Ann Ruoxi took a deep breath to calm down. Her mother's affairs can only be concluded after she wakes up to understand the cause and effect of the matter.

Now, the only thing that Gong min'er says is that she can do too little at her age, and she won't become her mother's support.

Especially before, she was poor.

Therefore, we still need people who can hold the ground.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that when my mother wakes up, she may not accept any suggestions.

Ann Ruoxi took out her mobile phone, and then she called her grandfather.


Grandfather's words have not finished, was an Ruoxi directly interrupted.

"Grandfather, my mother had an accident and was in the hospital for surgery. I was afraid." An Ruoxi voice some tremble to say, sound like or before what do not understand the ignorant girl.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with your mother?" Grandfather's voice was also anxious.

"I don't know. It was gong min'er who called me and said that her mother had an accidental abortion in the hospital." "Now my mother is doing surgery in the emergency room of Kangcheng hospital," she said

"What, she has such a miscarriage in January now?" Grandfather's voice immediately also anxious: "you wait for me in the hospital, I'll come right away!"

With that, my grandfather hung up.

An Ruoxi also hung up the phone, directly took the phone to the computer screen to find all the information down, this just closed the computer.

In the corridor, people often pass by. The girl sits quietly on the chair without saying a word. Only the light flowing in her eyes makes her look like a living person.

There are too few clues in the brain, but too many questions.

Father Qiao Bei's frame up and death, Gong Shixun's acquisition of N1, mother's accident now.

It doesn't seem to matter, but it always feels connected.

It's a pity that an Ruoxi only cared about ye Chengxin before, so many things didn't pay much attention to.

Gong family

The last of the four families, once ranked first.

Such a family, the most want to do is to revitalize.

That's why we have a marriage with Anya.

Although Anya is the daughter of an's family, she has the right of inheritance and has the property of settling down.

And the helmsman of the palace family is Gong Hao, Gong Laozi.

Gong Hao had three sons, changgongshiming, ergongshiyuan and sangongshixun.

The eldest son has been in charge of the main industries of the palace family for a long time. The second son and the eldest son are not very different in age, and they also take over part of the industry. They complement each other.

Only sangongshixun, who was once a well-known dandy in the circle, was favored because he was young.

At that time, he insisted on marrying Lin Shasha, the popular actress at that time, under the opposition of the Gong family. Gong min'er and Gong Zihao were his and Lin Shasha's children.

However, they were divorced after only three years of marriage. Gong Shixun's prodigal son turned back and began to want to refresh himself.

After years of hard work, she finally changed her image. Later, she married Anya and regained her status in the palace family.

Therefore, in an Ruoxi's opinion, the main purpose of Gong Shixun's marriage with her mother is for the sake of wealth.

If it is true love, he will not rush abroad after his mother's accident.

"Xiao Xi, how's your mother?"

An urgent voice burst into my ears.

Looking back, an Ruoxi saw the grandfather who came here with a stick of civilization.

The gray haired old man still looks hale and hearty, and his eyes are bright. Although he is old, he is still well dressed and has a figure that belongs to a handsome old man.

Not only my grandfather, but also my grandmother.

The grandmother, who was also born in a famous family, seems to be well maintained. Her hair is still dark. She has a bun behind her head. She is wearing an old cheongsam. She looks like a lady from a poem.

Behind them are drivers and assistants.

Although this was the first time she met her grandparents, there were pictures of them in her memory.

Therefore, it is not strange, the nose also has a kind of unspeakable light sour.

It's from the bottom of my heart to see my family.

Belongs to this body.

When she saw these two apparently distinguished old people, an Ruoxi finally realized that she was no longer the hacker with ever-changing identity and turbulent life.

It's a gold medal.

"Xiao Xi, what's going on here?" Grandma rushed to grab an Ruoxi's hand and asked directly.

Grandmother said, looking directly at the door of the operating room, a face worried.

"I don't know exactly. It was sister min'er who told me. I don't know what happened now." Ann Ruoxi could feel the cold sweat on the palms of her grandmother's hands.

"How can this happen, Shixun?" The second sentence of grandma asked Gong Shixun directly."I don't know. Sister Min said I couldn't get in touch." An Ruoxi shook her head, although she had already checked Gong Shixun's movement.

My grandfather listened quietly, holding his civilization stick tightly in his hands. Hearing this, he looked directly at the assistant: "now contact Gong Shixun."

The assistant immediately called Gong Shixun.

Ann Ruoxi and grandma look at the assistant, waiting for the result.

The assistant looked at the mobile phone and dialed for a long time. He was embarrassed to look at Mr. an: "Dong An, the phone is off."

An Mingli's face suddenly sank.

An Ruoxi's eyes are also dark. Her hand is tightly grasped by her grandmother, and her grandmother frowns tightly: "what do you say to do? Now Shixun can't get in touch. Who knows what happened."

"Grandparents, didn't you see sister min'er? She's at the gate Ann Ruoxi raised her face and looked at her grandfather.

"We took the elevator from the underground garage, so we didn't see it." Grandmother said directly.

"Then wait here. I'll go and find sister min'er. She should know what's going on." Ann Ruoxi said to her grandparents that she didn't know how to get along with her so-called relatives, especially when something happened to her mother.

"Well, if you bring her here, how can such a thing happen?" My grandfather said that he put the stick of civilization on the ground, and his face was dignified.

Grandma just let go of an Ruoxi's hand and let her go out to find someone.

An Ruoxi to the door, but did not see Gong min'er.

She said she was waiting at the door.

An Ruoxi frowns and calls Gong min'er directly. What's wrong with her mother? Gong Shixun walks away to avoid it. Gong Zihao doesn't show up. Now Gong min'er, the only one who knows about it, is gone.

There was no answer.

Gong min'er's number dials out again, still no one answers.

An Ruoxi did not call, directly sent a text message in the past: "sister min, where are you now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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