Allisha could feel the shiver of the seal.

But the pain made her care nothing else.

The smell of blood continued to spread on the lips.

Even so.

The pain still did not pass quickly.

Ellie's forehead was covered with sweat.

The nurse kept changing her breath and quickly finished a set of movements before slowly withdrawing the action.

By this time, Ellie felt much better.

The feeling of being electrified slowly disappeared.

The pale and bloodless arm gradually regained its strength.


Ellie's reason for killing gradually came back.

The strong smell of blood in her mouth made her frown and open her mouth slowly.

The moment the wound touched the air, the sealing pain made the whole person tremble.

But the corners of his lips rose up slowly, lifted the uninjured hand and touched Ellie's forehead.

"Next time if it hurts, bite me. Don't bite your mouth." Feng Shen gazed at the girl, as if he could not feel the pain in his hands.

The bloody air in her mouth made Ellie's eyebrows even tighter.

At this time, the heart beat fast and disobedient.

"Why?" Ellie asked, stunned.

Feng Shen glanced at the wound on his arm.

It's clearly marked with Allie's teeth.

Just like her white and neat teeth when she laughs, the teeth marks printed on her hands look very neat and full.

But because some places are bitten very deeply, so exudation of blood, it looks like some shocking.

Feng Shen is still smiling.

"Because the pain in my hands is much better than that in my heart."

If it's sunk, Ellie will be stunned.

Her glassy pupils shrank.

This time, Feng Shen has made it very clear, without a trace of cover.

He told Ellie directly what he wanted to do.

He liked Ellie's killing, so he was reluctant to let her have any harm. He would rather she hurt him than see her pain unbearable.

In the face of Ellie's gaze, Feng Shen did not retreat.

His ears were red, but his eyes were as clear as a mirror.

"Originally, I didn't want to tell you so early, because I was afraid to scare you. But after getting along with you last night, I dreamt of telling you all night. I thought I couldn't wait."

Feng Shen looks at Ellie's killing with deep feelings.

"I..." Allie opened her mouth and didn't know what to say in response.

Feng Shen was right. She was really scared.

She didn't expect Feng Shen's character to like her.

She has a hot temper. When she is stubborn, she can't pull back ten cows. She has a lot of bad habits. No one can stand her.

Although Ellie looks very good-looking, the first time you see it, people will have the idea of pursuing, but after half a day of getting along with each other, basically the other party will completely give up this idea.

From then on, I can only be friends with Allie.

Allisha knew that Feng Chen didn't see the way he lost his temper before he said this. Once he saw himself like that, he would no longer be close to him like other boys.

Think of the beautiful picture of the two last night, Allie killed the ear root son is also hot.

But her long-standing sense has clearly gained the upper hand.

"I'm sorry." Allisha directly refused to seal down.

"Hiss -"

before Feng Shen responded, the nurse took a breath first.

"How can you refuse him?" The nurse blinked her eyes, looked at Feng Shen with sympathy, and looked at Alisha as if she hated iron.

"You don't know. When you came to the hospital yesterday, how many people envied you for being so nervous about your boyfriend. In fact, we all know that there is nothing wrong with your nose, but your boyfriend just asks us to relieve pain for you, and there can be no side effects."

"At first, the doctor didn't want to. Later, I didn't know what he said to the doctor. Finally, the doctor came out laughing and arranged for us to give you medicine. How can you refuse his confession for such a conscientious boyfriend?"

The nurse said angrily.

It was as if Allie had done something heinous.

Ellie looks at the nurse and Feng Shen.

In the heart some doubt, whether Feng Shen has already bought this nurse, the nurse intentionally came to the ward to check himself.

Of course, this thought only stopped in Ellie's mind for a second, and then Ellie killed her and denied it.

She has always been a great judge.Feng Shen would never do such a thing.

"He's not my boyfriend..." Said Ellie weakly.

For boys, she can be arrogant, but in the face of girls, she seems to be particularly good-natured.

"Not now. Just wait." The nurse said, of course.

Feng Shen also nodded in cooperation with him.

This action was killed by Allie and looked at it directly.

Feng Shen received Ellie's eye knife, but he didn't mean to give in.

"Do you know we only met last night?" Allissa said directly to the nurse.

The nurse was stunned.

But the next second, her eyes immediately let out a peach heart, to Ai Li kill cast envy hate eyes.

"A boy who knows you the first day can have such deep feelings. It must be because he knew you a long time ago, but you didn't know him. He kept this feeling in his heart for so long, and when he finally knew you, he began to burst out!"

"If you think about it seriously, don't you think it's a very happy thing? If such a thing happened to me, I would wake up laughing in my dreams. Unfortunately, such a thing will never happen to me... "

The nurse pointed her finger wrongly.

Ellie was completely overwhelmed by the nurse's brain hole.

"Yes, you will meet a suitable person for you in the future, and you will have a happy relationship." Feng Shen seldom spoke to comfort the nurse.

But Ellie noticed something.

Feng Shen did not deny the nurse's statement.

"Thank you. You're really good. I'm sure she'll promise you!" The nurse said, patted the heavy shoulder, gave the blessing.

Then she looked at Allie again.

"The doctor will come to do a simple preliminary examination for you later, and then take a film. If there is no big problem, you can be discharged from the hospital."

When the nurse finished, she looked at Ellie with great care: "if it was me, I would promise him right away. I don't know if I'm lucky. The next one is not necessarily better than this one. It's almost OK. Don't be coquettish." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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