"Siren, come down with me and have a look. He and others will stay on the ship. Li Hai, if there is any situation, inform me in time."

Lin Dong raised his voice and said that the sea demon was very surprised. He didn't expect Lin Dong to take himself down. Below, it should be dangerous? I can't help myself. But surprised, the sea demon was smart and nodded obediently.

"You don't trust him? The disciple of the ten thousand Dharma sect."

Lin Dong and the sea demon came down from the warship, took out the wolf tooth sword, motioned the sea demon to follow behind him, and then heard the voice of the dark king in his mind.

"I don't trust him just like I don't trust you!" Lin Dong said faintly. "Why are you quiet these days? I called you several times and didn't respond? What the hell are you doing?"

"You are right," said the king.

Lin Dong was stunned and said, "what do you mean? What am I right?"

"It's right that you don't trust him. After the warship is repaired, I feel a special force blocking you and me. I can't do whatever I do. I don't feel you until you come out." Pluto said in a deep voice.

"What does this mean? Maybe it's the function of the warship, so as not to take the opportunity to make trouble on the ship." Lin Dongdao.

Pluto sneered: "even if it is, do you think a mere warship can stop me? Especially I left a mark on you. This connection is very strong. I suspect it was the ghost made by Li Hai."

"Why? Why?" Lin Dong asked.

"I don't know, but you're right not to trust him."

"Nonsense, do you have to say that?"

Lin Dong snorted angrily. The Pluto said for a long time and there was no strong evidence. It was the same as what he didn't say. Not to mention in this place, even outside, there are not many that Lin Dong can fully trust, and they have been tested by time. As for Li Hai, although there is no problem, it is not so easy for Lin Dong to trust him, so he brought the sea demon down. If Li Hai is really weird, he can at least bring the sea demon around.

It's better to take Carter. Carter's strength is stronger than the sea demon. He can help, at least not drag himself back. But Carter is more clever and powerful, so he can be used more on board.

"Be careful yourself. Here you are. Put this on yourself." Lin Dong took out the double doll and gave it to the sea demon. The sea demon quickly put it away with gratitude.

Tianjian sect's residence is on a high mountain. The mountain peak has been flattened. A huge inverted ancient sword stone tablet can be seen from a distance. It must be the symbol of Tianjian sect. However, it seems very mottled. There is a missing piece at the handle of the sword, and the broken lines of the sword body are quite clear. After Lin Dong and the sea demon climbed up, he found that there were many stone caves nearby, which must be used by the disciples of Tianjian sect to rest.

"There are no corpses, no traces of fighting. Except for the broken giant sword stone tablet, there seems to be nothing unusual. It's not like being attacked, but like abandoning here." Lin Dong frowned. The situation here is somewhat different from what he thought.

There was no trace.

If there is no battle, where are the people of Tianjian sect?

If there had been a battle, how strong would the enemy be able to wipe out the Tianjian sect's residence in an instant, without bodies or even the slightest trace? This is too exaggerated!

It's like everyone evaporated in a moment.

Walk carefully like one of the stone caves. After entering, you find that it is very simple. You can vaguely see the sword marks reclaimed at the beginning. But there was no one, no body, and nothing in it.

Lin Dong was disappointed when he checked several caves in succession.


Suddenly, the voice of the sea demon came, and Lin Dong was surprised. He waved his sword and blinked in the direction of the sea demon.

"What happened?"

The sea demon is not far away. He checks the cave separately from Lin Dong. At this time, the sea demon fell to the ground, trembling, as if he had been attacked. Standing by the sea demon, he asked and looked at the cave.

A simple little sword hangs in the air in front of the cave, emitting the sword spirit faintly.

"It's terrible. The sword is terrible. It seems to tear me apart..." a moment later, the sea demon seemed better and said intermittently. When he looked at the little sword, he was full of fear and fear.

Lin Dong tried to move forward towards the cave. The originally calm little sword suddenly moved, and a sword Qi chopped towards Lin Dong in an instant. The speed was so fast that even if Lin Dong was vigilant, he didn't react.

