
Looking at such a blooming girl, she fell into such pain.

Anyone will feel sorry.

An Ruoxi looks at the palace min'er who has been completely quiet on the hospital bed now.

Her heart is a little confused at the moment.

Now the more I look at it, the more I feel that the girl in the hospital bed is very weak, as if she will leave the world at any time.

All the inspection reports have come out.

The girl's body can now be described as bad.

I couldn't bear it before, but now I can't just ignore it.

Ann Ruoxi took a deep breath and went to the doctor.

"Doctor, please give her treatment, no matter how much it costs, we will bear it, as long as she can get better."

If Gong min'er doesn't have an accident in front of her, an Ruoxi can stay out of the way if she doesn't know.

But now, she has to.

"This Are you her family? " The doctor asked with some caution.

"Doctor, just don't worry about the treatment. I will deal with the family members." An Ruoxi did not say that she was gong min'er's family.

Because in fact, they had no relationship after Enron and Gong Shixun divorced.

Let alone as a family member, as the guardian of Gong min'er.

But now it's important to save people.

As for the rest, an Ruoxi will go to find the palace family to explain.

No matter what, Gong min'er is also a descendant of the palace family. No matter how cruel the other party is, the responsibility should be shouldered.

"OK, but we must do it as soon as possible. The patient's condition can't be delayed now. There will be a lot of responsibility letters to be signed at that time. All these must be signed by myself and their families."

The attending doctor said in a deep voice.

There was something serious in his voice.

Even if the other party has already said hello, but some necessary processes still need to go.

Ann Ruoxi nodded to show that she understood.

At this time --

two female nurse workers slowly enter from the door.

They walked in one after another, and after confirming the identity of the patients in the hospital bed, they came to an Ruoxi and the attending doctor again.

"Hello, Miss ANN, and Doctor Zhang."

The two spoke in tacit agreement.

as like as two peas looked at it, he found that the two nurses were exactly alike, and even highly similar in action.

It must be twins.

From each other's address to himself, an Ruoxi knew that they must be arranged by the north star night.

She nodded to them, or asked, "are you?"

"Miss an, we are arranged by the second youth to take care of Miss Gong. The second Shao reassures miss an that everything will be done well. Miss an can safely go back to her mother and report peace."

Said one of the women nurses.

The other stood upright beside him. Although he didn't speak, he was upright.

From their address to the north star night, we can tell that this is their own people.

Dr. Zhang looked at their strange appearance and scratched his head. He looked at an Ruoxi anxiously: "miss an, is this your own nurse? If there are professional nurses in the hospital, I can also introduce them to you. "

Dr. Zhang said it very directly.

It seems that in this hospital, patients are generally selected as hospital nurses.

That's why Dr. Zhang is confused and worried.

Dr. Zhang is worried that the improper care of patients by the nurses invited from outside will bring unnecessary influence to the hospital and even threaten the life safety of patients.

"This is our own arrangement of people, in terms of professional technology, they are first-class, Doctor Zhang can rest assured."

An Ruoxi's voice is sweet, but with the charm of soothing people's heart.

Dr. Zhang nodded involuntarily, trusting an Ruoxi's words.

It was not until Dr. Zhang left the ward that he reacted with hindsight. He even listened to a little girl so easily and didn't insist that they use the nurse in the hospital.

But when talking with an Ruoxi at that time, there was a magic force on the other side, which led him to believe.

Dr. Zhang stretched out his hand to scratch his head, took a look at the direction of the ward, turned and walked away.

After a while, Josie stayed in the ward again.

Gong min'er, who was sedated, fell asleep very quietly.

That pale skin color, but seems to disappear at any time.

That kind of poor weak feeling, very strong.

An Ruoxi looked at the nurse carefully taking care of Gong min'er, and then put down his heart, ready to return to the deer garden.

Now my mother must be very worried about the situation here.An Ruoxi took out her mobile phone and was ready to call a taxi. However, she saw wechat information on her mobile phone.

It's from Beichen night.

It turned out that before the arrival of the nursing workers, beichenye had sent a message to himself to explain the situation clearly, and even arranged for the driver to wait in the underground parking lot.

An Ruoxi's heart suddenly warmed.

I saw a missed call again.

It's still the night of the north star.

It's even earlier than the content of wechat.

At that time, it was probably because Gong min'er was in emergency treatment, so an Ruoxi didn't hear the sound of the mobile phone shaking.

An Ruoxi lips slightly Yang, after explaining the nurse, while going out, to beichenye back to wechat.

"It's just stabilized. I'm going back to deer park."

A simple sentence, the most simple account.

The next second.

The screen lights up again.

Beichen night quickly returned the message.

"Be safe."

Although it's just a simple command.

But in the eyes of the north, if you can imagine the night out.

"I miss you."

I don't know why, at that moment an Ruoxi actually typed these three words and sent them directly.

She pressed the sentence quickly, ready to press withdraw.

But the mobile phone vibrated at this time.

"Me too."

The speed of Beichen night's reply is slower than just a beat.

But don't know why, an Ruoxi can imagine, at that time when the young people saw this sentence, that face froze.

And smirk after answering the message.

Take back the action of preparing to withdraw the information, the angle of an Ruoxi's lips can't help but rise more powerful.

Get out of the underground parking lot.

An Ruoxi saw the familiar car and the familiar driver.

The driver opened the door respectfully.

Ann Ruoxi took a generous seat.

Instead of looking back, the driver asked through the messenger, "Miss ANN, where are you going now?"

Ann Ruoxi knows that Beichen night must have told the driver that she is going back to deer park.

The driver is now asking this in a disguised way to show her respect.

"Please take me back to deer park." An Ruoxi said politely.

The car smoothly drove out of the hospital gate, toward the direction of deer park.

When I came to the gate of deer garden, I found many onlookers at the gate.

An Ruoxi frowned.

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