Missing You Deeply

Chapter 803: Do you really give up? (7)

Lu Sheng's gaze followed Shen Ziwei and Su Wanwan, watching them check their tickets, enter the airport apron, then get in the shuttle bus, the shuttle bus started, drove away, and gradually moved away. Lu Sheng looked back at his Mobile phone, no reply.

Lu Sheng sighed and put the phone away. He could only help him get here.

Su Wanwan’s plane took off on time. When he rushed to the sky, Lu Sheng got up from his seat, walked to the window, raised his head, watching the plane gradually become smaller and gradually covered by clouds, there was a faint melancholy in his heart. .

When he turned back to his seat, Lu Sheng glanced outside inadvertently, his eyes condensed suddenly, then he lifted his foot, strode out of the VIP lounge, and walked towards the big pillar in front.

Until he reached Pei Munian, Lu Sheng was still full of shock and disbelief, "What are you, when did you come?"

Pei Munian's gaze was still looking at the airport apron, her handsome face was indifferent, her black eyes were deep, she could not detect any emotions, "just now."

"Just now? When was it just now?"

"Ten minutes ago."


Lu Sheng thought that Pei Munian had not caught up, but he came ten minutes ago, and the plane took off only five minutes, so he had time to keep Su Wanwan, but he kept hiding behind the pillar?

"You are here, why don't you stay? Didn't you see Su Wanwan waiting for you?"

Didn't he see the look of looking back three times?


Pei Munian murmured and repeated these two words, and suddenly laughed. For the first time in his life, he felt that those five minutes were the most tormented time. He was behind the pillar and saw Su Wanwan sitting there crying.


The heart that he thought was dead, was knocked hard and trembled fiercely.

He asked himself, in the past few months, has he ever believed that Su Wanwan was sincere? The answer is that he believed it.

Every time Su Wanwan said to him that she loved him, he believed in his heart, but ah, this belief became the biggest obstacle in his heart because he was afraid that the belief would be shattered again.

Just now, when he wanted to desperate, he was shy when he saw her cry.

Of course he can rush out now, of course he can keep her, of course he can prevent her from leaving, and of course he can tell her the answer she wants to hear.

But he clearly understood in his heart that he would definitely hurt Su Wanwan again, because he couldn't really relieve the knot in his heart for her. He would involuntarily because of one of her actions, words, or even eyes. Think about whether she wants to do something again, calculate him, or hurt him.

The kid who keeps the sheep, tells a lot of lies, others will no longer believe him, but who knows how the deceived person is in his heart.

Go and save him, afraid that he lied to him, let him not go, and afraid that if the wolf does come, he will die.

Love is indeed a matter of two people. When he can't move forward, he doesn't want her to stubbornly hit the South Wall anymore, because she belongs to the kind of person who won't look back even if she is bloodied.

"That might be good."


"Lu Sheng, safe journey."

Pei Munian raised her hand and patted Lu Sheng on the shoulder, then turned to leave.

Lu Sheng subconsciously stopped him, "No, Young Master Pei, what do you mean by this? Are you really going to let go?"

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