The scene fell into silence.

An Ruoxi looked at the serious appearance of Beichen night, as if there was something beating in the heart.

Just a moment.

The young man's expression of concentration began to enlarge in front of his eyes.

What does gambling account book represent? Although an Ruoxi is a crude nerve, he can also understand his meaning in a second.

They are unmarried and have identified each other.

In fact, even if there is no such bet, in the end, they will naturally become the other side of each other.

Beichen night should be very clear about this.

But now bet on the account book, an Ruoxi faint feeling inside seems not so simple.

"What do you want my account book for?" Ann Ruoxi asked in a low voice, "do you want to be my guardian?"

With a few months to go, an Ruoxi will be fully grown up and does not need a guardian.

Before that, Ben's account will be kept by his guardian.

"I am not your guardian, whether or not you have your account book or not?" Beichen night deep voice said, his voice through the firm, but let an Ruoxi feel some confusion.

How could Beichen night become his guardian like this?

"My guardian is Ms. Enron." An Ruoxi reminds Beichen night.

If he thinks that he is his fiance and becomes his guardian naturally, he seems to have misunderstood the word "Guardian".

Beichen night did not answer, just to an Ruoxi a thought-provoking look.

An Ruoxi doesn't know what the eyes of Beichen night represent.

But the heart is very clear, the meaning of this look is not simple.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at? How can I feel as if I have been calculated by others Ann Ruoxi is full of question marks now.

Beichen night again looked at an Ruoxi, this time he did not answer, but took an Ruoxi's hand, put it on the lips and kiss.

"As long as you know, it's a good thing."

The North Star Night specially sold a pass.

An Ruoxi blinked and blinked again, still feeling a little confused.

She didn't understand what beichenye represented mysteriously, especially the sentence that he was the guardian of an Ruoxi, which rooted in an Ruoxi's heart.

She always felt that it had something to do with it.

Is it that the night of the North Star has got its own custody?

How could it be?

When Enron and Qiao Bei got divorced, they all decided to keep their daughter's custody and custody in their hands.

Now he and beichenye are just unmarried couples. How could Enron give up custody.

But Beichen night just said that sentence, and always like a stone, pressed on an Ruoxi's heart, heavy.

Looking at an Ruoxi's beautiful eyebrows have been wrinkling together. Beichen night reaches out to smooth the girl's eyebrows.

"Push me to the stage. It's time for the captain to speak."

The north star night, let an Ruoxi suddenly looked at the stage, found that the musicians on the stage had stopped playing, the stage now seems particularly empty.

Lin Zhengyu, dressed in formal clothes, walked slowly to the middle of the stage.

The couples dancing happily on the dance floor have also stopped and quietly clapped in four rows, one by one.

"Did you have a good time today?" Lin Zhengyu asked with a microphone on the stage. He was already smiling. The fox smile on his face made people feel that he was obviously happy at the moment.



"Very happy!"


There was one response at the bottom.

Everyone's faces are full of happy smile.

"today, let us gather here, there are two main purposes, first of all, to celebrate the promotion of our AW team, and this time everyone is very awesome, and I am very gratified."

Lin Zhengyu took out the tone of the elder's earnest attitude towards the younger generation.

Unexpectedly, instead of meeting the requirements, the team members gave out a series of boos. It seemed that they were cheering for Lin Zhengyu's young age and pretending to be an elder here.

But the sound doesn't last long.

When an Ruoxi pushed the north star night to the stage slowly, these voices gradually stopped.

Lin Zhengyu is useless on the stage. A simple appearance at Beichen night directly suppresses the scene.

This makes Lin Zhengyu shake his head helplessly on the stage.

These little bunnies are really not afraid of themselves.

"just the sentence, the same night team wants to tell you, at the beginning, we feel that if four teams can enter two to three, it has been very good results, but we are really awesome.""We all know that there is no lack of hard work, so all of us can contribute to the success and glory of AW team today. We must have a good time today. If anyone is not happy enough, he will be punished."

This time, Lin Zhengyu directly pulled the head of Beichen night together.

sure enough, the players on the stage are very awesome for clapping their hands. Everyone applauded a lot of energy, so that if their applause was awesome enough, they would not be able to love the team.

Lin Zhengyu once again felt a strong imbalance.

Clearly he is the cousin of Beichen night, but his influence in the team is far less than that of Beichen night.

Beichen night does not even need to speak, just an expression is enough to make those players scared.

But what they said, the team members dare to take the opposite attitude.

Of course, this is only in today's happy occasion, if it is in peacetime, the players and their own discretion or very good.

This can also prove that these players have a much better relationship with themselves.

At such a thought, Lin Zhengyu's sense of imbalance disappeared in an instant.

Lin Zhengyu has always been a person who can adjust his emotions very well. He can quickly adjust his emotions to the best state even when the sky falls down.

This is the reason why beichenye has always valued Lin Zhengyu.

"There is another reason. As we all know, we have three new players in our team. One of them is our mushroom."

Lin Zhengyu said, the lamplight division very cooperatively hit the mushroom's body.

The scene immediately issued a cheering voice.

"Mushroom will directly join the crown team, let us sincerely wish mushroom and other members of the crown team will be more and more tacit understanding."

As Lin Zhengyu said, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

Mushroom knows, how loud the applause is, on behalf of the team members welcome their own degree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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