"How fragrant..."

Dugu you couldn't help saying that there was a porcelain basin on the table. There was a faint fragrance in the porcelain basin. I don't know what medicine was in it. It was very green and beautiful.

"There is no rice here, so I can only make soup. The medicinal materials here are also very common. A small part of them are from the fairy world, and most of them are from the secular world. Let alone the taste, they should fill my stomach. Moreover, I deliberately controlled the effect to avoid being unable to bear it. After all, my body may not be able to absorb so well!"

"I understand that. There is no remedy for emptiness!"

Dugu you then urged Dugu Feng to drink quickly, and then he tasted it himself.

"You want to try it, too?"

Seeing the medicine King looking forward to it, Dugu you asked, and then with a little finger, he saw that a ball of soup in the porcelain basin was separated and floated to the medicine king.

Yaowang didn't feel embarrassed. He opened his mouth and caught it. He tasted the taste first, and then felt the effect. It is not as good as expected. The medicinal materials contained in it are not particularly high-end and not many. This disappointed the medicine king and thought he could see more means.

But on second thought, Dugu Feng's medicine diet is really suitable in this situation.

It matches well with each other and the effect is also very good.

If you change to be yourself, you may not master it well.

Thinking about this clearly, the medicine King couldn't help admiring it again.

This person, once he is admired, once he admires someone, even if it is a very ordinary thing, he will feel different. He can find out the reasons for his admiration and make himself admire more

Dugu Feng felt better after taking the medicine diet. She felt so weak and hungry that she forgot how long she hadn't experienced it. She has no accomplishments now, but she feels sorry at all. It's very rare to be able to revive. She really doesn't care whether she does or not.

At first, if she didn't want to be with her sister forever, she might not practice, although her talent was excellent.

However, Dugu you also said that the situation in the fairyland is very special now, and it is difficult to cultivate. He can only rely on Lin Dong. Dugu Feng is also curious about Lin Dong. He is not an immortal, but he has great skills. Even this fairyland war, he also played a decisive role.

She knew and was careless about her sister, so she didn't think about anything else. She just thought Lin Dong was very powerful!

"Have you refined the pill?" Dugu you asked Lin Dong.

Lin Dong nodded: "I've refined some. What kind of skill are you going to practice? Do you kill heaven and earth?"

"My temperament is not suitable for practicing this set of skills. I have learned a set of skills before, which is quite suitable. But now I lack immortal Qi. It's very troublesome to practice from scratch. It's really hard for you to bother." Dugu Feng said.

Lin Dong waved her hand and signaled her not to be polite. Then he took out some quick fairy pills and gave them to Dugu you. "The quality of these quick magic pills is slightly worse. They are not so strong and powerful. They are very suitable for starting. After all, you know the effect of quick magic pills. I'll give you better ones when I think they can carry it!"

"You've thought it over!" Dugu you didn't even think of this problem. With Dugu Feng's current body, even if you have your own help, you can't carry such a strong immortal spirit!

Moreover, the absorption speed is not so fast when you practice again.

"Oh, I remember. My sister is now just like you. She is an ordinary practitioner. The immortal road is closed. She can't become an immortal. I'm afraid you have to use your method! Hurry up and see if you can do it!" Dugu you suddenly thought of it and said quickly.

Lin Dong didn't have a good way: "you want me to be a test object."

"Hey hey, that's not what you said. You're going to be an immortal anyway!" Dugu you laughed.

"You you!"

Dugu Feng said something and thought it was inappropriate for her sister to say so. She was too straightforward and took Lin Dong for something.

Dugu you said with a smile, "don't worry, sister. He's not so stingy."

"If I were such a stingy person, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to become friends with you." Lin Dong said with a bitter smile.

If you are really stingy and can be angry with Dugu you, you can't be a friend.

"Let's go both ways. You should cultivate first. You don't have to cultivate too high. Those pills should reach the earth just now. I specially refined them, and the effect is much worse. When I get to the earth, I have a way to quickly improve my cultivation, which is much more effective than the pill effect, and save myself. At that time, just take some time to stabilize it! As for me, I also pay close attention to refining to see if this road can go through! "

"Can you improve your accomplishments quickly?" Dugu you said. "How?"

"This is a special effect of my cultivation method, but it is only effective for practitioners for the time being. In fact, it should also have an effect on immortals. But before, immortal Qi was not useful to me and could only be wasted. It was far less effective than pill. Although it was slow, it had better effect! I can use this method when I became an immortal." Lin Dong said the spirit devouring method, It can absorb immortal Qi and transform others. Many people in purgatory island are promoted so quickly.

