At this moment, the young girl, who is clearly not yet an adult, looks like an adult protecting a calf.

The magnesium lamp flickers in front of an Ruoxi, but it doesn't make her look any looser.

Cold eyes and eyes, hook up the corner of the lips, so that the girl's temperament contradiction and some danger.

At this moment, because it is an underground parking lot, the security is not complete, and there is no way to stop the situation.

The assistant who was in charge of the discharge was still behind the elevator, and the car to pick up their mother and daughter was also in the parking space.

So, they can only solve it by themselves.

The security guard of the hospital in the distance also came in a hurry.

But the reporter's questions have been smashed in succession --

"Miss ANN, is it true that you have removed the uterus this time?"

"Is your marriage with Gong Shixun in jeopardy? Is it true that you are going to divorce soon

"It's said that Gong Shixun is not divorced because of his economic background. Is this true?"


Magnesium lights gathered in front of her eyes, an Ruoxi turned back and pulled down Anya's hat to cover her eyebrows and eyes.

This just turned back to look at the reporter, that pair of smiling eyes slightly heavy, the reporter's words like a sharp knife, repeatedly stabbed on Anya's wound.

An Ruoxi stood in front of Anya and blocked the cameras that kept shooting: "since we all know it's a rumor, we should know that it's a rumor. The abortion is true. I hope you can understand the mood of a mother. My mother hasn't recovered. Now I'm going home to recuperate. In order not to disturb other patients in the hospital, please give in."

An Ruoxi said that she wanted to reach out to block those people, trying to block a road for her mother.

She is in a very unhappy mood now. The reporter's favorite thing is to dig other people's gossip, but how much gossip is not dug in people's wounds?

However, the reporter did not intend to stop asking questions, but because of an Ruoxi's voice, the reporters' questions were more positive, and the microphones were aimed at an Ruoxi one after another.

"Miss ANN, what do you think of your mother's marriage?"

"An miscarriage, why does Gong Shixun not appear?"

"Miss ANN, do you support your mother's divorce?"

"Miss Ann..."

The noise of countless voices makes people feel powerless. Even because the reporters came forward, some passers-by who stopped at this time also gathered around curiously.

The security guard seemed to have called for people to come together to stop the reporters who were going to squeeze in.

An Ruoxi was just about to speak when she looked up and saw a figure not far away.

The tall and straight figure just got out of the car and walked directly to this side.

Gong Shixun!

This man has been missing for so long that he finally appears.

"Is that a better question for you to ask him?" An Ruoxi directly set her eyes on Gong Shixun who came to this side.

The other side's feet and feet are not in a hurry or in a slow pace. It is like going to a press conference.

Gong Shixun suddenly appeared and immediately attracted the attention of the reporters. They all turned to him.

Gong Shixun seemed to be ready. In the face of reporters' questions and gossip, he directly opened his mouth: "sorry, let the media guess our relationship like this. My marriage with ya'er is not a problem. The reason why I didn't come back is that I was only busy with the acquisition of American Tongda company."

"Tongda company?! That's not a famous group in America. "

"Yes, its banks are among the eight largest banks in the United States."

"Yes, it's said that many big companies are bidding. Are they successfully acquired by Mr. Gong?"

"The red sun fund seems to be interested in Tongda. Unexpectedly, it lost to Mr. Gong."


The reporters sniffed out the new information and immediately began to talk.

Gong Shixun on these issues in an orderly manner, and immediately, the news of Gong's acquisition of Tongda has become the news abdomen of every reporter present.

No one paid attention to why Gong Shixun didn't show up these days. His news has successfully diverted the attention of those reporters.

Gong's acquisition of Tongda is not only social news, but also a shock in the financial circle.

That means that Gong can sweep away the previous decline and increase his financial strength again.

An Ruoxi did not speak, took the opportunity to quickly push Anya out of the elevator, but also noticed that Anya's quiet eyes when seeing Gong Shixun appeared, finally had a trace of fluctuation.

But an Ruoxi did not say much, or very insistently pushed Anya to the car where the house was ready.

Anya did not object to her action, but after getting on the bus, she took a deep look at Gong Shixun, who was still surrounded by reporters.

An Ruoxi also followed another look, standing in front of the reporter Gong Shixun seems to have forgotten the purpose of coming here.

It seems that he didn't come to meet Anya, but to meet the reporters.Gao Ding's suit with a suitable tie, even shoes are polished polished, there is no sense of dusty atmosphere.

"Miss, do you want to go?" The driver asked directly.

Anya looked at Gong Shixun in silence to deal with those reporters, and finally said, "drive."

The driver was stunned.

"Don't you hear me, drive!" An Ruoxi quickly began to repeat.

The sound of the vehicles on their side once again attracted reporters. This group of people realized that their original purpose was to interview Anya.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know about my wife's admission. I'll pick her up as soon as I get off the plane." Gong Shixun explained in a hurry, immediately turned to get on the bus and let the driver catch up with him.

Those reporters looked at each other, thought of the content of the interview just now, and left one after another.

The car in front.

Gong's car is in the back.

Some reporters left satisfied, and two or three reporters' cars followed behind.

When seeing the movement of the car in front of him, Gong Shixun immediately called Anya.

However, it did not get through.

The car of settling down still drove forward steadily.

"Mom, don't you take it?" An Ruoxi looks at Anya's mobile phone.

Anya's complexion is much better than before. Her face is no longer so pale. She smiles bitterly at the phone call: "since I couldn't contact him before, now, he doesn't seem to need to contact me."

What's more, she didn't hear what Gong Shixun said to reporters just now.

Anya is not a fool, so what is more important in Gong Shixun's eyes is not invisible.

Gong's car is in the back, she can see it.

And journalists have followed.

"Mom, just be happy." An Ruoxi unconditionally supports Anya's decision, but she feels that Gong Shixun will never let Anya leave like this.

If it is true, her voice just fell, the car of the palace family in the back of the house directly sped up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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