"I'll try to recover."

"I'll try it, too."

An Ruoxi and beichenye began to move at the same time.

However, because it is not the original equipment, it is very difficult to recover.

Just then -


The computer suddenly sounded the alarm.

And it's not one.

All the computers are ringing at this time.

An Ruoxi frowned.

The night God in the north is cold.

In the process of fixing the video, a virus came in.

The messenger also rings at this time.

"Er Shao, what happened? Do you need help in? "

The manager I met outside before, now.

It's a time to beat the clock.

None of them knew what they were going to do to Lin Zhan and Lu Tian.

Just then.

An Ruoxi is operating on the computer, suddenly jumped out of a web page.

The page shows a line of words.

As long as the aw team withdraws, we will let them go, otherwise

It's not just the crown team.

And it's not just about getting the crown team on their backs.

Re create public opinion, so that all people mistakenly think it is aw team hype.

Then he took Lu Tian and Lin Zhan away from the Internet bar.

To the back, but also let the North Star headquarters of the computer virus, just this point, is a need for nearly 100 hackers to complete the thing.

Not to mention all that has been done.

And all this, unexpectedly just want to let aw team withdraw from the competition?!

Ann Ruoxi tightened her eyebrows.

Beichen night's face is also particularly cold.

But they all thought that the opponent's purpose could not be so simple.

Perhaps, this is just in front of Gong CE, the performance is so simple.

"It's just the beginning." Ann Ruoxi said in a deep voice.

Although she can not say that she knows Gong Jun very well.

But she knew that Gong Jun was very greedy and would never suffer losses.

It is absolutely impossible for such a small purpose to do so many things.

"As long as we compromise, things will really unfold." North star night goes on to say.

Their ideas coincide.

They don't do meaningless things.

The same is true of opponents.

"If you follow this page, even if there is only a clue, you can't let go of it!"

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