Countless black breath poured into the ten thousand magic flags. The strong suction made the nearby ghosts unable to resist. They were continuously sucked into them, batch by batch, stubble by stubble, which was very spectacular. The effect of ten thousand magic flags was a little unexpected, but Lin Dong was very satisfied to see that shock and fear finally appeared on the faces of the three guys!

In just a few minutes, the ten thousand magic flags had inhaled at least thousands of ghosts. Unfortunately, they did not reduce the number of ghosts around. Ghosts here were absorbed, and ghosts from elsewhere soon made up for their position. And the number of ghosts has not decreased, but seems to be increasing.

In this way, if the ten thousand magic flags are filled, I still have to face these ghosts.

Unless the problem of space fault is solved, or the ghost of hell is completely destroyed, otherwise, the immediate problem can not be solved at all. But neither the former nor the latter can be done at present.

This side uses ten thousand magic flags to absorb ghosts, and Lin Dong's Buddha over there is also thinking about what to do.

He didn't tell the others about it so that they wouldn't worry. Especially Qiao Xinxin, who just came to purgatory Island, met this matter, and sun Qian. What should we do when they move to fetal Qi?

It is unrealistic to destroy all ghosts in hell, so the only way is to solve the problem of hell. Lei Zhuan can't move temporarily. He can only stay near the space fault. The power of thunder can restrain the ghost. Then I can only solve the problem. The situation in hell is similar to that in the fairy world. Although the time is not right, Lin Dong thought of a very bold possibility.

Could it be that the supreme Immortal King or the supreme Immortal King went to the mysterious place, so there were such consequences?

The place is mysterious and everything is possible. And the time is too coincidental. A few months ago, it happened to be the time when supreme immortal Jun went to that place, and it was also the time when hell happened.

If you think a little more, would it be because the supreme immortal gentleman or immortal immortal gentleman had been to that place and touched something, which led to the disappearance of the immortal spirit in the fairy world?

Thinking of this, he turned and asked the Immortal King.

Lin Dong found that it was really convenient to have a separation. If he didn't turn around and stay in the fairy world, he had to go to the fairy world if he wanted to ask. This time, it was a great delay. Dark turned to find immortal Jun and asked him when he had gone to that place. At first, immortal Jun didn't want to say, or... He didn't have much reason to think about it, and he didn't think the situation in hell was related to that place!

But since Lin Dong asked, he didn't refuse to answer.

"I don't remember exactly how long ago, but nothing happened at that time, and the power of the fairy world was still there. At least it took more than a hundred years to have problems, so I think... It shouldn't matter!" immortal Jun said.

"Maybe it's related, maybe it's not. Who knows. But it's always good to know more about the situation. I don't know and don't have a clue about the disappearance of the immortal spirit in the fairy world, but now the situation in hell is the same as that in the fairy world. Maybe, no... we must find out the reasons and solutions. Once we succeed, the problems in the fairy world can be solved."

"If you need my help, just ask."

"Yes, if I really need your help, I won't be polite!"

The answer between the dark turn and the Immortal King made Lin Dong feel that perhaps the problems in hell and the fairy world were really related to the mysterious place. Since the fairyland has access to that place, hell may also have! And anyway, it's at least a clue. Thinking of this, Lin Dong is going to hell!

Since Lei Zhuan can't leave, dark Zhuan and space can't be used, so I have to go.

The God of death will call out, and Lin Dong will go directly through its small space gate to hell.

This time he appeared directly next to the space fault, took a look at the separation, and then shouted to the three guys, "I want to see Pluto."

As like as two peas, the three guys were not surprised. What really surprised them was the immortal spirit of Lin Dong. It was extremely powerful and their most dislike atmosphere.

The originally restless ghost also retreated a little because of immortal Qi. Obviously, immortal Qi, like the power of thunder, is hated and feared by ghosts.

In an instant, the three guys were possessed by Pluto.

"You want to see me? Have you found a solution?"

"Maybe, I just have some clues. And no matter what I can do, I always have to do it. It's no use just thinking, isn't it?" Lin Dong said in a deep voice: "I want to know if there is a mysterious or special place in hell that can lead to an extremely dangerous place!"

"There seems to be no such place!" replied Pluto.

"If you think about it carefully, it's about hell and your rule. This place is very mysterious. It won't be found so easily or go so easily. It should be a place where there is no return. Think about it. I think there must be!" Lin Dongdao.

"Where there is no return..."

Suddenly, a black ball of light suddenly appeared.

"Go with it and it will bring you to me!" said Pluto.

Lin Dong smiled. It seemed that Pluto already knew where the place was. Looking at the black ball floating away quickly, Lin Dong immediately caught up. All the way, he followed the black ball and left nearby. After Lin Dong left, the ghosts suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and the agitation couldn't be suppressed with the disappearance of fairy Qi, so there was a riot.

Even if the ten thousand magic flags are still absorbing, there are too many ghosts. When they rush up, there will be some missed fish. And these escaped fish tried to pass through, trying to drill into the space fault.

"Fortunately, I still have ten thousand magic flags."

Turn around and walk near the space fault, then take out the ten thousand magic flags and insert them here to open.

Then he summoned the God of death.

The God of death may be the receiver of these ghosts outside, but here, the God of death will be their nemesis! Moreover, not only the death god general, the pharmacist, the Buddha Dharma phase, and the rosefinch God will be summoned by one brain.

Ten thousand magic flags, the God general, are adding the power of thunder.

It's very difficult for the ghost to pass through this formation. I believe... It should last for a period of time!

With the rapid movement of the black ball, about half an hour later, the black ball finally stopped, and in the distance, Lin Dong also saw a person!

A person who seems to be no different from ordinary people!


Lin Dong asked tentatively.

The man turned slowly. His typical Western appearance was very handsome. Different from that kind of strong man, he was very melancholy and thin. He was unusually white. At first glance, Lin Dong thought he was a vampire!

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