Missy, She Always Does Not Seek To Make Progress

Chapter 1249: Extras: Personnel Affairs of the Four Qin Mansion (4)

In May of the fourth year of Kangping, Qin Mingyan and Xiong Yingqi's eldest daughter Qin Nianjun was one full moon. It coincided with the Qin family's filial piety, so a full moon wedding banquet was held for this purpose. Those who came to the banquet were either rich or noble, especially male guests, high-ranking officials such as Super bosses like Prime Minister Lin and Grand Tutor Yu Miao also came in person, and even hugged a little girl named Sisi.

“It really looks like it.” Lin Xiang hugged the infant girl and looked at her clear, almond-shaped eyes and said, “These eyes are the most similar, they are beautiful.”

Yu Miao was craning his neck at the side, his hands already impatient. However, someone held the child in his arms and refused to let go, so he said, "Let me take a closer look."

He stretched out his hand to grab the swaddling clothes, but Prime Minister Lin avoided him and said: "I heard that the prince was so angry that you moved the ruler two days ago, and your hand was twisted to a point. It's better not to hug him, so as not to aggravate the injury."

Yu Miao: Fart, my hands are fine, you just don’t want me to hold you.

He stretched out his hand again and said: "How heavy can an imitation swaddle be? It allows me to feel the joy of a newborn baby."

The prime minister was a little helpless, so he handed the swaddling clothes over and muttered: "Be careful, don't drop it."

Yu Miao continued steadily, lowered his head to look at the little baby, looked at her eyebrows, and said: "It does look like it. Is this bloodline? It's really strange."

As he said this, his throat became a little choked and his eye circles became a little red.

Prime Minister Lin didn’t know what he was thinking of and sighed slightly.

Qin Mingyan on the side was also a little silent, knowing what they were for.

Because when his daughter was born, she didn't see anything special, but after the third bath, she found that she looked a bit like Qin Liuxi, and as the newborn grew up, she became more and more like Qin Liuxi, which made everyone Everyone feels magical and surprised.

Although she and Qin Liuxi share the same blood, they are not born from the same mother. It is indeed a bit surprising that their daughter looks like her, but also a bit sad.

What makes her happy is that she looks like her eldest aunt, but what worries her is that she is afraid that Qin Liuxi will really leave and now return to the Qin family in another way.

 If this is the case, he would rather believe that the eldest sister is just traveling far away.

 The news that his daughter was like Qin Liuxi somehow spread, and people like Prime Minister Lin went a little crazy.

 Same as now.

 Qin Mingyan was jealous and helpless, but he didn't dare to challenge these big guys who could be his grandfathers. However, he felt a little uncomfortable when his daughter was picked up by stinky men one after another like passing flowers around.

He watched the older generation hug him, and then the younger generation, such as Mu Shizi, the young prince of the Ming family, and the Marquis of Chang'an Jingsi, and finally it was the turn of the child's biological uncle Xiong Er and so on.

 Qin Mingyan felt numb.

 Should I use the excuse of breastfeeding to get the child back?

As for the little girl of the Qin family who is so favored, some guests don't know why. Isn't she just a little girl? How can she be so loved by these big guys? Not only does she not want to let go, but the meeting gifts she gave are all worth a thousand pieces of gold. A rare treasure.

"You don't know something. I heard that this little girl looks very much like her eldest aunt, the mysterious eldest lady of the Qin family. I heard that she is the immortal king who killed evil and saved the world in Qingpingguan." Someone whispered.

"No, it can't be right?" One person was shocked and said, "I have never heard of this, and the Qin family themselves have never said it."

"I haven't told anyone about it, but where is the Qin family's hometown, have you forgotten? Licheng." The man continued: "Besides, they don't need to tell anyone, everyone who needs to know knows, you see, she is just a little girl You will understand who is coming to the full moon banquet.”

 Everyone was silent.

No matter who you are looking at, you can tell something by looking at their love for the child. Usually it is women who show great love for children, but now it is a group of big men showing great love to a little girl. Love it, this is simply blinding everyone.

In the year when the world was about to be destroyed, many people died. In recent years, the imperial court also encouraged everyone to have more children. Even in aristocratic families, many children were born, but who is as popular as this little girl, or a top noble? The unabashed love of that group of people, it is not an exaggeration to call him a group favorite. It seems that the Qin family’s lintel needs to be re-examined.

 There are many people present who have met the Qin family. At first, my daughter disliked the other party's zhangzi and the things he did as an errand were too scary, so she couldn't get married. Now it seems that she is at a big loss. Look at her connections, how powerful they are.

It’s the Xiong family, how come they picked up this big orb covered by straw?

Look at Mr. Xiong’s bearish behavior, no, that arrogant and proud energy, just...

very sour!

Qin Mingyan finally took his precious daughter back into his hands, but the little one suddenly started crying, his voice so loud that the people gathered around him again.

What's the matter? Are you hungry, or do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Why don't you call the imperial doctor to take a look?

Qin Mingyan smelled something and knew that the child had diarrhea, so he asked the wet nurse to carry him down and change him. There were many people coming today, and all the men of the Qin family had to entertain them, including a few younger brothers.

 The banquet is about to begin.

Si Lengyue came wearing a black and gold robe, and in his hand was a little girl with exquisite jade. Her eyebrows and eyebrows were exactly the same as hers, she was a little beauty.

The patriarch and head of the White Witch Clan, Si Lengyue’s aura was extraordinary and attracted a lot of attention. Wang and Qin Mingyan personally greeted her.

Si Lengyue tilted her head slightly, and the servants beside her gave generous gifts, so she gave a shallow salute to Mrs. Wang and explained her intention.

  She came to see the little girl, but she didn’t want to sit down at the table.

Wang personally took her to the backyard, and had already asked someone to notify her daughter-in-law Xiong, so she was already waiting when a few people arrived.

Si Lengyue saw the gift and her eyes fell on the swaddling clothes in the wet nurse's hands. She walked over and said, "Can I hold her for a while?"

The wet nurse looked at Mrs. Wang and the others and saw that they all nodded, so she handed the child over.

Si Lengyue took it carefully, and with just one glance, tears welled up in her eyes: "It's really similar."

 Wang and the others were also red-eyed.

 “Mom, let me take a look.” Simu pulled the corner of Si Lengyue’s skirt.

Si Lengyue half-crouched down and put the child in front of her. Si Miao looked over, blinked and said, "She looks like an aunt, but not an aunt."

Everyone was slightly startled, with mixed emotions, both sour and slightly comforted.

 It’s not her. Does that mean she’s still somewhere? But it’s not her. Would that be the worst outcome?

No one dares to think about it.

Si Lengyue looked at Xiong and said, "She is Xiao Xi's first niece. She looks very much like her. Although she is not here, I am here. Will you let me bless her?"

Xiong had long known from Qin Mingyan who Qin Liuxi had been around. Although it was the first time he saw this powerful woman in front of him, he was unreasonably convinced and said: "Since It’s something I couldn’t ask for, so thank you on behalf of Sisi.”

Sisi, Si Lengyue murmured, I miss you, I miss you, I hope you are well... (End of this chapter)

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