Work in the afternoon.

Mo Wuyou packed up his things and was just about to leave. As a result, he received a text message from Zhou Pingjun.

Mo Wuyou came to the stairs of the company as he said.

When Mo Wuyou arrived, Zhou Pingjun was already waiting there, leaning against the railing of the stairs.

Seeing Mo Wuyou coming, Zhou Pingjun straightened up and took a few steps forward.

"Are you surprised that I'll call you here?"

Usually, the staff of the company take the elevator, and few people take the stairs, so don't worry or worry that someone will pass here.

She smiled and nodded, "a little."

Zhou Pingjun found that even if she encountered so many irritable things today, Mo Wuyou didn't show any negative emotions on her face. She was really special.

Zhou Pingjun apologized: "I'm sorry about today. I didn't know it would bring you so much trouble."

Although Mo Wuyou is also very upset about this matter, she knows that it is not Zhou Pingjun's fault. The fundamental reason is that Zhang Hong wants to fix himself. She won't be angry with him: "it's all right, it's not your fault."

Zhou Pingjun saw from Mo Wuyou's face that she really didn't mean to blame him. He couldn't help appreciating her wisdom and generosity: "but I'm still very guilty. In order to express my apology, I'll invite you to dinner today."

Mo Wuyou said in a teasing tone: "is this your main purpose today?"

Zhou Pingjun's eyebrows and eyes also contained a smile: "you found it all. I'm so ashamed."

Mo Wuyou seems relaxed, but today's events have more or less affected her mood, so she really doesn't have this mood now: "I accept your apology, but I'll just eat."

Zhou Pingjun was a little shameless: "so you still won't forgive me?"

Mo Wuyou was helpless: "I really don't blame you."

Zhou Pingjun thoroughly implemented the principle that chasing a girl means going up shamelessly: "if you don't eat with me, you won't forgive me."

Mo Wuyou didn't expect that Zhou Pingjun had such unreasonable potential. It was very different from her impression. She couldn't beat him, so she had to promise: "that's all right."

Because they talked at the entrance of the stairs for a while, there were not many people when they came downstairs.

Work is similar to class. As soon as the bell rings, everyone rushes out. The same is true for work. As soon as it arrives, there is no lack of enthusiasm. I'm afraid I'll be called back to work overtime when I'm late.

Mo Wuyou and Zhou Pingjun walked out laughing and talking, and didn't notice that her figure had fallen into the sight of another person.

Lin Jianzhang in the distance, looking at Mo Wuyou's back in the hall, was a little distracted.

The familiar feeling of deja vu reminded him of how similar another young and beautiful figure was about 30 years ago.

Lin Jianzhang didn't recover until his back disappeared in his sight. He looked at the front and slowly asked the assistant behind him: "do you know who the woman who walked in the hall just now?"

"That seems to be the woman your nephew likes. Don't worry."

Lin Jianzhang turned his head in surprise: "is that her?"

Without expecting the assistant's answer, he turned his head again and murmured: don't... Worry.

Mo Wuyou and Zhou Pingjun just walked out of the hall and saw a Ferrari parked there, surrounded by a group of people five meters away from it.

Mo Wuyou saw this moment and his head hurt again. Why is he here?

She looked at the crowd around her. Most of them were colleagues from her own department. They looked down all day and didn't look up. Worry free's head hurt even more.

She deeply suspected that she must have done too much evil in her last life before she had this disaster!

Shen Sheng saw them the first time. He opened the door and got off without stopping.

Three steps at a time, Shen Sheng came to Mo Wuyou.

"Come on, I'll pick you up."

Mo Wuyou said inexplicably, "what are you going to do? Didn't I say I wouldn't go? I've promised Zhou Pingjun to have dinner with him."

After hearing this, Shen Sheng glanced at Zhou Pingjun, and then said to Mo Wuyou, "then change it."

Although his uncle and Zhou Pingjun's father were close friends, they had no friendship and had only met once, so Shen Sheng didn't need to save Zhou Pingjun face, and he didn't intend to stay. He saw that he coveted Mo Wuyou at that time, which is more obvious now.

Mo Wuyou looked at the person opposite and pulled his face with his hands in his pockets. He didn't know how much material his behavior had created for the people around him: "I've said I won't go. You go quickly. Don't you see how many people around are looking at us?"

Shen Sheng is not surprised at this kind of thing: "look around, I don't mind."

If not for so many people watching, Mo Wuyou really wanted to put him directly into the car. She said crazily, "I mind."

Since Shen Sheng came, he didn't want to go back empty. He must take her away, no matter what method: "let's go quickly."

Mo Wuyou deeply suspects that Shen Sheng is pretending to be stupid. She just stares at him and doesn't go with him.

If you want to compare your strength, who can compare with our president Shen Da? Shen Sheng stood there motionless and deadlocked with her.

Zhou Pingjun can't speak next to him. He stands next to Mo Wuyou and waits patiently. In fact, he has an idea in his heart that his dinner will be ruined again today.

Finally, Mo Wuyou was defeated: "what do you want?"

Shen Sheng's purpose is simple and clear. Besides, now that Zhou Pingjun is still here, how can he allow Mo Wuyou to be taken away by other men in front of him: "come with me."

"Are you a scoundrel?"

Shen Sheng refused to answer this question. If the rogue's method works, he doesn't mind using it for the time being. It's just that our superior president is different from others when he is a rogue. People don't use it to say it, but directly use it to do it.

Mo Wuyou believes that if he turns around now, he will be pulled back by him if he can't take a step. In that way, it is estimated that the people around him will look more energetic.

So she reluctantly turned to Zhou Pingjun and said, "I'm sorry. I'll invite you to dinner another day. Forget it today."

Zhou Pingjun is a man of discretion. He is now pursuing Mo wuworry. How could he embarrass her? He said nothing and left first.

Mo Wuyou gets on the bus with Shen Sheng reluctantly. After getting on the bus, he turns his head directly and doesn't bother to pay attention to him. It's clean when he's out of sight.

Shen Sheng didn't mind either. He turned on the music in the car and specially played the soothing one.

Music can calm people's hearts and ease people's emotions.

I have to say that the effect is very good. Mo Wuyou is even sleepy in such music.

When she returned to her apartment last night, she was already late. Because Mo Jiahui smashed the living room and cleaned up the living room for a long time, she didn't sleep long at all.

Today, I went to the company and was thrilling. It really consumed my energy. Don't worry about falling asleep in a long time.

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