This voice, no need to confirm.

An Ruoxi knew it was Lin Zhengyu.

He raised his head calmly and looked up at Lin Zhengyu's teasing eyes.

There was no response, but it was taken for granted.

Can be in an Ruoxi's eyes on the North Star Night gentle eyes, the bottom of my heart still can't help but feel the rising pain.

Just now, after confirming that Beichen night was ok, his whole strength seemed to be drained.

The memory of that all the way running over is even a little fuzzy.

She only remembered that there was a voice in her heart constantly telling herself that she should be faster and faster, otherwise it would be too late.

The safety of teenagers seems to be better than everything else.

Nothing can match it.

A warm palm.

An Ruoxi looks at the situation.

Beichen night has already wrapped her palm firmly in the palm.

"I'm fine." Said the boy softly.

Hearing this sentence, an Ruoxi's nose is inexplicably sour.

She knew that the teenager's response was to feel her worry and nervousness.

I've never let myself get out of control and in such a mess.

The brain, hands and feet are completely out of their control, knowing that in the past it is likely to encounter danger, but still ignore the direct rush.

Such self, let an Ruoxi feel very strange.

But I don't want to change.

It's not so easy to meet someone who makes you lose control.

Fortunately, she not only met, but also loved herself.

So, very good.

"I just told YeYe that this place has been found out. We can't be sure how many ambush people are around here and let him wait in a safe place, but he doesn't listen to what he says. He has to come here in person."

Lin Zhengyu said, shaking his head helplessly.

"What, you can rest assured when you see him at the first time. You don't know that this sentence shocked me. Is this still the night of Beichen, which is called Wannian glacier?"

The beichenye that Lin Zhengyu knew was never the kind of person who would start from the perspective of others and think about it. Even Lin Zhengyu once suspected that beichenye would not fall in love.

Even when he was just with an Ruoxi in Beichen night, he made a lot of things that didn't understand the customs and feelings. Therefore, Lin Zhengyu would have sent him a message --

GAO Leng was happy for a while, and he was chasing his wife crematorium.

But I didn't expect that now, the north star night has made great progress.

The whole person seems to have been transformed.

At this time --

a cold wind came.

Lin Zhengyu hugged himself subconsciously.

When he subconsciously looked in the direction of the north star night, he found that he looked as usual, but with a trace of unspeakable coldness, which made people feel cold involuntarily from the bottom of his feet to the heart.

It seems that his transformation is different from person to person.

"I'll just talk about it. OK, Ruoxi, let's get down to business." Lin Zhengyu opened the topic for the first time and did not continue to linger on it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will be abandoned in this deep mountain later.

He didn't want to find a way to escape.


Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!

Running and panting are mixed together.

A figure is constantly approaching.

Everyone was on alert the first time.

The black muzzle was aimed at the people.

"Wait a minute. Maybe it's sinking." Ann Ruoxi said in a deep voice.

The north star night is busy a raise hand, let everybody put the weapon in the hand well.

Sure enough, when the outline of the visitor gradually became clear, Feng Shen appeared in front of everyone.

He was out of breath, holding his knees with his hands, and he was obviously out of strength.

When he saw a group of people in front of him, he was obviously stunned and his body gradually became stiff.

"Is this the man who supports us?" Feng Shen looked directly at an Ruoxi and asked.

Ann Ruoxi nodded.

"Ruoxi, tell me first when you run next time. I can hardly come back." Feng Shen said helplessly.

The moment I heard the gunshot.

Feng Shen of course knows that an Ruoxi is worried about the safety of Beichen night.

Because that's where the gunfire came from.

Feng Shen was also the first time to rush in this direction, but the speed of an Ruoxi was too fast. If it wasn't for the signal left along the way, I'm afraid it would not come back.

Seal sink words, let an Ruoxi face a heat.

It's one thing for her to care about Beichen night, but it's another to say it directly in front of everyone.

An Ruoxi felt a warm line of sight, looking at himself all the time.The hand held by Beichen night is also tightened little by little.

The heat on the face is still rising.

She quickly cleared her throat and said to the crowd, "there are nine people on the other side. They are gathered in the cabin not far from the front. Everyone is wearing a helmet."

"There are cameras at the front door and the window of the two-story cabin. Some people will use binoculars to see the situation from the window, so be careful when you move."

"When you are close to the cabin, you can pay attention to some uneven places on the ground. I suspect there are traps in those places."

An Ruoxi roughly explained what he had observed.

From an Ruoxi's opening, the scene gradually quieted down.

All people originally thought that this was just an ordinary little girl. From the moment she came, she threw herself into the arms of Beichen night.

But I didn't expect that such a girl could observe so carefully.

Despite the confusion in everyone.

But they are all trained and will never ask questions.

Among them, the most surprising thing is sealing.

He clearly saw the same picture as an Ruoxi, but he observed a completely different situation.

If not trained professionally, how could an Ruoxi do this?

Feng Shen's doubts became deeper and deeper.

But he didn't think about it in any other way.

I just think whether an Ruoxi has ever joined any organization.

An Ruoxi can't take into account the thoughts and feelings of Fengshen. Now the most important thing is to rescue Lin Zhan and Lu Tian as soon as possible.

"The first team, the second team, follow Ruoxi to the cabin to save people."

Beichen night deep voice said.

In the queue, a dozen people quickly came out.

They were arranged in two rows, facing an Ruoxi's direction.

An Ruoxi but looked to the North Star Night doubtfully: "that you?"

From the words of Beichen night, he seems to have other actions.

"Those three people over there are not in the same group as those in the cabin. I want to take someone to solve the people over there."

Beichen night doesn't intend to hide an Ruoxi.

Ann Ruoxi frowned tightly.

Now the meaning is obvious. On this mountain, not only their people and those in the cabin, but also some foreign people.

Their target is certainly not the cabin gang.

It's the night of the north star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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