But now he can only transfer half, give half to others and keep half for himself.

It's no use keeping that half by yourself.

That's why he didn't use this method to help Dugu you improve. Besides, he didn't absorb and refine immortal Qi in his body. If he used the spirit devouring method, he could easily explode his body and die.

The medicine king, Dugu you and even Dugu Feng are well-informed, but they haven't heard of such a skill that can help people improve quickly, but they trust Lin Dong very much and know that he never aims at nothing.

"It's not too late, so hurry up!"

Dugu you is extremely insecure now. Even if she is already an Immortal Emperor, she is still worried that Dugu Feng will be in danger if she has no strength. This sense of security is hard to get, so what she wants most now is to improve her sister's strength.

Holding the pill, he took his sister out and went back to the room.

The medicine king also said goodbye. Lin Dong shook his head and took out the quick fairy pill to begin refining.

The immortal road is closed, so that other worldly worlds are completely disconnected from the immortal world. Practitioners can't fly up, and immortals can't descend.

Even the method of space fault has been very poor for many years.

If this alternative road to immortality can be passed, it can be regarded as another opening.

Dugu you took out the pill and asked her to take it. Dugu Feng shook her head and said with a smile, "you, you have been Immortal Emperor for so many years, but your impatient temper has not changed. In addition, even if you have a good relationship with Lin Dong, you should pay attention to it at ordinary times. The relationship depends on maintenance. It's not a matter today, but you don't think so tomorrow. For many years, even the best relationship will have an impact!"

"I know..." Dugu you said disapprovingly.

Dugu Feng could not help shaking her head again. It was because of her sister's character that she was worried about what she would do if she left her.

Dugu Feng took the pill and swallowed it. In an instant, enough immortal Qi rippled out. Dugu you quickly helped to control the immortal Qi so as not to hurt her sister's body. Dugu Feng's pithy formula and mental method began to practice. At the beginning, she was shocked.

One is to shock the powerful immortal Qi contained in the pill, which is already of slightly poor quality. It has such an effect. What if it is of good quality? I can't bear it.

Second, she was shocked that her body seemed very special. She absorbed immortal Qi. When she had practiced, she was much faster than before. Even if she didn't have such a hot interest in practice, she couldn't help being excited.

At first, it was absorbed slowly, but with the help of Dugu you, although it was slow, there was no risk. After absorbing all the immortal Qi of the pill, she had successfully reached the level of a second-class expert!

It seems that the pill has a bad effect, doesn't it? He has immortal Qi, not aura. As a result, one has only changed from ordinary people to third rate, and then to second rate. It seems that he has not improved much. But in fact, it's different. In order to take care of Dugu Feng, the immortal Qi of this pill is not too much, and it's different from the immortal Qi instilled. It's absorbed by yourself.

The effect is worse, and some remain in the body, which needs time to ferment slowly. Dugu Feng felt that there was more immortal Qi in the pill, but relatively speaking.

For her now, there are many.

However, if it is much worse than the one Dugu you used before, ten of them may not be as good as one!

So Dugu Feng was excited and surprised, but Dugu you didn't think so. He even complained that the effect was too bad. It was just the realm of second-class experts!

Dugu Feng rested for a while, adjusted quietly and adapted to it for a while. Although she is practicing again and her memory is still there, her body is new, and different from the ordinary body, a part of her immortality has been absorbed by her body. If there were no Dugu you, she might not be so anxious, but seeing her sister's eagerness, she could not say anything. She could only continue to swallow pills and continue to cultivate

After using five lower constant speed elixirs, Dugu Feng finally reached the land. Although there were still a few left, it was not necessary to use them.

"I don't know whether it's the effect of this pill or my body. More than half of the immortal Qi has been absorbed by my body. Even if I practice all kinds of skills, it's useless." Dugu Feng sighed.

"That's not good. Your body was resurrected with divine elixir. It's not the same. Besides, it's not so easy for Lin Dong to make his body absorb immortal Qi. My sister has absorbed it now. Maybe... You can become an immortal more easily than him!" Dugu hehe said with a smile.

Dugu Feng nodded slightly. If he did, he would really save trouble. He would really be blessed with misfortune this time

"Go, go and see Lin Dong. He said he would help you improve quickly when you get to the land. I'll see what he can do!" Dugu you hurried excitedly. The two sisters went out of the room to see Lin Dong.

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