Beichen night skin smile meat not to laugh to pull the corner of the mouth.

"You can make such a low-level mistake. What's the use of keeping the old data in the computer?"

It's not easy.

After hearing the words of Beichen night, these four words appear in an Ruoxi's mind.

For an intelligence agent or private detective, the most important thing should be the old data stored in the computer.

These are all their hard-earned wealth.

Even some things can't be found now.

Most private detectives have their own databases, which are passed down from generation to generation.

The longer the family is, the more valuable their information will be.

I don't know if this man belongs to the detective family.

But the people who can be used by Beichen night are certainly not ordinary people.

From the point of view of the other party's information, I'm afraid it's very close to the destruction of Beiya. I'm afraid it's really broken down.

"Now only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps?" The tone of the other party did not improve at all, but became more angry: "as for the information you asked for in three days, I will help you sort it out in one day, and I will keep getting it in front of you. How can you treat me like this?"

The other side is really very efficient.

However, for beichenye, the relationship between beichenlan and Linxi is a bottom line for him, and no one is allowed to joke.

I'm afraid he doesn't know enough about Beichen night.

"What's more, why did you break my computer without asking for the purpose?"

Pa -

after the other party finished, he also knocked on the table angrily.

Obviously, he was very angry by Beichen night.

The more such a reaction, the more can prove the precious information in the other party's computer.

"There are at least hundreds of backup copies in your place. They are updating synchronously every day and destroying your computer. It is only a warning to you. If you make another offence, all your information will disappear."

North Star Night says coldly.

That seeps into the bones of the cold, even the office inside the air, also followed the cold down.

"Even so, you can't do this to me. Besides, why don't you ask me why I made such an arrangement?"

Obviously, the other party is waiting for the north star night to ask him.

Beichen night's hand knocked on the table top, but silent did not open his mouth.

For a moment, there was silence on both sides.

Beichen night was angry.

This is the most direct thought in anjuoxi's mind at the moment.

Because of the name of Lin Lan Chen.

But on that day, Lin Xi did not go to the party at all.

From the dialogue between the other party and beichenye, you can hear that the other party has a lot of old information in his hands, which can't be found on the network now.

In his database, there should be a clear record of some events about the banquet.

But strangely enough, he still made such a mistake.

For a while, an Ruoxi couldn't guess the other party's thoughts.

What is the reason why he put the names of his parents together in this way.

"You really don't ask? Don't want to know? " The other side is very childish.

Clearly holding the secret in his hand, he must tease Beichen night.

Although the north star night is always light on the surface, but the bone is very stubborn.

What he decides will not change easily.

What he doesn't want to ask, no matter what the other side says, he won't ask.

"No interest." Youth thin lips light open, three words directly send each other.

There was a quick silence.

But the other side did not seem to give up, he took a deep breath.

"Why are you so boring?" They make complaints about it: "in contrast, your fiancee is much more interesting than you, but how did you get together again?"

"Your fiancee is so crazy that you have a green grassland on your head. How can you tolerate her coming back to you?"

The tone of the other party is full of a trace of ridicule, as if to find the face just lost.

"Keke --"

an Ruoxi was almost choked by her own saliva.

She knew that beichenye must have investigated her own affairs.

But now it's embarrassing to mention it so clearly to this person.

Although the former things were not made of silver, it was the original owner of the body, but in the final analysis, it was also because the original owner was misled.

If the original owner had known Beichen night earlier, maybe everything would have been different.

Perhaps, the original owner and father, can continue to live happily.

But maybe it's possible because it can't come true."If you're not in business, you're dead." Beichen night said, hand to the mobile phone, directly hung up the phone.

Ding Lingling --

the next second, the other party directly calls again.

The mobile phone vibrated on the desktop.

Beichen night is not in a hurry to pick up, as if in testing the patience of the other side.

Finally, the exact time was picked up at the last second.

"Damn you, look how I deal with you..." Young men's words are heard through loudspeakers in the office.

His words are obviously aimed at Beichen night.

The corner of an Ruoxi's lips kept rising.

She wanted to laugh.

However, it can only be stifled.

My stomach trembled a little, but I had to hold back trying to smile.

If you laugh at this time, I'm afraid it's really the rhythm of the game.



Two coughs were heard in the office at the same time.

An Ruoxi used a light cough to cover up her smile.

Beichen night is to use a light cough to warn the other party to speak carefully.

"Er -" the young man was stunned.

He didn't expect that beichenye would answer the phone in such a timely manner that he didn't even realize that the phone had been connected.

When he responded, he immediately said, "it's said that we're going to exterminate insects at home. Why are so many small insects running around?"

An Ruoxi silently praises each other's alertness in her heart.

"Why, how did you get through?"

The other side seems to have just responded to the same, as if nothing happened to answer the phone.

"I just went to exterminate the insects. Can't you listen to me? The reason why I write this is because a lot of people said that night, your parents attended the party together


Originally also bear the smile of an Ruoxi, when hearing this sentence, smile to disappear.

No one knows better than Beichen night whether or not Lin Xi attended the banquet that day.

But the other party means that now many people say that they all saw Lin Xi and beichenlan attending the party together that day?

How could that be possible?

How could Lin Xi not even remember whether he went to the banquet?

What's more, beichenlan also met other people's women that day, and their families had problems. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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