How strong is Luo Tianxian? Lin Dong doesn't know, but Geng lie, the earth fairy, can know one or two. The earth fairy's strength is so strong that he can't win, let alone Luo Tianxian.

It is no exaggeration to say that he will die.

And Xu Gong obviously planned to do the same!

However, Lin Dong still has a way back. If he can't win, he will merge with his separation and leave the fairyland. He won't die here. But this is the last way out. If you leave the fairyland, the matter of persuading the Immortal King to unite will come to an end. So, try to find a way to win!

Here, he can merge with his separation and return to the battlefield. But what if you meet the army of the fairyland on the battlefield? If you can't win, you can integrate and integrate the separation of the extraordinary world. But what if in the transcendental world? Even if there are many separate arrangements for retreat, when there is no way out?

Sooner or later, we still have to rely on strength and fist.

Lin Dong naturally still hopes to win!

Practice has no years.

Lin Dong put aside other thoughts and completely immersed himself in cultivation. Before, because he didn't know the situation, he absorbed too much dead gas. Although it caused a lot of trouble, the benefits were obvious. Originally, his meditation was just a paradise, but after absorbing these dead gas and transforming it into vitality, he directly reached the semi fairyland.

The speed is amazing.

If he can practice like this, Lin Dong believes that in a short time, the realm of meditation can be improved and reach the realm of great perfection. At that time, the combat effectiveness will certainly be improved. Unfortunately... It's impossible to do so. Lin Dong is not afraid that others will trouble him, but since he promised unipolarity, he won't give this face.

Although there is not much contact, but the unipolar identity is special, not to mention it is good for yourself. This face should be given naturally!

However, his own death is also a lot, as well as Hu Wei's. Since he lost, his death naturally belongs to himself. No one will say anything if he absorbs it.

Although this number is certainly much less than before, it is also relatively speaking. In fact, this number is much more than practicing outside.

The speed of Lin Dong's cultivation can be said to be thousands of miles a day, and the realm of meditation is also constantly improving. During this time, many people have been paying attention to the situation here, but Lin Dong didn't care. If they were willing to stare, they would stare. Anyway, if there was a unipolar voice, they didn't dare to do anything.

As for touching your details? If they are willing to do so, they can do it. Anyway, they never win by realm. If you follow the realm, even ordinary Sanxian is better than yourself!

Time passed quietly. Although Lin Dong was practicing, he was secretly calculating time.

It's almost seven or eight days since I came to the undead island. The army of the fairy world should be almost assembled, but there's no change on the undead Island, as if it had nothing to do with them. Think about it, undead island is actually out of tune with the fairy world. How can there be any changes because of these.

Lin Dong was a little worried. Once the immortal army arrived at the battlefield, the bloody battle would begin, but there was no clue here. He didn't know when he would be able to help the Immortal Emperor. I hope they can stick to it and won't lose too much.

Lin Dong sighed here that time waits for no man, and in the depths of the undead Island, unipolar stood respectfully aside and looked at the black gas in the center. There was a figure in a trance. After a moment, the black gas was gradually absorbed into the figure and quickly disappeared, and the man looked very gloomy in a black robe.

If you can make unipolar so respectful, you don't have to guess who this person is.

Immortal Island, Immortal King!

"Xian Jun!" said unipolar respectfully.

Immortal Jun nodded: "what's going on during this time?"

"Back to Xianjun, there is a new man on the island, but he is not from the fairy world. It seems that he has come from the secular world. He wants to cross the dead sea to kill Xianjun. The details have not been asked. Xianjun, do you want to see him?" unipolar said.

"Oh? Unexpectedly, people from the lower world can come to the fairy world. The fairy road has been closed for a long time. I probably know where he comes from." the Immortal King's voice is also the same as his temperament, a little gloomy. "Take him to my cave. I want to see him!"

"Yes! But Xianjun, there's one more thing..."

"What's up?"

"It seems that he has a special skill. The speed of absorbing dead Qi is quite amazing, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of others. Hu Wei made a move, but he lost. He lost very simply. Xu Gong was going to make a move, but I stopped him. After Xianjun met him, Xu Gong will fight him, and... He is ready to kill him!" unipolar way.

Immortal Jun nodded noncommittally, but he didn't speak. Unipolar didn't ask, as long as Xianjun knew it. As for how to deal with it and how to arrange it, Xianjun naturally had to make up his mind!

Lin Dong's cave!

Unipolar stood at the door and said loudly, "Lin Dong, Xianjun is out of the customs. I want to see you!"

