"Remember the feeling just now. Although you can't do it for every sword, when you think you can kill with one sword when the opportunity comes, you should concentrate all your mind on the sword." when Chen muyao said, his tone was a little harsh.

I can see that she is really teaching herself.

Lin Dong also kept that feeling in mind. Although it is difficult to describe, the feeling is very deep. When he comes out of the sword, it seems that everything has disappeared. Even, he can't feel himself. He can only feel the sword in his hand and the enemy in his eyes.

And then that kind of collapse and weakness made Lin Dong feel that although the power of sword was the same, the concentration and explosive power were quite different.

Man is a sword, and the sword is a man.

If you practice to the extreme, won't you become a swordsman? Or, bitch?

But Lin Dong suddenly felt that Chen muyao was very much like a person!

ximen chuixue.

The same white clothes, the same coldness, the same superb swordsmanship, the only difference is the gender, a man and a woman!

Originally, Lin Dong thought she was a little like a little dragon girl, but when he saw her using a sword, he found that she was more like Ximen blowing snow. However, Ximen chuixue is heartless, but Chen muyao is obviously a little different, just indifference, not ruthlessness!

"By the way, you haven't said why you came suddenly?" Lin Dong asked.

She didn't happen to meet herself. Did she come to find herself and teach herself to use the sword?

"You are too weak. My father asked me to help you!" Chen muyao said.


Am I too weak?

Lin Dong felt speechless for a while. I'm afraid few people dare to tell themselves this?

Even the God King must admit his strength.

But Xiandi and Chen muyao, well, they really have the right to say so.

"I've understood just now, but I still need to be proficient. Is there anything else that can help me improve my strength?" Lin Dong asked.

"You can't do it easily, and you can't do it for a long time. When you do this, I will teach you something else." Chen muyao said faintly.

"All right!"

Lin Dong shrugged. Anyway, it's better for her to guide herself than to grope without a clue. Now that people say it, practice it!

Although Chen muyao's character is somewhat indifferent, but anyway, with such a beautiful woman next to her, she has power to practice!

In this way, these thunder beasts are unlucky.

No one has been so arrogant in their territory for a long time.

As the saying goes, men and women are not tired. With Chen muyao nearby, Lin Dong really felt energetic, but when he started, he was still very focused. Just as Chen muyao said, he has not fully mastered this sword. Sometimes he can show it, sometimes he can't.

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work!

Fortunately, it's not so dangerous. When you're tired, let the pharmacist Buddha Dharma phase help you recover. If you can't concentrate, use the meditation formula. The effect is surprisingly good. You can calm down and immerse yourself in the sword soon.

At the beginning, there were times when it worked, but gradually, the success rate has been much higher. Now basically, eight of the ten swords can succeed. Moreover, he can gradually achieve the point that he can use this sword at any time, as Chen muyao said!

Of course, Lin Dong is very upset that persistence is not good.

Three swords.

I can only cast three swords. After the three swords, although the vigorous Qi does not consume much, the consumption of mental power is very amazing. If I insist on casting the fourth sword, I will have a headache.

If you take your body back, your mental strength may be stronger. It should reach the point of five to six swords!

"I'll take you to a place to cultivate your mental strength!" Chen muyao said.


Lin Dong did not hesitate. Now he is very interested in improving his strength, and he also wants to know how to improve his spiritual strength.

As for God's general or separation, don't worry, self-protection is enough, not to mention that separation can control God's general, and you don't need to worry here.

This is the advantage of separation!

Can do many things at the same time!

If it's not that condensing separation is too painful, and it's still difficult to do now, Lin Dong wants to condense a separation and then go back to the purgatory island of the secular world. In this way, nothing will be delayed!

Lin Dong is curious about what body method Chen muyao uses. It looks very elegant, more elegant than the wind step, and the speed is very fast. She can hardly feel her exertion, but the speed is amazing.

Several times along the way, Lin Dong wanted to talk, but Chen muyao's performance was very cold. Even if he occasionally answered, it was only a very short response. He didn't mean to chat at all. After several unsuccessful returns, the depressed Lin Dongdao also put out his mind to chat with Chen muyao.

She is definitely not the kind of girl who drinks beer, eats crayfish, and then finds a quiet place to talk about life!

I don't know how long it took. Chen muyao suddenly grabbed Lin Dong's hand and followed Lin Dong. He felt that the whole person was weightless in an instant, like a blink. When he opened his eyes again, he found that there was darkness around him. It was a kind of darkness that Lin Dong couldn't see a shadow since he had extraordinary vision!

