two armies face each other.

Between the two men, there is a military line between them.

Now, the development of both sides is already on the same level.

It's about who's faster and who's ahead.

At this time --

Ellie killed a sudden attack and rushed in the direction of beichenye.

Her impact speed is very fast, instantly hit the north star night game characters, directly brush off a third of the blood bar.


There was an uproar at the scene.

When Ellie was ready to take advantage of the victory to pursue, Beichen night jumped out of her attack range.

Under everyone's gaze, only Beichen night reflexively attacks.

A series of movements are fast, accurate and hard.

There's no room for Ellie to escape.

He has calculated every step of Allie's killing when they fight each other, so that Ellie has no room to fight back.

Brush brush -

under the serial attacks of Beichen night, the blood bar killed by Allie falls madly.

She wanted to urgently call for others to come, but it was too late.

Allie is so confident that she thinks she can finish Beichen night by herself. Therefore, she has let other people gather on the road or on the road.

Now, all of us are being held back, and there is a lack of separation.

No one could come and help her.

Allie can either get out of trouble by herself or fall down.

The situation on the field, successfully forced Ellie to kill, let her feel a huge pressure.

It is this pressure that makes Ellie stronger.

Her eyes were cold.

That beautiful face, at the moment, like an ice sculpture.

The next second.

Allie, who was originally trapped, was killed and successfully extricated.

A "Z" shaped walk to avoid the strong and powerful attack of Beichen night, so that the situation can be reversed.

A jump, directly rushed to the opposite north star night.


One hit is a hit.

It's like the final recoil of a trapped prey.

The blood bar of Beichen night is only one third left.

And Ellie killed half of the blood.

What's more, Allie's attack continues to intensify.

If the north star night did not avoid this blow, then he would become the person who fell down slowly.

Support from both sides was stalled.

And now, they don't want to call anyone else to help.

Because, it's a duel between them.

It's a confrontation between the two strongest mages.

The hearts of all the audience are raised high, and even the fight between going down the road and on the road has no mind to pay attention to.

Now, their line of sight is tightly grasped by the fierce fighting situation on the side of the middle road.

"How wonderful

"My God, how can their duel be so exciting?"

"It's enough to watch such a duel!"


The audience said excitedly.

You come and I go between Beichen night and Ellie.

Brush each other's blood bars crazily.

It's like killing red eyes and attacking each other crazily.

Everyone felt as if they were being held in their hearts.Only when they truly distinguish the winner and loser can their hearts be calmed down.

Brush brush -

the number of blood strips is still madly decreasing.

Ellie and the north star night between the attack to each other more and more rapid.

But they have a certain degree of understanding of each other's walking, operating habits, ideas, anticipation, so the fight between them seems more wonderful.

"Allie kill, come on!"

"Beichen night, come on!"

Fans at the scene, automatically divided into two groups to cheer for beichenye and Alisha.

Even some fans dressed in Allie's team clothes have defected, shouting to cheer for Beichen night.

The fight between the two roads is also very fierce.

They intertwined with each other, like the strongest vines, inexorably intertwined.

As long as one party looses, the other will bite.

The only way is to get rid of the other party before leaving.

"Night, do you need our support?" Lin Zhengyu asked in a deep voice. He kept on making a strong attack on his opponent.

"No, I'll drag it in the middle. You can look for breakthrough opportunities from both sides." Beichen night glanced at the small map.

On the small map, the two sides of the people are evenly matched in the fight.

No matter who moves, it will make their side a disadvantage.

On the other side.

Ellie's team asked the same question.

You get the same answer.

On their side, it seems that they have also taken on a huge responsibility.

Only if they have won or lost, the situation of other branches will be more clear.

Allisha and beichenye both breathed a sigh at the same time.

The final killing began.

You come, I go.

You go in, I go in.

Neither side has any plans to back down.

The speed of hand is amazing.

"Is this the speed that humans should have?"

"They're both crazy."

"It's crazy!"

"How can this match be so wonderful?"

The audience's reaction was even more intense.

One third of the blood.

Residual blood.

Silk blood.

On both sides are left only silk blood state, time seems to slow down at this moment.

In the eyes of all the audience, the action of Beichen night and Allie's killing has become a slow motion that plays slowly frame by frame.

The mage operated by Beichen night took a step backward, evaded the attack of Allie, and then flew to attack.

It's just.

Allie did it.

At the moment when the night of the north star flies.

She also launched the offensive.

One for one! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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