Hearing the sound, Lin Dong was immediately happy and finally could see the Immortal King. Then he hurried out of the cave. Unipolar didn't say much, just let Lin Dong follow him. Lin Dong didn't speak and followed him. He couldn't help thinking about what to say and how to persuade the Immortal King.

Before long, I came to a cave.

Lin Dong can feel that the dead spirit here is much stronger than that in other places, and there is no other cave nearby. There is no doubt that this must be the cave of the Immortal King.

Unipolar stood respectfully at the door, slightly lowering his head. "Report to Xianjun, Lin Dong has arrived."

"Let him in." the voice of Immortal King came from inside.

Unipolar turned to Lin Dong and said, "go in and be respectful when you see Xianjun, okay?"

Lin Dong nodded and went in.

Black robe and black hair, looks very feminine, and some old!

At first glance, it looks like a black mage in a magic movie!

This is the boss of undead Island, one of the two immortal kings in the fairy world, undead Immortal King!

"Where are you from?" when Lin Dong looked at the Immortal King, he was also looking at Lin Dong. Lin Dong's accomplishments can be seen through at a glance. The immortal land is perfect. If the immortal road is not closed, he is qualified to fly to the immortal world.

"The battlefield between the supernatural world and the immortal world, I came for the fight between the immortal world and the supernatural world!" Lin Dong said directly.

Concealment or lies are useless and unnecessary.

"I see! So you came through a space fault. You can avoid the defense of those people and cross the dead sea to come here. Your ability is not weak. Even in the fairy world, few people on the undead island have this ability. No wonder Hu Wei is not your opponent." the undead immortal king said faintly. "So, what do you want to see me for?"

This is the beginning!

Lin Dong thought secretly, sorted out his thoughts and said, "I heard that Xianjun is not on the right path with Taishang Xianjun. It's not like invading the extraordinary world. It's immortal style to be so kind and righteous. Now Taishang Xianjun has organized an army to fight the extraordinary world. I hope Xianjun can help!"

"Wear a high hat when you come up. I don't have any immortal style!" the Immortal King snorted coldly.

Lin Dong smiled and didn't care. Immortal Jun said so, but he didn't want to threaten him with morality. He wasn't really angry. Of course, it may be worse for your senses, but it doesn't matter!

"If the supreme Immortal King is solved, no one in the fairyland will be the opponent of the Immortal King. Perhaps, the current situation in the fairyland may not be very good and not suitable for conventional cultivation, but it is different for the Immortal King. The other poison is my immortal pill." Lin Dong didn't think he could talk about the Immortal King in a word or two. After all, this is war, and there are not enough benefits and reasons, How can you promise!

"It's a good way to lure people to benefit. However, if that guy succeeds, he will take people away from the fairy world and settle in the extraordinary world. Then the whole fairy world will belong to me. Why should I spend more time and wait quietly!" immortal Jun said slowly.

Lin Dong shook his head: "That's different. If Xianjun really had this plan, he wouldn't have made friends with Taishang Xianjun before. What's more, if they succeed and take away all the people, what's the use of leaving a fairy world? The fairy road has been closed. Where can you go? When Taishang Xianjun gets up in the extraordinary world, there are many people and has strong strength, how can you do it then Confrontation? Don't say it's irrelevant. This is nonsense! If it's irrelevant, there won't be so many things. The rules on the island are that the strong are respected and the fist is big. I think, Xianjun, you know this better than anyone! "

"Not enough!"

Immortal King shook his head.

"Not enough? Is persuasion not enough, or is it not good enough?" the immortal Jun was expressionless, and Lin Dong didn't see anything. After thinking about it, Lin Dong said: "Isn't it enough to unify the immortal world? Then... What if it's a good thing in the extraordinary world? I don't know if Xianjun knows about the extraordinary world, but there are many good things in the extraordinary world. I believe there must be something that Xianjun needs or is satisfied with. Of course, if Xianjun has any requirements, you can put forward them as much as possible!"

"It's not impossible for me to help you. As long as you can prove you or your value, I'll promise you. But I have another condition!"

"What conditions?"

"I want you to help me find out why the fairyland is like this, and if the fairyland really collapses one day, you should find a suitable place for me!" said the Immortal King.

Lin Dong could not help but frown. This condition is a little harsh.

For so many years, many of you haven't figured out what's going on. How can I help you investigate? That's all. Anyway, promise to investigate slowly. But it's difficult to help them find a place to live instead of the fairyland.

Neither the transcendental nor the secular world can be settled.

This is difficult!

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