"You..." Xu Gong looked at Lin Dong, whose breath was gradually calming down. He was surprised and subconsciously opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to ask.

It was the first time he saw such a thing. He was promoted from mortal to immortal in the blink of an eye. Don't say it's so exaggerated. It's impossible to improve a realm.

How long did it take to reach the realm of Luo Tianxian? He can't remember clearly for too long, but what about the other party? It's only a few minutes. It's incredible to think about Xu Gong. If this is OK, who will bother to practice? However, the surprise returned to surprise. Xu Gong, who calmed down, also reacted. This promotion is certainly not permanent. The time should not be too long, and there are bound to be side effects!

This made him a little relieved. It would be too exaggerated to say that the other party could really be promoted directly.

"Is this your real means? Hum, I want to see who is better than mine!" Xu Gong thought of fighting, or wanted to prove that only the cultivation he had earned through hard cultivation is real.

He has high fighting spirit now, but Lin Dong is not bad either!

Five Minutes!

The medicine effect is only five minutes. The power of the celestial fairyland is somewhat unexpected, but he doesn't have time to get familiar with it. For him, every minute is extremely precious and can't be wasted!

Therefore, before Xu Gong started, Lin Dong already started.

The wolf tooth sword is extremely powerful when it is used.

With the immortal spirit and the support of Luotian fairyland, the sword technique and sword intention have been greatly improved.

It seems that different states have different powers!

Although the Xu palace has been easily broken once, it can't be taken lightly now. After all... The other party is like himself. They are all fairyland in the sky!

However, after the fight, Xu Gong found that Lin Dong was not as strong as he thought, and was far inferior to the normal Luo Tianxian, which relieved Xu Gong. It seems that the realm of forced promotion is really not as good as normal cultivation. Then there's nothing to worry about. Although it's not like rolling and second killing as before, it can also gain the upper hand. Once his efficacy passes, he'll be dead!

Banging, banging, banging.

The two people kept fighting, and the scene was very intense, and the weaker people had retreated a lot. It was not fun for the two Luo Tianxian to start. If they were careless, they would be affected, and there was no place to reason. Soon, the neighborhood became empty, and there were almost four or five people left, all of them with advanced cultivation.

Immortal King, Dugu you is naturally among them.

At this time, Xu Gong and Lin Dong have reached the point of white hot. Lin Dong is seizing the time to attack continuously. His behavior naturally makes people understand that his time is limited. Xu Gong also knows that once the time comes, he wants to win easily, but his pride doesn't allow him to do so. What can he do even if he wins?

He wants to beat him in the medicine effect time and let him know that even if he can be promoted to heaven fairyland with Dan medicine, he is still not his opponent. If he wants to lose, he will be convinced!

"It seems that the outcome will be decided soon." Dugu you whispered softly.

"Who do you think will win?"

Immortal King suddenly said.

They are far away and speak softly, but they listen very clearly. Dugu you raised his head and looked at immortal Jun, then slightly glanced: "it's not important who wins, but you want his pill?"

"Don't you want it?" said the immortal gentleman faintly.

Dugu you sneered. "Yes, why not? When the cultivation reaches this point, it is difficult to add each promotion, or even have no clue. If you can figure out what it is like to experience a higher level, there will be more opportunities to break through the promotion."

"You're still too persistent!" immortal Jun's tone was a little melancholy, which made people wonder whether they had an affair.

"Persistent?" lonely you couldn't help laughing, and there was some ridicule in his eyes. "Those who obey die and those who resist die. This is practice! Fight with heaven and earth, fight with heaven and earth, and don't stick to it?"

Immortal Jun was silent. After a long time, he slowly said, "help me save him later. You come forward. Xu Gong doesn't dare not give you face!"

Immortal King is the boss of the island. If he speaks, Xu palace will certainly agree. However, as the island owner, he is not easy to destroy after setting the rules. What's more, he also needs to consider the mood of Xu palace. Dugu you is different. She can be said to be the most special existence on the immortal island. She has strong strength and strange temper, and her skill is not passed down by the Immortal King.

Her opening can only be regarded as the business of the people below.

"Why did he come here?" Dugu you asked instead of saying yes.

"In order to let me join forces with their extraordinary people to deal with the supreme Immortal King!" the Immortal King said slowly: "with this, you should protect his life!"

"What are the terms he promised?" Dugu you asked again.

"I asked him to investigate why the fairyland came to this point. At the same time, if he waited until the day when the fairyland collapsed, he must help me find a place similar to the fairyland."

"You're forcing people to do this," Dugu you sneered.

Immortal immortal Jun said lightly, "he wants me to help him deal with the supreme immortal Jun. he must pay a price. If he can do it so easily, do you still need him?"

"I think you will attach additional conditions." if Dugu you pointed out, it was the pill.

Immortal Jun shook his head: "if I knew he had this pill, it might be used as a condition. But now that he has proved his value, I must treat him as an equal. I may exchange other things, but I won't force him to ask for it!"

"Just like you did to me? What? Do you think he has more potential than me?" Dugu you asked.

"Who can say something clearly!" immortal Jun sighed, as if he was no longer interested in talking, and Dugu you didn't ask, as if he was remembering something.

At this time, the battle has changed.

Although Lin Dong gradually adapted to this powerful force, time did not wait. He could feel that his strength was rapidly decreasing. Quietly, he had retreated from the realm of Luo Tianxian to heaven fairyland, and continued to decline. This makes him a little depressed and anxious. If he can't win again, he will be in trouble.

As the old saying goes, haste makes waste. The more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes!

Xu Gong knows this very well. After seeing Lin Dong's impatience, he is also a little anxious. He plans to defeat Lin Dong while the medicine is still effective. However, although Xu Gong is anxious, he has rich experience. Suddenly, there was a flaw in Lin Dong. Xu Gong was overjoyed. He seized the opportunity and hit Lin Dong directly.


Can clearly see, Lin Dong's mouth sprayed a mouthful of blood, and then, Lin Dong's figure quickly flew backwards out. At the same time, after the time of efficacy, he has recovered to normal cultivation, and the Dantian... Is damaged.

Xu Gong rushed out and wanted to give him the last blow when he landed.

Immortal Jun looked at Dugu you and motioned her to do it. But Dugu you didn't seem to see it at all. Instead, he looked at it with interest. It seemed that there was something interesting. This made immortal Jun frown slightly and worried. If Xu Gong catches up, Lin Dong will be dead.

Do you want me to do it?

When he hesitated, he suddenly seemed surprised to find something. Then... He was as stable as Mount Tai, and his previous anxiety disappeared.


Learning is killing me, sweat! I have to study for a week, but I don't have to go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I can update it normally and make up as much as possible!

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