My heart is pounding.

Feng Shen words, let an Ruoxi heart more intense uneasiness.

She thought it was because Feng Shen had informed her that Lin Zhan and Lu Tiancai had not contacted her.

But now, Feng Shen said that they were nearby instead of arriving in time.

"Contact them again." An Ruoxi said in a deep voice, "you call Lu Tian, I call Lin Zhan."


After a deep reply.

Both sides hung up.

An Ruoxi quickly dials Lin Zhan's number.

Dudu Dudu

Dudu Dudu

The phone kept ringing.

The state of being connected, but no one answered.

After ringing for a long time, there was a sweet voice from the customer service, indicating that the owner was busy and could not answer for the time being.

Ann Ruoxi called again.

Dudu Dudu

Dudu Dudu




Then even three to make a few phone calls are unanswered, an Ruoxi again dialled the sealed phone.

Over there.

The seal was picked up at the first time.

Apparently, he's already waiting for an's call.

"I can't get through. How are you doing there?" There was a little anxiety and worry in his voice.

This is the usual he, in the face of how big things, did not appear in the mood.

But now, he was very upset.

Ann Ruoxi can't help but pinch the mobile phone.

Lu Tian and Lin Zhan should be together, so they both said they were near the Internet bar.

But now, they have lost contact at the same time.

On the eve of the game, accidents happened one after another, and the intention of the other side was very obvious.

"I'll try to check the surveillance around the Internet cafe to find people. You can look at the people in the Internet cafe. Can you help me go out and find people together?"


Even if they are taken away, they should be taken away near the Internet bar.

An Ruoxi checks the monitoring near the Internet bar.

Feng Shen then launched the people in the Internet bar to find people together.

In this way, people should be found in the first place.

"No problem." The seal is deep and the voice answers.

After Ann Ruoxi hung up the phone, she walked in the direction of the computer.


The girl's face was as heavy as ice.

She knew that this matter must be gong Jun's.

In fact, he is very clear that the public opinion aroused by Gong CE on the Internet can not make them withdraw from the competition by the organizers.

The reason why he let Gong CE do this is just an experiment on Gong CE.

If he wants to keep them out of the game, he has to keep their people out of the game.

Therefore, the best way is to take Lin Zhan and Lu Tian away.

No matter what the final outcome of what Gong CE did, it will not have any impact on Gong Jun.

See an Ruoxi eyes wrong, North Star Night busy mouth asked: "what happened?"

"Lin Zhan and Lu Tian are gone." Ann Ruoxi said in a cold voice, her hands were operating quickly on the computer.

In front of a string of code quickly flashed by.

Quickly linked to the Internet bar near the network.

Through these networks, we start to enter the monitoring screen.

One by one, the monitoring screen is opened, and the four monitoring images are carried out at the same time.

But this is clearly not enough.

There are a lot of junctions that are not monitored.

If you are lucky, you can see it in the first monitoring screen, but the probability is too low.

An Ruoxi found the problem for the first time.

She turned her head and looked at the north star night.

Beichenye is also looking at her all the time.

"Follow me." Beichen night directly launched the wheelchair, to the direction of the door.

Ann Ruoxi closed the computer interface and quickly followed.

Beichen night with an Ruoxi into the elevator, directly to the bottom.

Through the intelligence area, take an Ruoxi to the direction of monitoring network security department.

Before, an Ruoxi followed Beichen night to come to the intelligence zone, but did not know that there was a hole in it.

Through the long corridor, the eyes suddenly opened up.

People in uniform, walking back and forth.

They are holding a tablet computer in their hands, constantly operating on it, looking very busy, coupled with the dignified expression on their faces, people can not help wondering whether there is any security alarm in the building today.

"Two little."

"Two little.""Two less."

Everywhere North night comes, there will be people greeting each other.

But they would be stunned when they saw Ann ruosi.

They usually see Ann ruosi through monitoring.

It's the first time I've seen myself so close.

High definition monitoring screen, let them know early, two less fiancee is a male and female indisputable, grow delicate beautiful girl.

But looking so close, it is more powerful than watching it on the monitor.

Let many people in the moment of looking at the girl, are stunned.

At this time, a room door was suddenly opened.

The people in it were in line, and they came out of it.

The person walking in front of him came to this side for the first time when he saw the North night.

"Two, everything is ready as you have ordered." Said the comer with respect.

He also saw Ann ruosi, but he turned his eyes away at the first time.

After he finished speaking, he bowed down and waited for the next instruction and command on the night of the North Chen.

"Here we can. You can go and do the rest first." Said the North night.

"Yes." The man nodded, and he was ready to leave. The next second, he stopped again, turning around and asked mysteriously, "second, was the last time that the very powerful man came again?"

The man asked carefully, and was curious, but he dared not ask more. It looked funny.

The last time that very powerful person, can not refer to oneself?

Next second.

The North night glanced at the direction of ANN Ruoxi.

This is a positive reply to Ann ruosi.

This man, indeed, is himself.

Ann Ruoxi remembered his last fight with the North night.

That day.

It is the happiest day since Ann Ruoxi was born again.

It was in the competition of electric race, in the hacker operation, can not get the satisfaction.

It's like finding something that I've been longing for in my soul.

Release the emotion that I have repressed for a long time.

Found their final home.

"Almost." "North night simulation can be said.

Then the wheelchair slides.

The North night entered the room directly.

Ann ruosi followed closely.

After entering the room, Beichen night came directly to the host.

"Is it all the surveillance videos near the crown cafe?" Asked the North Chen night.

Ann ruosi nodded heavily.

"Yes, when the team called them, they said they were near the Internet cafe."

Got the affirmative answer, Beichen night quickly on the keyboard operation.

Ten fingers flying.

It's like magic changes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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