Frozen Valley!

Lin Dong came here again, but this time, there was no one else but himself. The Immortal Emperor wanted to send several people to follow Lin Dong. After all, the ice dragon is still very dangerous, and he needs help to explore the strange cave. What if a fairy happens to appear? Lin Dong himself is too dangerous.

But Lin Dong refused.

For one thing, even if these people follow, they don't help much. They may be able to deal with ice dragons, but they can't provide much help to deal with immortals or investigate the situation. Second, it's more convenient for them. If they follow, the movement is too loud.

Therefore, Lin Dong came to the frozen Valley alone!

Standing outside the frozen Valley, the cold wind blew, and Lin Dong shrugged his shoulders. He really felt a little cold! Shrugging his nose, Lin Dong seemed to smell an unusual smell.

The smell of death!

"It seems that the space here is getting more and more unstable. Last time I came here, I could feel it only when I was close to the cave. I didn't expect to feel it when I stood in front of the frozen Valley!"

Lin Dong sighed. It seems that the situation is really bad!

Rosefinch, the great God will call out.

The two gods will open the way, and Lin Dong enters the frozen Valley!

Quiet, at a glance, Lin Dong found that he didn't see the ice monkey. You know, this is the territory of the ice monkey, and it will be refreshed after killing it. Lin Dong doesn't believe that someone happened to be here just now, so there is only one possibility. The smell is strong enough to change the rules here!

Before, Xiandi said that although Lin Dong didn't feel alarmist, he didn't think it was so exaggerated. Now I find that things are much more difficult than I thought!

Being able to change the rules here means that if it continues to develop, it is likely to change the whole transcendental world!

"It seems that you really need dessert!"

Lin Dong sighed and soon... Came to the place where the ice dragon was.

I don't know if the ice dragon is in the cave, or... Because the rules here have changed, so even the ice dragon doesn't refresh?

Lin Dong pondered and decided to first determine whether the ice dragon is here. First, he can determine how much the rules have changed. Second, he knows whether the ice dragon is there, which is also convenient for him to act. In case the ice dragon suddenly comes out when investigating the strange cave, Lin Dong doesn't think he can kill the Dragon successfully!

The great saint God will open the way, the rosefinch God will go back, and Lin Dong finally enters the ice dragon's cave.

The cave is very deep, and he doesn't walk fast all the way. Lin Dong's spirit is always in a highly concentrated state. If the dragon is inside, he will quit immediately!

However, there was nothing unusual after walking about 100 meters. The more you go, the more spacious it is. It's a circular cave. It's empty and there's no dragon.

Lin Dong was relieved, but he sighed again.

The ice dragon didn't refresh, which is not good news!


There was a pile of shiny things on the ground not far away. Lin Dong walked over and looked, and immediately recognized what it was.

Ice crystal!

At the beginning, the mecks were desperate for this thing. Although they didn't know what it was for, it must be a good thing. But now the ice dragon hasn't refreshed. It's cheap!

At that moment, Lin Dong put away the pile of ice crystals and came out of the cave.

When he came to the strange cave, the breath had become stronger and stronger. He was far away. Within the last safety range, Lin Dong could feel that his soul would be attracted out of his body.

"Go in and have a look."

Lin Dong summoned the God of death and said.

The God of death was also unambiguous and immediately floated into the cave.

Lin Dong can't see what the God of death will see, but he can feel the feeling of the God of death! It's dark and gloomy. It seems that you can't see anything inside. It's just dark like ink. The atmosphere is very depressed, as if there are countless things pressing on your chest, and this is just the feeling from the God of death. If you go in by yourself, I'm afraid that feeling will be stronger!

The God of death also came in last time. He was familiar with the road, but he didn't find anything after walking around. At least the God of death didn't find anything. Lin Dong remotely controlled it and carefully explored it for a long time, but he didn't get anything. The only feeling is that the atmosphere inside is very depressed, not much like the feeling of fairyland.

If you really want to say, it's like hell, or the demon world?

Lin Dong is not sure whether there is a demon world or not, but this feeling is what Lin Dong can think of!

After all, it will be more troublesome to pass through the God of death. If you get nothing, you can't do it! Do you really want to go in by yourself? Lin Dong hesitated. This place is too dangerous! Once your soul is separated, you can't summon the God general. Of course, the God of death will go out. If you think so, you can't try!

