Enroxi took a deep breath.

He suppressed his chaotic emotions.

She's not alone now.

She has a northern night.

She has a northern night.

After Ann Ruoxi gave himself a shot in the arm, he looked at the north star night.

"I think you should have seen that when we were tracking, there were a lot of IPS, and they led us to different branches. It was like someone was guiding us through a maze."

There is only one road to the end, but there are countless forked roads confusing them.

Just looking at those data, an Ruoxi clearly felt that it was multiple people operating at the same time, but in the end, only one IP address was correct.

An Ruoxi heart has basically determined that her software can not locate the other party's position in the end.

"Yes, so it is likely that the tracking failed this time, but we can still find clues through these IP addresses. I believe this is not difficult for us."

Beichen night quietly said, hands have begun to operate on the keyboard, will just track all the IP data out.

The biggest advantage of the software developed by an Ruoxi is that even if there are several IP addresses at the same time, it will not affect the tracking.

This software will automatically separate out the second tracking system to track the extra IP.

So now, every isolated IP will be recorded.

Even if it looks like a loose sand in the end.

An Ruoxi and beichenye are also confident that they can find what they want in the loose sand.

The data is packed with paper after paper.

They waited patiently.

After a few minutes, the printer stopped working, a stack of thick A4 paper, full of code and data.

If people with intense phobia, seeing this picture at this moment, I am afraid that they will faint directly with fear.

An Ruoxi and Beichen night calmly took the paper, two people next to each other, began to check the information in front of them.

"I don't think they will be less than 50."

An Ruoxi looked at these thick materials and said.

Previously, she had dealt with these people.

Those people gave her the feeling that there were so many people and different methods that everyone was very competitive. They were afraid that they would lose to others if they were slow.

More often than not, they are fighting not with their opponents, but with their peers.

This is the first time the two sides fight, these people give an Ruoxi the strongest intuitive feeling.

Later, looking back carefully, an Ruoxi probably guessed that the number of each other was about 50 or more.

Now looking at these data, an Ruoxi thinks that perhaps the number of people on the other side is much more than he thought.

"They should be over 80." North star night while quickly turning the page, said calmly.

More than 80 people.

"These interleaved IPS are generated at the same time, and others are generated in the next three seconds. Neither you nor I can produce a second IP in three seconds. So we classify these as different people. You can compare them with each other."

An Ruoxi skims over the data at a glance.

By rough calculation, these figures alone are more than 80 people.

"If you add the people who are still operating in the game, it will be nearly 100." Ann Ruoxi's heart sank.

When this idea has been confirmed, an Ruoxi has determined what Gong Jun wants to do.

When did he start to plan for it?

I thought that as long as they didn't get the chip from themselves, they would give up.

However, an Ruoxi never expected that they would copy their own way and get the information they wanted in the form of hackers.

"What's the matter?" The North Star Night gazes at an Ruoxi.

From the beginning, an Ruoxi's expression is not quite right.

He originally thought that an Ruoxi just felt that the other party had such a powerful hacker group, which was a very terrible thing.

It's almost a force that can manipulate the entire online world.

Now with the development of science and technology, many things will be done through the network.

People who can influence the wind and rain on the Internet will continue to grow in other aspects, and even threaten many things in real life.

He thought it was this that enroxi was worried about.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Ann Ruoxi must have thought of other aspects of things, will again and again be distracted.

There was a look of worry again and again.

He reached out and held the girl's hand, but what the palm of the hand touched was a piece of cold.

It's like touching a piece of ice.Beichen night eyebrow heart a wrinkle, deep voice again open: "if Xi, what matter, we can all think of a way to face together."

"Whether it's about Ruoxi, or about silver, I'll always be with you and never give up."

The deep voice of Beichen night is full of worries.

An Ruoxi turned her eyes and saw the care and tenderness in the youth's black eyes.

It seems that no matter what things can not escape the eyes of teenagers.

But about the chip, it is the bottom line of an Ruoxi.

"In my opinion, the man who built this matrix was not just aiming at Beichen family or someone else."

How much financial, human and material resources are needed to build such a hacker empire.

How much thought and energy do you need to spend to gather these people who are floating in the Internet world together.

Ann Ruoxi can be sure that these people must be living together.

This can facilitate management.

At the same time, once something happens, you can respond to it in the first place.

Gong Jun needs to offer many attractive conditions to let them live here willingly.

Even among these people, many are wanted.

It was gong Jun who found them and took them in so that they could continue to play their strengths.

Thinking of this, an Ruoxi's heart sank even more.

"You mean..." Beichen night's face gradually became serious.

Although he did not complete the following.

But as you can see from his serious appearance, he understood what anjuoxi meant.

Beichen night also thought of the purpose behind that person.

"Allie killed the team, maybe it's just a cover. What that person really wants is Gong CE."

Gong CE was taught by silver and had a high talent in computers.

Those people were also defeated by Gong CE.

Therefore, Gong Jun just came up with such a strategy, let Gong CE completely leave the aw team, and out of the electric competition circle.

Let Gong CE be his right arm.

When you think about the whole thing.

An Ruoxi's face suddenly turned white.

Beichen night's face also followed to sink down.

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