"It's said that this task should not be taken over. Why do we have to continue?"

A deep voice sounded.

This silence was completely broken.

"And now we've got a new mission. Isn't that a trick for us?"

"They use us as bait to lure these people."

"Although this is our territory, the people who are attracted by this boy can never be ordinary people."

They had all seen it.

Now looking at Lin Zhan, their heart has begun to regret the original decision.

They thought that they would have nothing to do with the child, so they didn't pay attention to anything when they acted.

Later, when he came out personally, he didn't feel any problem.

But they did not expect that the parents of the Lin family would come to the house to thank them personally with the child.

They didn't expect it, but they didn't care.

But they didn't expect that after many years, they would receive this task.

Kidnap the child again.

It made them wary.

With so many meetings, how could the child not remember their appearance, so they put on the helmet this time.

But it's also very inconvenient for them to move.

But now they are given new tasks.

Today, there will be many people here. They are mainly responsible for making these people meet and fight. As for whether they can escape from here, it depends on their own ability.

This is a new task.

But the mission is extremely dangerous.

At the beginning, they refused firmly.

But when you hear the offer.

They can't just say no.

When the task is completed, we can get 100 million dollars.

The average score of nine people here is 10 million.

At that moment, they seemed to see countless money and gold coins in front of their eyes.

This is not a small number.

How many kidnappings do they have to participate in to get so much money.

It's impossible to say no heart rate.

But the higher the profit, the greater the risk, they all understand.

If they want to make this money, they have to see if they have the ability to spend it.

But in the end.

Desire conquers reason.

They took over the task this time.

Moreover, each has its own plan.


On the other side.

Beichen night is still waiting in place.

But obviously, the people he wants to wait for are not an Ruoxi and Fengshen.

One more step closer.

If it's not good enough ear power, I'm afraid you can't hear such a subtle sound at all.

Through the dense leaves of the Bush, Beichen night can hide itself well and observe the surrounding situation very conveniently.

He opened the leaves and made a small hole, and it was clear that a man in a cap, black tights and army green overalls was coming at a gallop.


He stopped.

In the north star night not far away, holding a mobile phone constantly looking, as if to confirm something.

The North Star Night shakes the bush.

The rustling sound immediately attracted the man's attention.

The man looked up and saw the small hole opened by the north star night, revealing the eyes of the youth.

The eyes, never forget.

No mistake. Goodbye.

The man made a jump and went straight into the bush.

When he saw the Beichen night sitting on the ground, the other party was obviously stunned for a moment, and unconsciously looked around, but he did not find the wheelchair of Beichen night.

But Beichen night looks as usual, and his body is also very clean, there is no trace of entanglement or injury with others.

It should be what beichenye wants to do.

"Two little." The man opened his mouth in a deep voice, and slowly squatted down in front of the north star night, and his two people were equal height.

"You're slow." North Chen night light ground says, say words, but let a man's face not from a tight.

But he didn't explain anything. He said directly, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

The words are simple and to the point.

The men were obviously professionally trained.

All the movements are standard and exemplary.

"Forget it this time. I don't want another one." The tone of Beichen night is still light, but it gives people a pressure not to be angry.

Men are well aware that if this happens again, for any reason, they will be eliminated.No one wants to experience the end of the elimination.

"There won't be another time." Said the man in a deep voice.

North Chen night nodded: "long elder brother there how?"

"Everything is in the process of making friends. Longge's daughter has gone to the other party's home now, but today I received the news that you will come to this mountain, so Longge asked me to set out first." The man said slowly.

"Next time, don't take any risks. Mail and other things should be sent as little as possible unless it's necessary. You can't make a fuss about it."

The man is the middle man who arranges in the North Star Night by the Dragon elder brother, facilitates the two people to contact.

The last time I was on the bus, the mail I received was from a man.

The man came from the special training class of Beichen family. Every student there was proficient in all kinds of martial arts and was loyal to Beichen family.

More importantly, they were loyal only to the heirs of the Beichen family.

This generation.

The only inheritor of Beichen family is beichenye.

So they only listen to the command of one person in beichenye.

"Yes." The man responded in a deep voice.

Beichen night nodded, and then said: "send someone to protect the safety of long Chu Fei at all times. No matter what kind of price you pay, you can't let her have an accident."

This sentence, Beichen night every word is very hard.

He is very clear that these people put his safety and interests in the first place under any circumstances.

If they encounter conflict, they will choose to give up long chufei and protect his safety.

That's why the night of the North Star will explain in advance at this time.

He didn't know if he would have another chance to say so.

"Er Shao..." The man was stunned for a moment. Of course, he understood the meaning of Beichen night, but it was very difficult for them to do it.

The north star night did not explain, but quickly continued to explain.

"Since Longge is here today, tell him to protect himself. The people on our side will never show mercy. The purpose of the other party is obvious. We must pay a beautiful account."

The other side is trying to get them all killed here.

At the same time, we can also see if Longge really wants to help them.

If you can let the north star night on this account here, of course, is the best.

If not, after today's war, the situation will be completely clear.

The North elder brother wants to know the purpose of the other party.

This is a game in the middle.

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