The God of death will protect it. At least it can bring itself out safely?

For the sake of the Immortal Emperor, the old man and the extraordinary world, Lin Dong can't ignore it. Although there are certain risks, it is also worth it!

"Forget it, give it a try. People specially ask themselves to help. How can we do this beautifully!"

Lin Dong sighed, then turned around and found a pretty good place. Then let the rosefinch God general and the great saint God General dig a pit. Seeing that this is not big or small enough to accommodate his own pit, Lin Dong shook his head and mocked himself: "dig a pit and bury yourself. I'm afraid few people do this. I've set a precedent. Well, let's experience what it feels like to be buried!"

Lin Dong lay in the pit and asked the rosefinch God general and the great saint God general to bury themselves for a while. By the way, he stayed here to protect his body. Then, let the God of death pull out his soul!

The chain locked himself. Lin Dong felt as if he had suddenly become light, and then he couldn't help floating out.

Looking at myself in the pit... Well, it's really strange. Fortunately, I experienced such things when I went to hell before. It's no wonder.

But I didn't look at myself carefully last time, so it still feels strange!

In particular, watching the great saint and the rosefinch bury themselves made Lin Dong feel strange to attend the funeral.

Finally, the ice and snow covered his body. Lin Dong motioned that the God of death would take him to the cave. The closer you are, the stronger the feeling of being pulled. Fortunately, there is the chain of the God of death. Otherwise, you must be sucked into it.

Black, endless, invisible darkness!

The depressed feeling made Lin Dong feel like he was about to explode. He kept running the meditation formula, barely suppressed the feeling, and then went deep into it step by step!

The feeling around is very strong and intuitive.

The front is like a monster that can devour people. It is waiting to devour itself with a big mouth open. Like an attractive black hole, it makes you feel dangerous and afraid, but you can't help but want to find out!

Lin Dong didn't feel immortal Qi, nor did he feel any aura. What he felt was just boundless darkness and the breath that made people want to go crazy.

It's a bit like the space fault when I came out of hell, but it's different.

But Lin Dong can conclude that the other end of the space is definitely not the fairyland!

Unless the fairyland is the place where the gloomy atmosphere spreads!

But if so, is it still fairyland?

The God of death will pull himself behind, and Lin Dong begins to investigate. To be exact, it's induction. After all, it's so dark that you can't see anything. You can't find anything unusual at all. You can only feel what's unusual or inharmonious around you by feeling.

But it's hard.

Especially under the influence of breath, if you want to calm down and distinguish, you have high requirements for mental power.


Suddenly, Lin Dong found a place that seemed to fluctuate slightly, which was different from the surrounding atmosphere. Motioning for the God of death to approach, Lin Dong sensed silently.


Or, chaos!

This feeling is very familiar, space fault!

Yes, this is a space fault.

Lin Dong suddenly became excited. Since this is a space fault, the previous immortal should come out from here. Lin Dong slowly stretched out his hand and could feel that the suction was very strong, just like a powerful giant vacuum cleaner in front of him. If he didn't resist, he would be sucked in.

"Since this is a space fault, that is to say, it will lead to another place, but there is no way to know what the opposite place is. If only one could come out again. Or, go and see for yourself?" Lin Dong thought so, and his body subconsciously went in the direction of the space fault.

However, it was only his own thinking, not a command, so he was dragged back by the God of death before long.

This also made Lin Dong wake up like a dream and was startled!

"This place is so evil that I almost went in. It can disturb my thinking. The opposite is definitely not the fairyland!" Lin Dong thought with some fear. At that moment, he didn't notice any movement of his body.

It's like getting ready to light a fire with a cigarette. When you find a beautiful woman, you want to see more. It's a feeling similar to instinct!

"Evil, too evil."

After thinking for a while, Lin Dong decided to leave here first and ask the Immortal Emperor about his situation. If he doesn't find anything, then... It's not bad to go to the opposite side!

After all, we should always find out what the opposite place is, and then we can find a way to solve it.

And the spatial chaos should also be generated from the opposite side.

Therefore, it is imperative to look at it!

When Lin Dong came out of the cave, he asked the God to dig out his body. Although it was not long before and after, it was only about half an hour at best, but when the soul returned to the body, Lin Dong felt as if it had been a long time and felt relaxed.

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