Mo Wuyou competed with manager Tian. When he returned to the office, he realized that he hadn't eaten his lunch and it was too late to buy another one.

She sadly rubbed her flat belly, helpless!

When he came back, he was nagged by Sun Xi again. Mo Wuyou bowed his head and silently recognized her scolding. He didn't dare to reply.

I spent a quiet afternoon in peace and ended the day's work.

Mo Wuyou slowly swallowed it. The tortoise was as fast as ink to clean up his desk.

Just now she received a call from Shen Sheng. He was already waiting downstairs.

It was hard to build a good calm mood last night. Now there are waves again. Mo Wuyou can't help thinking that if only something could come.

She was sad to find that she didn't even dare to reject Shen Sheng now. She could definitely imagine that there would be unexpected effects, and it was still the kind of effects she didn't want to see.

Dawdle, dawdle, no more dawdle.

When Mo Wuyou goes downstairs, her colleagues have already left. Another reason for her ink is that she is afraid of being seen by others. Now she is a big celebrity of the company. She doesn't want to add another name!

Sure enough, as soon as he came out of the hall, he saw Shen Sheng leaning on his windy Ferrari, as if he was afraid that someone would not notice him.

What a fuss. He drove his Bentley yesterday and changed it today. The rich are wayward!

Mo Wuyou carefully looked around and looked around. He was relieved. Fortunately, he had no acquaintances.

She came to Shen Sheng with big strides, pulled Shen Sheng aside with lightning speed, quickly drilled into the car, looked at Shen Sheng's indifference, rolled down the window and said, "what are you waiting for, let's go."

Shen Sheng really wants to give her a blow to the head, open her head and see what structure is inside. He doesn't think about it. The more you are, the more misunderstood others are

Shen Sheng walked slowly to the other end of the car. His posture was noble and elegant.

Neither of them noticed that all this had been seen by a figure in the corner, and even photographed.

The car drove for nearly an hour and stopped in front of a luxury villa.

Mo Wuyou looked at Shen Sheng in the car with some embarrassment: "I didn't bring anything. Is that ok?"

Shen shengrou smiled: "it's all right. You met my uncle last time. It's easy to get along with. My aunt is even more so. They won't mind."

Don't worry and nod at ease.

As soon as they got off the bus, Mo Wuyou saw a kind old man about a year old coming towards them with a smile.

Don't worry, the judgment flashed in your heart: this person should be the housekeeper.

Then she heard Shen Sheng's gentle voice shouting, "Uncle Cheng."

"The second young master is back."

Mo Wuyou felt a little surprised when he heard the speech. Shen Sheng's tone at this time can be called as a spring breeze. It's a little different from him in ordinary times. It seems that this person is unusual.

Then she couldn't help respecting him.

Shen Sheng took Mo Wuyou's hand and was afraid that she would struggle. He held it a little tight, and then said to Cheng Bo, "this is mo Wuyou."

Although Mo Wuyou's hand hurt, she didn't struggle. She quickly smiled and owed her lower body to Cheng Bo and said, "Hello, Cheng Bo."

Cheng Bo couldn't stop laughing and nodding. His face was filled with satisfaction and said, "good, good, good."

"Hurry in. The master has been waiting for you."

Shen Sheng nodded and led Mo Wuyou inside.

Cheng Bo looked at the back of the two people walking away and couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

Mo Wuyou follows Shen Sheng through a large flower hall in front of him and comes to the door of the villa.

Not in much mood to enjoy the scenery along the road. Mo Wuyou's hand held by Shen Sheng is slightly sweating. It's hot in summer, but it's more nervous in his heart.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they were opened before knocking.

It was Jiang Pei, Shen Sheng's great aunt, who opened the door. This was also learned from Shen Sheng's mouth.

She is not as proud and difficult to get along with as she imagined. She looks amiable in her home clothes and is a typical good wife and mother.

As soon as I opened the door, I seemed to be afraid of carefree and restrained. I first smiled at her, and then smiled to greet them to enter the door.

It seems that getting along next is not as difficult as expected. It's all gossip. On the contrary, Mo Wuyou's tension is gradually eliminated. Shen Sheng's uncle tastes like an old urchin, which makes Mo Wuyou laugh.

Mo Wuyou grew up in such a family and fell in love with it in an instant.

Mo Wuyou sits in Shen Sheng's room and has a little doubt in his mind. Why does it feel like Shen Sheng's home and his own room? It's strange to see that the layout and regularity of the room are not temporary

While Shen Sheng went to the bathroom, Mo Wuyou observed in his room.

Casually look at the book on the desk, and inadvertently a photo falls out of the book. Don't worry about picking it up from the ground.

Unexpectedly, it was a group photo of Shen Sheng and Lu Xiyan.

Mo Wuyou looked at the photo and was slightly stunned.

"I didn't expect that you still have the habit of turning over other people's things." Shen Sheng asked, looking at Mo Wuyou.

Mo Wuyou was startled, quickly put down the photo in his hand and explained, "I didn't mean it. It accidentally fell out of the book."

Shen Sheng frowned, "really? Maybe she put it before and forgot to take it out."

Then Mo Wuyou saw him throw the photos into the trash can next to him.

Shen Sheng leaned against the desk, hugged his chest and looked at Mo Wuyou: "don't you wonder what I have to do with her?"

Mo Wuyou pushed away the swivel chair in front of the table and sat down: "isn't it obvious, ex girlfriend? I'm curious about how you broke up."

She looked at Shen Sheng with expectation.

Shen Sheng didn't look at Mo Wuyou: "you'll know later."

"Excuse me, forget it." Mo Wuyou stood up, turned his back to Shen Sheng and walked to the bookcase in front of him, but his eyes were a little lonely.

They stayed in the room for a while and went downstairs.

Jiang Pei was very delicate today because of their arrival and was ready to cook in person. Shen Sheng hurried forward to hold Jiang Pei and said, "no, you see how tired cooking is. You'd better rest and let your aunt do it. Don't be tired. Uncle is distressed and won't let me come back in the future."

Shen Zhong nodded vigorously: "yes, yes, you can rest. Don't be tired. I should be distressed when I'm tired."

Although Jiang Peiping is kind, in fact, people still have their own personality. How can they destroy such high interest today? They have to cook everything. Don't worry about offering help and resolutely refuse to let them.

Shen Sheng and Shen Zhongao, however, had to rely on Jiang Pei. When Jiang Pei just entered the kitchen, they looked at each other in an instant, each with a hard face.

Mo Wuyou didn't know why, so he couldn't help but pull Shen Sheng and ask, "why did your aunt say to cook? That's your expression."

Shen Sheng said weakly, "you'll know later without me. Alas!"

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