By the time MEC came back, Lin Dong had learned about the frozen valley from a Qing and Gao Hang. In short, it is a dangerous place except for towns or villages, and the frozen Valley is one of many dangerous places!

Of course, it's not just danger, but also benefit. Otherwise, who will risk the ice Valley? Is it just to see the frozen landscape?

That's definitely insane.

The temperature of the frozen Valley is as cold as a day for thousands of years. However, it is rich in a kind of ice crystal, which is expensive and widely used, so many adventurers take risks. After all, the interests move the people. After all, according to ah Qing, if a venture is successful, it is a generation of people who have no worries about food and clothing. Just this is enough to make many people take risks and forget the danger!

"This is the call sign?"

MEC took out the call symbols, two of which are a pair. It doesn't look special. It's no different from the Yellow symbols of fortune tellers on the street.

However, the price of this thing is not cheap. I tried it and found that it's just like that. It's similar to the function of the telephone. No, it's similar to the walkie talkie. It needs the same frequency to receive it.

"If you had known, you might as well bring some walkie talkies. It must sell better than this call sign. Maybe you can make a small profit." Lin Dong Baba Baba said.

"Walkie talkie, what's that?"

The three people next to him looked at Lin Dong curiously.

Lin Dong shook his head: "nothing. You don't know what you said. If you have a chance, I'll bring it to you next time. By the way, look at this!"

While talking, Lin Dong also took out a spell.

"This... This is Tianlei Fu? I didn't expect you to have this!"

They recognized what it was at a glance. Tianlei talisman is one of the most powerful spells, and its price is countless times higher than that of the call talisman. Having this thing is equivalent to having a powerful helper, just like one against a hundred in the previous challenge arena.

A Tianlei Fu was thrown over. I'm afraid few people can still stand.

"So fierce?"

Hearing their description, Lin Dong was really surprised. Darling, this thing is so fierce. No wonder the evil king Qin Shi had so much confidence and dared to threaten it. Fortunately, fortunately, he didn't succeed. Otherwise, the whole demon cultivation holy land will not be finished!

However, after returning home, Lin Dong was a little happy.

After all, this thing is now in your own hands. I'm sure you can use it when you fight with the God killing palace in the future. They'll be depressed at that time!

It feels really good to use the enemy's weapons to deal with the enemy!

"Time doesn't wait. Don't be late. Anyway, there's nothing else. Let's start as soon as possible. Situ Hu and a Qing, you stay. You don't spend money anyway. Take the call sign. If the Immortal Emperor comes back, you'll inform us as soon as possible." Lin Dongdao.

"I'll go with you!"

Ah Qing hurried.

Situ Hu hesitated and opened his mouth. He knew he must stay. It's useless to say more.

Lin Dong shook his head: "you'd better stay. The frozen valley should be very dangerous. I'm relieved if you stay, so as not to be distracted from taking care of you. What's more, we won't come back."

"My ability is to add them. Even if it's not good, it's no problem to retreat."

Ah Qingxin said that she wanted to go with you because she knew the danger, but on second thought, she really couldn't help. She was ok with some problems in life, but in places like frozen Valley, instead of helping, she was still a burden. Moreover, she is now quite clear about Lin Dong's strength. With MEC and Gao Hang, nothing should happen.

Then she nodded and agreed to stay, but in this way, ah Qing's expression couldn't help being disappointed. In this regard, Lin Dong can only pretend not to see.

After the explanation, Lin Dong, Gao Hang and Mei Ke left the Inn and went to the direction of the transmission array.

MEC is naturally responsible for the cost of Yiying. The continuous use of transmission array is really similar to the feeling of changing trains. The final destination is a small-scale but exotic town.

Ice city!

The name is simple and in line with the environment here.

As soon as he got out of the transmission array, Lin Dong couldn't help shaking.

"How cold!"

The cold wind is like a knife and the snow is white, just like a white world.

"The climate here is like this, because it's still in the city. If you go out of the city and go to the frozen Valley, it will be colder!" said Meck.

Lin Dong nodded and turned his vigorous Qi. With the vigorous Qi running in the body, the cold feeling gradually subsided. Even so, the exposed skin feels dry. When the wind blows, there is a faint sense of tearing.

