"The dance is about to start. Are you sure you're going to be seen here as monkeys?"

The sound of the mushroom chill came.

He spoke, the North night eyes turned, directly gave him an eye knife.

Looking at the appearance of the North night, the mushroom subconsciously shrunk its neck.

From childhood to large, the eye killing on the North night is a fatal injury to mushrooms.

Mushrooms every time contact the eye knife of the night, they can not help but find a place to hide.

Even if it has not been in contact with Beichen night for a long time, this has not changed.

Mushrooms don't even know why they offended the Buddha in front of them.

After all, he just reminded them that the ball was about to start.

Mushroom depressed expression makes an Ruoxi some want to laugh.

If mushroom knows that he just because he and himself down stairs, he has recruited Beichen night, will he shout wrongly in his heart?

The North Chen night led an Ruoxi, two people slowly walked to hall 1.

Mushrooms and guards were behind them.

The guards are very interesting. As long as Ann Ruoxi and Beichen night are together, they will be far away, and try to give them more private space to make them more comfortable.

Of course, this is also North Chen night already had already ordered.

He didn't want to be in love, and he was always in the state of being watched.

Mushrooms only walk with the guards because they feel safer and less attacked by eye knives than they walk with them on the North night.

When the door of hall one was opened.

There was a melodious music in it.

In the center of the stage, the music team of the listening snow building is playing music.

Although the listening snow building is a Chinese restaurant, it is also used by Western instruments.

The melodious music reverberates in the room, which makes people have the impulse to dance.

An Ruoxi looked at it and found that today, many players came together with her partner.

She blinked.

She knew that the agreement signed by aw team before was not allowed to fall in love with team members.

But because of the reason that I was with Beichen night, the Treaty on this agreement was later abolished.

Just did not expect these people are just released cage birds, unexpectedly in such a short time have found girlfriend.

Although there are still a few single people.

But they all sat around and looked very busy.

"I didn't expect aw team people to have such a loose side." Mushroom looked at a pair of people in the dance floor who were dancing on the face, and said it softly.

His voice was not low, and it happened that anlaoxi and Beichen night heard it.

"Are you envious?" Asked the North Chen night.

"Joke, how can I envy, but I prefer to be alone without wronging their own people, do you think they have found their girlfriend now? It's not the same as finding someone who cares about yourself. Maybe even the length of the game will be limited. "

Said the mushroom with no good will.

He doesn't seem to have a cold eye for finding a girlfriend.

"It's not easy. It's not easy to find a girlfriend who plays games with you." Ann Ruoxi laughed and joked.

"Wheezi!" the mushroom sneered: "are you giving me advice or do you take the opportunity to sprinkle dog food like me? Know you two play together, and you are still in a team, so love is not good. "

Mushroom said also put hand, a defeated to an Ruoxi appearance.

Ann ruosi didn't plan to sprinkle dog food on mushrooms.

The reason why I said that is because mushroom just had the attitude of not being grateful to the girl, so he was disgusted by this intentional statement.

I didn't expect mushrooms to think of their own dog food.

But so, if Ann ruosi thought about himself, it really felt like this flavor was in it.

It is just that the speaker is not interested and the listener has the heart.

Because of the words mushroom, the North night saw the mushroom a glance, this eye but a little more warm color.

Mushroom sensitive to the North night two see their eyes have obvious differences.

After a little thought of the changes that have just happened and now, the intelligent mushroom finally finds the mystery.

He felt the cloud covered, the thunderstorm, the mushroom was cut out of the coke.

Is this the North night I know?

In Beichen family, the young people who are so brave can be jealous because of such a small thing?

Although the mushroom was very depressed, he knew that that was the truth.

Even if I don't want to admit it again.

"I also hope that like you, whether in the company or in the Corps, I can get in double. They know each other very well. But there are few opportunities. And there are not many boys like my brother night. I am willing to tie them with others when I am so young.""So you two are a perfect match. No matter who you leave, I think God must be blind."

Mushroom said more and more smooth, while also observing the expression of the north star night.

Sure enough, although the north star night is still expressionless, but with the mushroom words, one by one in the nod.

It seems that his flattery is right.

"Ye Ge, I hope you two can love each other forever. In this way, maybe I will believe in love again."

This time, the mushroom used a solemn tone.

With blessing and hope.

This sentence is from the heart of mushroom.

He had been reluctant to believe in love because of his own growth experience.

But now that he saw Beichen night and an Ruoxi, he felt that the love in the world might not be as bad as he imagined.

Maybe in the future, I can find the girl who is very suitable for her and set up a happy family.

An Ruoxi and Beichen night look at each other and smile.

At this time -

Lin Zhengyu walked over quickly.

"Why don't you stand at the door when you're here? I'm so busy." Lin said as he lowered his shoulder.

He has been busy since he came back.

"Just now someone contacted me, ready to invest in aw team, the amount is 30 million, go to talk to him about details in two days."

"There are also some people from the advertising agency who are looking for me to sign several people with the team to represent their products. One of them is a new car. I'm going to take a look at that one."


Lin Zhengyu kept reporting his work.

Before finishing, the phone rings again.

He stepped aside again and started talking on the phone.

"Hello, aw team, Lin Zhengyu." Lin Zhengyu spoke in a deep voice.

It seems that they are talking about cooperation again. Lin Zhengyu has a fox like smile on his face, but he says it again.

"Well, we've been busy these days."

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