It's not just her.

Beichen night, let Lin Zhengyu almost lost his mobile phone.

"What do you mean?" Lin Zhengyu reached out and pulled out his ear, for fear that he didn't hear him clearly.

The hands of Beichen night are tapping on the table.

It was as graceful as playing the piano.

He opened his thin lips and said, "that montage, too, will win over."

Bang -

Lin Zhengyu seemed to be hit by thunder.

"No matter what you do, you don't have to struggle with the money. The penalty for two people's breach of contract is a large amount."

In Lin Zhengyu's mind, the sound of countless money beating automatically appeared.

Even if Allie and Munchie come together and help them win many games, they can't earn so much money.

"There are a lot of emerging E-sports players, and because there is no way to enter the rematch, there are also a lot of disbanded teams. Isn't it good for us to select new members from them?"

"It's said that the Xuyang team used to take Chaoge and Bingge in the past, but now it is because of the contract that they are quarrelling with each other. At that time, we can bring Chaoge here."

Lin Zhengyu is still struggling.

The air was frozen for a moment.

"Is a man like that worthy?"

In the night of Beichen, the air on both sides is directly reduced to freezing point.

Lin Zhengyu didn't expect beichenye to be so direct.

In the next few days, Lin Zhengyu's words were even worse.

"After the team fails, they switch to other teams at the first time. After experiencing the failure again, they don't think about their own problems, but quarrel with the team about the contract. If such players are recruited, they will only bring trouble to themselves."

At the beginning, they and an Ruoxi their fight, Beichen night also heard.

They were challenging their opponents before they came on the court.

After the game, the means did not have much luster, and the players also complained to each other.

They don't need them.

Lin Zhengyu reached out and touched his nose.

"Well, if Allie killed them and joined us this time, wouldn't she betray the team directly after her failure? What's the difference? "

"You think, why do I ask you to persuade them? I have received the news that their team is likely to be disbanded after returning home, but it depends on your ability to dig people over."

Lin Zhengyu blinked and blinked again.

He and beichenye have been together since they were born.

However, he still did not understand, in the end, the north star night now these words, is to boast himself, or to damage himself.

Sounds like something's wrong.

"Didn't you always want to find a charming woman?"

The night of the North Star threw out a huge temptation.

In fact, Ellie killed such girls, has always been Lin Zhengyu's favorite type.

Most of Lin Zhengyu's girlfriends are such beautiful women.

Beichen night, let Lin Zhengyu's mind automatically appear in the face of Ellie.

The next second, he couldn't help shivering.

Alice killed such a beautiful woman, looking really attractive, but it is a real snake and scorpion beauty, beautiful appearance, with poison.

"I like beautiful women, yes, but I can't flatter such beauties."

"I can only say I try my best, but I can't guarantee whether I can bring people in successfully," Lin said

Lin Zhengyu has learned to be smart now.

In front of the north star night, he will not speak too much, otherwise only himself will suffer.

In front of others, maybe Lin Zhengyu can play tricks, but in front of Beichen night, he can only fulfill his promise.

"Come to me when you are in trouble." Beichen night finish saying, put the phone to hang up.

That side.

Lin took a look at the phone and put his hand in his hair.

Trying to persuade Ellie to join them was a headache.

That's a famous Death Eater.

The name spread from abroad to China.

Generally, the domestic people have limited understanding of foreign players, far less than the domestic players. After all, there are too many foreign E-sports players.

The reason why Ellie is so famous is that in addition to her own superb skills, it is because there are too many foreign teams who want to poach, and they are all rejected by Allie.

Therefore, she is also famous for her iron walls, which can not be cut through.


Lin Zhengyu cleared his mind.

This time's game, for Ellie to kill the team, is also a race to win glory for the country.

Because their country has lost the dispute with China before, so this time they have more pressure to win.So this time they go back, they are likely to be angry, and the most serious consequence is to disband the team.

The north star night can say so, certainly has received the news.

If Lin Zhengyu wants to dig people over, he has to wait until their team dissolves and then talk about the contract with the other party.

Otherwise, don't talk about the liquidated damages. It's very difficult for Ellie to kill herself.

After thinking about the whole thing, Lin Zhengyu also relaxed a lot.

Put on your backpack and get ready to leave.

At this time, his mobile phone rings, an email into his mailbox.

When the contents of the mailbox were clearly seen, Lin Zhengyu suddenly widened his eyes.

This is a pregnancy test report.

The owner of this report is his sister-in-law, Lin Jin's wife Gong linger.

Because of a long time, so the paper some yellowing.

Two long bean sprout like embryos cling to each other.

The report shows that intrauterine twins.


Lin Zhengyu's brow frowned for a moment. An idea flashed through his mind, but the speed of the flash was too fast for him to grasp.

Keep looking down.

This report is 18 years ago.

It was not long before Lin Jin and Gong linger disappeared.

At that time, they had already known that Gong linger was pregnant, so why did the elder brother take on the task?

Why did Lin Jin take Gong linger to participate in such a dangerous thing?

Lin Jin has always loved his wife like his life, and his love for Gong linger is still well-known.

Therefore, it was impossible for Lin Jin to let Gong linger take risks at that time.

However, according to reliable information, Lin Jin did go on a mission with his wife at that time, and he died in the process of the task.

Is Gong linger hiding her pregnancy?

For a moment, Lin felt as if his head was about to explode.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

He tried to grasp the thread of thought, but found that he could not grasp anything.

He stares at the B-ultrasound on the screen of his mobile phone.

Twins 18 years ago, that's what they look like now.

Gongjiagang also has a pair of illegitimate twins.

According to their present age, they are almost seventeen or eighteen.

Gong Heng and Gong CE.

Is this a coincidence?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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