Lin Dong subconsciously reached out and grabbed Chen muyao's arm. Although he was separated by his clothes, he was very soft. I could feel Chen muyao's body trembling slightly. It seemed that she wanted to get away, but she held back.

"What place is this? Why is it so dark?" Lin Dong couldn't help asking.

"You don't care what place this is, just know that this is a good place to cultivate spiritual power." Chen muyao said.

Lin Dong nodded subconsciously. It seems that no one can enter this place. The opportunity was rare, and Lin Dong quickly felt it, which made him realize the difference here.

He can't feel anything!

With his strength and his spiritual sense, it is absolutely impossible to feel nothing. It's a bit like the feeling in a space fault, but even in a space fault, Lin Dong can feel it!

"Why can't I feel anything?" Lin Dong asked in surprise.

Chen muyao's voice was still flat: "unless you reach my father's strength, it's right if you can't feel it. Even I can't feel it."

"You can't feel it?"

This is somewhat unexpected, but if she can't feel it, isn't it like herself, a darkness and don't know anything?

Er, in the dark, a man and a woman, and even Lin Dong can smell the faint fragrance on her. Well, although Lin Dong's mind is on how to improve his mental strength, this idea together can not help but make him fantasize.

But it's just a thought. I really don't dare to do anything. After all, Chen muyao is afraid to be better than herself. What's more, if the Immortal Emperor knows, er... The end will definitely be better. But then again, the Immortal Emperor knew he was interested in her daughter. How dare he let her come? Isn't he really afraid of sheep entering the tiger's mouth?

Chen muyao doesn't know what Lin Dong is thinking. In this place, she is also blind and can't feel anything.

"I thought the skill you used to concentrate was good. Is it a way to improve your mental power? Practicing in this place will greatly help you increase your mental power. When you can feel everything here, your mental power is not far from that of my father."

"Well, I see, but... Can you not be too far away from me?" Lin Dong asked.

"Yes!" Chen muyao said without surprise. "But you let me go first!"

Lin Dong smiled and reluctantly loosened Chen muyao, and then sat down groping. I don't know if there are any other things in this place, but I don't need much scope of activities anyway. I don't care. After sitting down, Lin Dong began to practice the formula of concentration and meditation!

After all, this is the family tradition of the Du family. Although it is not as aggressive as the Lin family or the Huo family, it has many wonderful uses. The so-called meditation and concentration is actually a kind of spiritual power. Only with strong spiritual power can we do this, so this set of skill is really suitable for cultivating spiritual power.

However, Chen muyao can guess that she has such a set of skills only through her reaction and behavior. Her eyesight is really extraordinary!

After practicing silently, Lin Dong's mind was gradually immersed.

Although he can't feel any change or increase in his spiritual strength during cultivation, since Chen muyao brought himself here, it must be effective, but he hasn't found it yet!

Lin Dong began to practice, and Chen muyao also began to practice.

In fact, Chen muyao's life is very monotonous. From birth to growth, she basically spends her time in cultivation, and her talent is excellent, and her achievements are thousands of miles a day. At least the Immortal Emperor can't win his daughter so easily. It can be seen that Chen muyao's strength and talent.

All along, her mind was as quiet as water, and there were no waves at all.

But I don't know why, there were some changes after seeing Lin Dong. From the beginning, he took Lin Dong into the extraordinary world to several subsequent encounters. Although Chen muyao seemed to have no change, he was actually different from the past. Every time I practice, I occasionally flash Lin Dong's appearance.

Chen muyao doesn't know why and doesn't think Lin Dong is special.

But his appearance, but some lingering.

From the beginning to the end of his father's knowledge of the matter and that he was about to meet the war, Chen muyao didn't have the slightest worry. However, knowing that Lin Dong was involved and that Lin Dong was cultivating and improving his strength, Chen muyao was a little worried about his lack of strength, so she volunteered this time.

While teaching Lin Dong to use the sword, Chen muyao was shocked by his talent and progress, although he didn't seem to be lonely!

Sometimes, it's not a good thing to have too much talent. It's very cold at a high place, especially from a high starting point. How can ordinary men see it?

Therefore, Chen muyao found that she was very willing to be with Lin Dong. Although Lin Dong often took the initiative to start a topic and wanted to chat with herself, she responded coldly, but it was only because she... Didn't know how to chat with others, and she never chatted with others!

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