When Beichen night says this sentence.

The Dean suddenly felt that he had been caught in a trap.

His heart sank.

"Little night..." He gave a low cry and opened his mouth for a moment. It's not like saying it or not.

"Well?" Beichen night from the nose issued a syllable, looking at the Dean, indicating that he continued to speak.

The cold sweat on the dean's forehead continued to slide down.

He knew that once the information in his office was discovered, things would get out of hand.

Even those who helped themselves at the beginning, now many of them are arranged in their own hospitals.


There will be more and more people involved.

Damn it!

The Dean murmured in his heart.

Beichen night looked at the president's ugly face, the corners of his lips hook up a trace of invisible radian.

Now, it's all in the hands of teenagers.

A phone call out.

The dean's office has been surrounded.

Boxes by boxes of information were taken out of the dean's office.

The Dean looked at the boxes and boxes of information, and his face turned pale.


His cell phone rings.

Seeing the number above, his heart felt like a drop of blood.

Wrong step, wrong step.

If it is not because of greed, choose the wrong way, how can today be the North Star Night completely bottom.

Work here is in full swing.

On the other side.

Emergency room.

The blood test report has come out.

Lin Zhan and Lu Tian are the most effective drugs on the market.

If the delivery time is half an hour later, they are expected to leave a very serious sequela.

Thinking of such two excellent and handsome men, if they are delayed in treatment, they will not be able to manage in the future. All the medical staff can't help but feel happy.

Fortunately, the patient was sent in time.

And under the treatment, there is no big problem.

The medical staff inside don't know that the outside world has changed.

After the final treatment, they push people out.

Out of the door of the emergency room, there was no one outside.

One of the professors frowned: "what about the dean and his assistant? Wasn't it just being supervised? How come you're not there? "

Another expert looked around and found that the corridor seemed to be very busy today, with many patients walking around.

In normal times, the corridor can't be so busy.

"What? The president has been investigated! "

All of a sudden, a cry of surprise caught the attention of this side.

All of them looked at it aloud and saw two patients chatting.

Maybe it's because this thing is too shocking, so the other party didn't control their volume for a while.

Now, their voice has been reduced again, making it impossible for them to hear clearly.

"The Dean has been investigated?" Asked a professor, somewhat puzzled.

"Take a look at the intranet and you'll see." The expert squinted at the professor and took out his mobile phone to check it.

Sure enough, there has been first-hand information on it.

There is also the picture of the Dean sitting on the ground, and the information of the office being carried out box by box.

They can even see from the photos that the president's face is remorseful at the moment, as if he had made a wrong decision that led to his coming here today.


Deep frying.

But it was a simple operation for two handsome men.

The world outside has changed.

It's getting too fast.

No one knows what happened to the dean.

But they can see from the president's appearance that it is not so easy for the president to turn over.

"It seems that I have to brush the intranet as soon as I finish the operation, otherwise I don't know what big news I miss." The expert shook his head.

People here seem to be used to such things.

No one even thought it strange that the Dean was investigated.

They seem to have expected this to happen.

"What about these two patients?" Another expert pointed to Lu Tian and Lin Zhan, with their salivary faces as if they wanted to take them as their own and use them as their own experimental objects.

"That's a person brought by a distinguished guest. Don't make any ideas about it. You can send it to VIP. You can go to see the excitement, can't you?" The expert said with a sly look on his face.

This proposal has been agreed by all.In this way, Lu Tian and Lin Zhan, who had only to be escorted by nurses, were now surrounded by experts, professors, doctors and nurses to the VIP floor.

Because it is convenient to take special care of VIP customers, the dean's office is specially set in the floor of VIP ward.

A group of people marched towards the elevator.

And to the VIP floor.

Along the way, the group continued to receive passers-by's attention.

It seems to be so powerful that people who don't know think these two patients have some terrible diseases.


VIP ward area.

President's office.

The Dean was still sitting on the ground, watching all the people holding his documents and materials going out.

At the moment, his intestines have been regretted.

His cell phone is still ringing, he has no mood to pay attention to.

He knew that his life would be over.

He is no longer the man who can make a great impact in the medical world. He will change into prison clothes and stay in the cage where he has rescued countless people.

And those who have been rescued will be tested again.

After they are released from prison, they may also be found out one by one.

If you meet them inside, those people will never let go of themselves.

Even if they don't meet them, they have to find someone to deal with themselves.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was.

The whole man trembled involuntarily.

He took out his mobile phone, pressed off the calls that were constantly dialing in, and instead dialed the number that he did not dare to save but remembered in his heart.

Dudu -

Dudu Dudu -

the phone rings twice, and it becomes a busy tone.

Call again.

The other party continues to hang up.

Finally, the other side simply shut down.

What do you mean?!

Did he become an abandoned son?

Did the other party give up on himself?

The Dean looked at his cell phone in disbelief.

Unwilling to dial again in the past, but the other party is still in the state of power off.


Is it all over?

At this time, a wheelchair appeared in the dean's line of sight.

The young man in the wheelchair was dazzling and unstoppable.

He knew it was his only straw.

In full view of the public, the president knelt all the way to the direction of the youth.

In front of the youth, he directly called out: "little night, please let me go!"

"Let you go?" Beichen night hook lips, some unclear why asked: "just a routine investigation, how to pull on who let go of whom?"

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