Countless stones fell from the sky.

That moment.

The sky seems to be torn apart by a mysterious force.

Originally, the sky full of dark clouds, with the fall of stones, turned slightly red.

It's like the scene at this moment, even the days are angry.

The ground is shaking even more.

It's not just the opposing mages and assassins.

Even an Ruoxi, who was standing in front of Fengshen, could not stand firm.

Only the sealed body rose slowly from the ground.

At his feet, there is a white array.

Looking at this picture on the big screen, it seems that the mage operated by Fengshen has already got the way to fly immortal and completed a sublimation in his life.

An Ruoxi was unstable and fell to the ground.

The stones kept falling around and on her, but they didn't hurt her.

The mages and soldiers of the other side have fallen to the ground.

Stones kept falling around and on them.

Brush brush -

their blood bars are decreasing wildly.

One third of the blood.

Residual blood.

Silk blood.

No blood.

But in the blink of an eye, the blood bar is completely emptied.

An Ruoxi looked at this scene, the heart suddenly some hair cold.

If the assassin's attack is successful, all the damage will be taken back to Feng Shen and her.

This is undoubtedly to give the opponent a chance to fight.

At this time -

the sky began to clear up.

The stones on the ground gradually disappeared.

The other mage and assassin have fallen to the ground, motionless.

Two strikes broke.

Feng Shen directly took the second kill.

It is sealed and sunk by the array, and slowly falls down.

His snow-white cloak, with the air floating out of a beautiful arc.

His ice blue hair perfectly covers his facial features, but he can see his delicate chin and perfect facial lines.

Everything looks so peaceful and beautiful.

As if just the scene of the change of the sky and earth, never appeared.

An Ruoxi operates the character to stand up from the ground and quickly rushes to the direction of the opponent's wild area.

Skillfully operating three fields, after harvesting each other's two fields, an Ruoxi reaped Bruce Lee.

Harvesting Bruce Lee in the first 10 minutes can increase the team's economic development.

Ann Ruoxi picked the right time point and harvested smoothly at the last minute.

Now, the crown team's economy is far ahead.

Ann Ruoxi went back to her wild area for fast harvesting.

On the second road, the race situation has gradually become clear.

Even the wild area, an Ruoxi side also has the upper hand.

Now, the assassins on the other side have to walk around and sneak attack from behind. Otherwise, according to the gap between the two sides, the assassins of the other side will be taken away by an Ruoxi.

But now the situation is still very sticky.

Mushroom's down the road operation, as well as the familiar role of shooter, let him always control the rhythm.

Beichen night's development and economic leadership make him even if he controls the rhythm for the other party, but he is not always led by the nose.

When the system rings the news of a double kill in the middle.

The game of mushrooms began to change.

Had been calm operation and move, suddenly become strange and fast up.

What's more, his steady playing style is more like a trial.

He was observing the operation of the night of the north star.

When aware of the mushroom change, the eye color of Beichen night is awe inspiring.

His face darkened as he watched the other party's imaginary walk.

Both sides are still in a sticky state. Beichen night's caution and advanced prediction make mushroom not occupy any advantage even if it changes the playing method.

But this is just the beginning.

When the mushroom looks awe inspiring.

His attack is like a storm, constantly to the direction of the north star night.

The bullets, like rain, kept pouring in the direction of the north star night.

Hit him at the foot, even he passed by.

Although the North Star Night constantly sliding the mouse to move, the amount of blood is still consumed some.

Now, in terms of blood volume, mushrooms have begun to dominate.

But the mushroom did not relax, but hit more intensively.


The figure flashed.

The sniper with his gun in front of him suddenly disappeared.

In front of Beichen night, there is no one.

The environment suddenly became quiet.

The North Star Night leaves the direction of the grass quickly.Here, only hidden in the grass, can you see no trace of the opponent on the map.

Then -


The fire burst before my eyes.

One after another of the flames, in the North Star Night by the operation of the role of the side constantly lit.

Flames surrounded the night of the north star.

A little action, the flame will burn over, and consume the blood of Beichen night.

Beichen night only ask to stand in the encirclement circle, can not be hurt by the fire.

However, it did not end with the extinction of the fire.

Just as beichenye was about to leave the encirclement, the fire suddenly turned into a sniper that looked astonishing.

The muzzle of the black hole, all pointing to the direction of the character operated by the north star night.

The air was filled with a chill.

As if the next second, the north star night operation of the role, will be countless bullets hit in the body.

What's the trick?!

The night of the North Star searched the brain for an explanation of the trick.

But there is no answer.

Even the audience at the scene was boiling.

"What's the trick of mushroom?"

"My God, this is too strong, the night team can't escape now!"

"It's the first one to place an order. There has never been such an operation in China. Can't it be that the miraculous game set the mushroom specially?"

"Is this on?"

The audience was surprised to see the jaw drop.

In China, we have never seen people use such tricks.

What's the big deal?

On the big screen.

All the guns are aimed at the character of Beichen night.

Beichen night holds the mouse hand very tight.

Qiang branch is very dense, like a stable dungeon, even one leg is difficult to pass through the gap, let alone the whole person.

This time.

The night of the North Star has no way to escape.

Three two one!

Dutifully -

the bullets constantly ejected from Qiang's mouth.

All played in the role of the north star night.

Blood bars are reduced.

In an instant, it was emptied.

When watching the character slowly fall to the ground that moment.

The North Star Night's mind is a flash of light.

This is not a big deal.

It was mushroom, which had been carefully designed from the very beginning.

His current role has a function, that is, after buying the gun, he can drop the gun to attack his opponent.

As long as the opponent steps on the ambush, the ambush will become flame and burn the opponent. This is the first wave of damage.

After that, the flame will become Qiang, scanning the opponent.

This is the second wave of damage.

This is a game set by mushroom early in the morning.

That's why his weapons have always been the lowest.

All the money was used to buy Qiang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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