"Then we have to hurry. If we move at full speed, we should be there before dawn!" MEC looked at the sky. It's still day now. It means we have to hurry at night, and it's still a whole night!

This is still MEC's conservative estimate.

"Then don't delay, lead the way and go!"


MEC nodded, and the three kept coming out of the transmission array area, directly out of the city and headed towards the frozen valley.

After coming out, as MEC said, it was much colder outside than in the city. Even if the vigorous Qi kept going, I could still feel the cold wind whizzing, especially after the speed increased, the wind became harder.

MEC, Gao Hang kept his mouth shut.

If you open your mouth, be sure to take a breath.

"It's against the wind. I'm afraid the speed will be affected." Lin Dong felt the wind direction. He could feel it himself. The speed didn't seem to improve, let alone hang and Meike. Their speed was much slower than himself. And it's not just the wind speed. In such an environment, it's OK for a short time, and I'm afraid there's trouble for a long time.

"Rosefinch God general, sky god general!"

Lin Dong directly summoned them out. As soon as the rosefinch God general came out, he sent out a warm breath, just like a stove suddenly appeared in the ice and snow, which made people feel warm.

Although the sky god general is not as good as the rosefinch God general, its appearance seems to change the wind direction. Originally, it was against the wind, but the resistance suddenly decreased and even disappeared!

For it, controlling the wind is not difficult.

"How did you..."

Seeing that the two gods would appear, Gao Hang and Mei Ke were stunned. At this time, God will be summoned in the future. The consumption of the past is too great, isn't it?

Seeing their concerns, Lin Dong shook his head: "it's all right. It's too slow to go on like this, and even if we get to the place, we're afraid we're exhausted. It's better to conserve our energy. You two go to one, and then let's speed up and get ready before dawn."

Gao Hang and mec looked at each other, and the God General changed his form accordingly.

Speaking of them, they were really embarrassed. After all, at the beginning, the divine general was human. It was really embarrassing to sit on it, but now with the change of form, the sense of embarrassment is much less.

MEC is on the sky god general, and Gao Hang is on the rosefinch God general.

After going up, Lin Dong directly made them speed up, directly speed up.

Lin Dong also let go of the speed and followed closely.

Seeing Lin Dong, the God will let them run behind. Gao Hang and mec are a little embarrassed, especially the speed of the God will. They don't feel much when they sit on it, but Lin Dong must have a lot of trouble following behind.

But soon, they found that their worries were superfluous.

Although Lin Dong is not as fast as the rosefinch and the sky general, he looks relaxed and comfortable.

I also saw many monsters along the way, which is in line with the environment here. They are basically white. They are all kinds. I don't know their strength. If Lin Dong isn't in a hurry, he really wants to try. By the way, see what can burst out here.

It was getting dark, the moonlight covered the earth, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of silver. It was very white and beautiful.

However, the three of Lin Dong didn't want to appreciate it at all and focused on the way.

I don't know how long it took, I finally heard MEC's slightly excited voice: "here, here, there is the frozen Valley in front."

Lin Dong looked up and saw the iceberg in front. There seemed to be an entrance.

The frozen valley should be semi closed, in the shape of a gourd. There is only one import and export, and it is covered with snow and solid ice. If you are careless, let alone a monster, it is easy to be trapped even if it causes an avalanche.

This place is a dangerous place at a glance!

The two gods first came to the entrance and then stopped. Gao Hang jumped down with MEC. While landing, Lin Dong had caught up with him, almost without difference.

They took a look at Lin Dong. They endured the cold and cold wind all the way. Although they were a little embarrassed, they didn't see fatigue. Moreover, they also summoned two divine generals at the same time, which had no great impact. It can be seen that his strength was really strong!

Gao Hang and mec couldn't help admiring!

"It's just inside. When I first go in, I may encounter ice weather. It's a little tricky, but it's not a big problem. Then I go through erdaokou. It's a dangerous place. There's an ice dragon in there. If you want to get ice crystals, you must go in. She... Is frozen nearby by me." Meck said.

"What about the mysterious place?"

"It's near the inside. There's an icy cave. I don't know how many and how deep it is. We had an accident near the cave."

Lin Dong nodded: "it sounds interesting. Let's go in and have a look. I hope we can save your wife without ice heart lotus."


Mei Ke sighed. Then Lin Dong put the God away. The three quietly walked into the entrance in the dark night.

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