On the computer.

This is the picture of Lin Jin and Gong linger attending the banquet together.

Eighteen years ago, Lin Jin and Gong linger looked like golden girls to everyone.

The banquet they attended this time was the birthday party of master Gong.

On that day, many upper class people took part.

It's very lively.

But later, it broke up a little.

The combination of Lin family and Gong family.

It is also a representative of the alliance of the powerful in the upper class.

At that time, the popularity of the Lin family can be said to be nothing different at that time.

First of all, the combination of the Beichen family and the Lin family made the Lin family's position in the military rising.

After that, the combination of the Lin family and the palace family made the status of the three realms of the two sides advance by leaps and bounds.

Many people in the upper class wanted to cooperate with the two families, especially when there were still several younger generations of the Lin family who had not yet married. They were known as the "diamond king" in the circle.

All the celebrities in the city tried to squeeze into the Lin family's door.

The sons of the Gong family at that time were very popular, but they were much inferior to the Lin family.

A lot of famous ladies met the wall there, and then they turned and threw themselves into the arms of gongs.

This kind of differential treatment makes several gongs of the palace family red eyed.

They even feel regret for their family status.

But Mr. Lin has no quality, will not respect the old and love the young, and even discredit the palace family.

Because of these words of master Gong, the Lin family was looked at with colored glasses for a period of time, and finally the Lin family took practical actions to fight in the face.

Let everyone see clearly the Lin family's behavior, only then gradually restored the past reputation.

But Mr. Gong's behavior made him very unhappy.

Later, the two families were not happy because of business affairs. The master Gong even wanted Gong linger to divorce Lin Jin and return to the palace.

But because Gong ling'er and Lin Jin are very affectionate, the matter will not be over.

The party.

I know about Beichen night.

For Beichen night, the banquet is equally important.

It was at this party that his father met other women, and after trying to steal Huan's pleasure, he was out of control.

Mother is also because of the father again and again infidelity, and finally depressed and die.

When I was a child in Beichen night, when I knew that my father was a woman who recognized her because of the banquet, I also thought that if my father didn't attend the banquet, would everything be different?

However, even if I didn't take part in that one, I would take part in the second one in the future.

There's always a party where that person makes mistakes.

Holding the computer hand slightly tightened a few minutes, the North Star Night stable mood.

He looked at the computer screen.

On this news, there are pictures of Lin Jin and Gong linger.

When you see Gong linger's dress, Beichen night's eyebrows are slightly frowned.

It's not that he hasn't seen Gong linger's picture.

Gong ling'er is very beautiful, with a figure of nine heads and a natural model frame.

There are also some pictures with my mother.

But in every group photo, Gong linger is wearing a very fitting dress with delicate makeup.

It's perfect like a person coming out of a picture.

But now in this photo, Gong linger's skirt is a little loose, as if deliberately hiding something.

Beichen night quickly glanced at the news release time.

The time of the news release was exactly 18 years ago, before Lin Jin and Gong linger were ready to go on a mission.

In this photo, it is basically certain that Lin Jin must know Gong linger is pregnant.

So it's very likely that Lin Jin, who was on a mission with him, was not Gong linger.

He shared the news link on his mobile phone and sent it to Lin Zhengyu directly.

Beichen night looked at the two people in the photo, frowning tightly.

Maybe, what happened at the party is not just a sad ending.

Something must have happened at the palace's birthday party.

Lin Jin's mission is likely to be known by others at this party.

When a thread is found.

After that, other things can be clearly associated.

"sent someone to secretly investigate, eighteen years ago, the palace gentleman's birthday party, what people are attending, I want a detailed list, meticulous to the night's waiter, temporary workers, we must find out."

When Beichen night spoke, he had left the rest room and came to the office.

"Little night, are you sure it was eighteen years ago?" The other side was a little surprised.What happened 18 years ago? I'm just checking it now?!

"Yes, it's all about the details. I want to know what happened that night and what I can find out." The night of the North Star once again increased the difficulty of the investigation.

"Hiss -" the other party took a deep breath, and was obviously surprised by the request of Beichen night.

"It's very difficult to find out what happened 18 years ago. Now we have to find out all the details. If we want to find out all the foreigners, there is no screening criteria or clues that can provide me with a better investigation?"

The tone of the other party has a trace of coquetry.

Even if a boy's voice is waxy, but the tone is waxy.

“……” Beichen night got a small well word on his forehead.

"Little night..." The other side calls with coquettish tone, and even lengthens the ending.

The words of well in the forehead of Beichen night suddenly increased a few.


"Shut up!" Beichen night cold voice said: "three days time, give me a good investigation, if not trouble, also don't look for you."

"Isn't the intelligence network of Beichen family the strongest in China? Maybe if you give me an order, the information will come to you tomorrow. " The other party tried to negotiate terms with beichenye.

"Two days." The tone of Beichen night is colder.

"Er..." The other side was surprised.

"One day." Beichen night is still cold as ice.

This time, the other side was completely silent, and even dare not to come out of the atmosphere.

Everyone knows that the north star night to say one no two.

"OK, well, after three days, I will give you all the information you want. I really owe you. How can I still pay you back..."

Dudu Dudu

Did not wait for the other party to finish, the North Star Night directly hung up the phone.

The wheelchair slid and he came to the French window.

Standing here, you can have a panoramic view of the distant night.

Darkness seems to have the power to swallow everything.

It's close.

Beichen night has a strong intuition.

As long as the Lin family's affairs are solved, many things will come to the surface.

Over the years, he always felt that there was a hand at work.

As long as he finds out, he can know who the hand belongs to.

No matter who it belongs to, he will let that person know.

No one can move what he wants to protect!

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