The Lin family needs to find the position of Lin Zhan through the system.

And through such a chip to locate the position, the accuracy is very high.

In this way, they can immediately determine the location of Lin Zhan and Lu Tian and rescue them.

In such times, every minute counts.

Beichen night people, also in the vicinity began to search for those cars.

As long as you find those cars, you'll find clues.

In the car, the information they want to know will be hidden, and the identity of those people can also be solved.

At this time -

the conversation between an Ruoxi and Feng Shen is over. Seeing that beichenye has hung up the phone, he comes directly to him.

"How about it? What did Lin Zhengyu say? "

Although Lin Zhengyu has been reminded to pay attention to safety, there are still some worries about whether other people will be targeted in this special situation.

"He has a clue. He is following up now. If he finds out, he will inform us immediately. In addition, the Lin family has a large sphere of influence here. Sometimes I will ask the Lin family for help."

The headquarters of Beichen was set up here, not in the imperial capital.

It's something that many people don't think of.

Even if people know this place, they will think it is just a branch office.

So this is the reason why Beichen headquarters has not been disturbed in recent years.

At the beginning, beichenye tried its best to set up the headquarters of the company here. It has been protested by many shareholders. It is only in these years that those people have seen the safety that they have gradually ceased to speak.

Until now, beichenye still feels that his decision to set the headquarters of the company here is really right.

"Is this the base camp of the Lin family?" Ann Ruoxi asked in a low voice.

Qingcheng is a second tier city, next to the imperial capital.

It is not surprising that the Lin family will set up their base camp here.

After all, the four big families and eight big enterprises are also very frequent here.

Camping here seems to have become an unwritten rule.

But the night of the North Star shook his head.

"No, their base camp is in the imperial capital. This is a newly developed force. All people are interested in the development trend here, but it is not easy for the Lin family to find a way out of these people."

North Star Night some emotion ground says.

The Lin family had already begun to decline.

If it wasn't for the bold decision of master Lin to develop here, I'm afraid the current power of the Lin family would be reduced by half.

Want that old man, Beichen night's eyes in a little more soft.

Ann Ruoxi didn't know what he thought of at night.

But from his look, it was not a bad thing.

"The Lin family should be more kind to you." An Ruoxi took the hand of the north star night and said softly.

The tenderness in the words is intoxicating.

The north star night looks directly at an Ruoxi's eyes, inside the water light Ying Ying Ying Ying, very soft.

That soft, can always convey to other people's heart.

Beichen night holds an Ruoxi's hand and wraps her small hand in his big palm.

"Get to know them."

Lin family, is the north star night has always wanted to take an Ruoxi to the place.

As an Ruoxi said, the Lin family is more intimate to Beichen night than Beichen family.

Stay in Beichen home, Beichen night only feel that there are countless pairs of eyes have been staring at their every move.

Once you do something wrong, you will fall into the abyss of doom.

"Good! When this is over, will you An Ruoxi simply helped the north star night to set the time down.

She wants to know about Beichen night.

Want to know what people he cares about are like.

Eye ground flash quickly a touch of doting, North Star Night lip Cape light hook, smile should be under: "good."

They came to Feng Shen together.

Feng Shen looks at the hand that two people hold together, lip angle also slightly rises a light radian.

"It's said that aw team is not allowed to fall in love after signing a contract. How should the other team members feel when you show their love every day?"

Feng Shen said jokingly.

Just now an Ruoxi asked the north star night, he also heard a little.

However, Feng Shen didn't hear what they said in a low voice.

He knows that now we have to wait for the Lin family to give us clues.

An Ruoxi and Beichen night looked at each other.

"Didn't you find out when you signed the contract that there was no such provision in the contract?" An Ruoxi said with a smile.

From the establishment of the crown team.

All the players have re signed the contract.

It was also abolished at that time that the contract did not allow players to fall in love.Even many people have joked about Ann ruosi, who has already joined aw team.

Otherwise, they will not be alone for so long.

That night, I heard that even someone directly looked for ex girlfriend compound.

Of course, these things have not been verified, some of which are just hearsay.

But from these things, we can see how eager the aw team people are to come spring.

The seal was a clear look.

"The reason why they don't want fans to think too much about their idols is not allowed to fall in love. Their idols are still everyone's

The interpretation of the seal Shen is completely about the heart of the North Chen night.

At the beginning, the northern night was planned, so it stopped the official Lin Zhengyu from announcing the news.

At the same time, let all players, if not forced, do not actively admit the love.

Most of the fans at this time are some girls who are not familiar with the world and ignorant. It is difficult to imagine what crazy things these girls will do after they know their idols are in love.

Before the electric race circle, someone because of the official announced love, girlfriend was surrounded by people, and finally the poisoning.

During that time, the race circle was in danger.

Such things, Beichen night does not want to happen in their own team.

"Yes." North Chen nodded in response.

An Ruoxi looked at the North night, and then looked at the seal.

It is really highly appropriate to find out that the two people think to some extent.

Maybe, they can also wipe out different sparks in the electric competition.

But such an idea, just in the mind of an Ruoxi flash past.

After all, she doesn't want her fiance and her fans to make up CP powder.

Fans, in particular, may also be able to show photos of two people and wave on the court during the game.

Lu Tian and Gong CE's CP banner made others laugh for a long time.

It led to a long time when people looked at both of them in a different way.

So far, they have a CP fan group, the kind that they will never disband.

Thinking of this, Ann Ruoxi is also feeling a little. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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