Such a reaction is unusual.

Watching this situation, the audience, when they see this scene, their hearts are full of anxiety.

They're worried.

The mushroom hit the cannon with great momentum.

When they looked at it from a distance, they could feel the strong impact.

After the weapon changes form, the attack will multiply.

The shell went straight to the north star night.

Five meters.

Three meters.

Two meters.

The distance keeps getting shorter.

The faces of the audience changed from nervousness to trepidation.

"What is the night team doing?"

"In the past, no matter how fierce the opponent, the night team has never tried to be so motionless."

"Does the night team want to give up the game? But it's clear that the rest of the crown team are working hard

"Night team, please don't give up!"

Fans are worried.

Seeing the shell will hit the body of Beichen night.

Even some fans have turned their heads and can't bear to watch.

At this moment --


"My God!"


Bursts of cheers were heard from the audience.

Even some people stand up excitedly in order to see the contents of the large screen more clearly.

On the big screen.

Originally about to be hit by shells, the motionless Beichen night suddenly jumped up.

He even stepped on the shell directly and rushed to the direction of mushroom with help.

At the same time -

the spear he was holding changed in mid air.

The whole body of the weapon glittered with gold, and then countless lights and shadows shot out from the top of the spear.

That moment.

As if the fireworks in full bloom.

And the location of these fireworks is exactly the direction of the mushroom.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.

Everyone felt their ears roar.

This strong sound effect makes the picture look more sensational.

And that seems to be just the beginning.

After the transformation of the form of the spear, bathed in cold light, is tightly held in the hands of the characters operated by the north star night.


The mushroom has been attacked and ejected far away.

The night of the North Star is operating the role, the long gun fiercely stabs on the ground.

An instant crack like a giant snake appeared on the ground, which rushed straight to the location of the mushroom.

That awe inspiring posture, as if to swallow the whole mushroom.

Time flies!

There's no time to dodge.

The ground continued to crack and the debris splashed everywhere.

The picture looks like dust is rolling.

The mushroom, which had been standing upright with a heavy cannon, fell into the gap in an instant.

Mushrooms were originally full of blood, but under this wave of damage, they were taken away directly.

When the announcement rings.

Everyone felt unbelievable.

They didn't even see what was going on in front of them. They only saw that the ground began to change after the big move was released by Beichen night.

After that, the fog was too thick.

How was the mushroom taken away by a wave?

All people's heads are full of question marks.

But soon.

Everyone's attention is drawn to other places.

Now, many teams in the third round have entered the white hot.

The first team to score three points has been created.

The second comes next.



As if all the teams had already agreed, they would catch up.

The entanglement between the crown team and the Xuyang team is more adhesive.


The mushroom returns to the state of waiting for resurrection.

On the screen in front of him, the smoke gradually dissipated.

The ground has returned to its original state.

If his men were not still lying on the ground and the heavy guns were thrown aside, everything would have been like a dream.

It's never been tried.

But now, such a picture is vividly staged in front of mushrooms.

Mushroom can't believe that beichenye is even more accurate than his calculation.

What's more, such a calculation process is produced in the process of two people constantly fighting.

A fight between two people may interrupt each other's thinking at any time.

But Beichen night was not affected at all.Such an opponent, how terrible.

The mushroom is still waiting for resurrection.

A few people from the crown team have been working hard.


Second strike!

Good news came from the road.

Lin Zhan and Lu Tian have found the weakness of the other side's cooperation, and perfectly forced the opponent to retreat.

They didn't stop for half a breath.

Attack the opponent's second defensive tower directly.

It's been a great ride.

The battle situation in the middle of the road, which was originally sticky, changed with the elimination of mushrooms in Beichen night and the second killing of Shanglu.

Feng Shen takes advantage of the opponent's stupefied moment to attack quickly.

The white cloak, with the enhancement of the magic, is blown hunting sound.

The sky began to change color.

The time for skill release begins to shorten.

The opponent has been sealed off.

The opponent is constantly asking for help, but everything is no help.

The opponent's body is strong, and Ruoxi's attack is not strong.

She won't let the same thing happen twice.


Sealed sink release big move.

Take the opponent with one move.

An Ruoxi this side, the other side also was beaten to retreat.

The momentum is good.

The crown team against the Xuyang team, here the basic has been divided.

After that.

Everybody push the tower fast.

Gather in front of each other's crystal.

at this time, the opponent has been revived.

However, when the crown team launched an attack on crystal, they did not come out to stop.

Because there are only three promotion places left.

If we continue to wrestle with the crown team, according to the current development, they can win the probability is very low.

They've all got two points.

They can also compete with other teams that also get two points.

For them, that's the bigger advantage.

Everyone in the Xuyang team will weigh the pros and cons.

After knowing that the situation could not be restored, they did not continue to hold on.

They chose to watch the crown team quickly attack their crystal.

When the crystal breaks.

Ice crystals of silvery white debris spread across the screen.

In front of the crown team is the golden sign of victory.

And in front of the Xuyang team, is the dark gray miracle mark.

Whoever loses wins.

At a glance.

"Let's congratulate the crown team for successfully winning three points and being promoted to the second round. The Xuyang team still has a chance. The system has been matched. Let's cheer for them!"

The host's voice dropped.

The scene was quiet.

There was a certain depression in that silence.

Everyone can see that just to the end of the Xuyang team, in fact, is the performance of surrender to the crown team.

Although this is the last resort.

But for fans, it is a disguised blow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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