Countless sword Qi appeared in front of him, and his soul seemed to be torn. Lin Dong was surprised, hurried to resist, and then quickly retreated back. After retreating a few steps, the sword Qi disappeared without a trace.

His body trembled slightly and hurt faintly, as if hurt by the sword Qi just now, but Lin Dong checked it again and found that he was not hurt at all. And I can still remember the terrible and painful feeling just now.

"What a powerful sword spirit. Tianjian sect is really unusual."

Lin Dong sighed, but became interested.

I've checked several caves and found nothing abnormal. It's just that this cave is guarded by this little sword. I don't know if there is anyone inside. This is a breakthrough. But look at the appearance of this little sword, as long as it is close, it will be attacked. And he still attacked the spirit. Lin Dong didn't dare to show his arrogant eyes rashly. After thinking for a moment, Lin Dong Yang said, "is there anyone inside? But a disciple of Tianjian sect? I'm Lin Dong. If there is anyone, can you come out and see me?"

He said it several times without any reaction, and Lin Dong couldn't help frowning slightly. No one? Or can't you respond for other reasons?

"You stay here. If there is anything unusual, just call me. I'll go to other places first." Lin Dong ordered the sea demon and decided to put the cave aside for the time being and continue to explore here.

Consider this after you have determined that there are no other dangers.

The sea demon was obviously afraid of the little sword. She was far away and even dared not look directly at it. However, in order to complete Lin Dong's orders, she could only force herself to look at it occasionally.

A moment later, Lin Dong came back.

"It's strange. Other places are very normal and haven't encountered this situation. Only here is different. It seems that this is the breakthrough." Lin Dong frowned.

No trace, no fight, suddenly the world evaporated and disappeared?

It's really scary to think about it!

But if so, I can understand why the safety area of tiandang mountain, which was not easy to clean up, is so deserted. It turns out that those immortals have disappeared.

It must be caused by someone or something!

It's just, there's no clue now.

Lin Dong turned to the sea demon and said, "there should be no other danger here. You stay here for the time being. I'll go back to the ship and ask Li Hai. He is a disciple of the Wanfa sect and the Wujue sect. He should know something about the Tianjian sect."

"I... I'll stay here myself?" the sea demon hesitated.

Lin Dong said, "don't worry, I just checked. It should be safe. Besides, you have a double doll on you, and I'll be back soon. Don't worry. Even if it's really dangerous, as long as you shout, I'll be back!"

"OK, OK." although the sea demon was reluctant, he agreed.

Lin Dong shows his windward step and quickly returns to the warship.

Back to the warship, Lin Dong hurried to find Li Hai. Seeing that Lin Dong came back and was in a hurry, Li Hai asked anxiously, "what happened?"

"I found something. It's quiet inside. No one has no body and no trace of fighting. It looks like it suddenly disappeared. I searched the whole station and found a small sword hanging at a stone hole. As long as I get close, I'll be attacked. Do you know how to deal with it?"

"It should be the Dharma sword of Tianjian sect! Every disciple of Tianjian sect will have his own Dharma sword. He will be responsible for Dharma protection during rest and cultivation. He will attack as long as he is close to a certain area. As long as the Dharma sword is still there, it means that the owner of the sword is still there!" Li Haidao.

Lin Dong was overjoyed. "So, there are people from Tianjian sect in that cave? But I shouted several times and didn't respond. I don't know if something happened. However, if there are people, it can explain what happened here. Do you know how to deal with Dharma guard sword?"

"The power of the Dharma sword depends on the strength of the master. The stronger the master is, the stronger the Dharma sword is. Moreover, each Dharma sword is different, and even the disciples of the same sect have no choice. The only way is to break it by force, but if the Dharma sword is damaged, it will hurt the master!" Li Hai said in a deep voice.

Lin Dong frowned: "so, I have to be tough? Can I get through other caves?"

"I'm afraid I can't. Even if I can get through, I have to face the Dharma sword. The result is the same!" Li Haidao.

Lin Dong shook his head: "no, it's different! Now I can't see the situation in the cave, and I don't know what the situation of the sword owner is. But if I can get through the cave, although I still have to face the Dharma sword, I should be able to see the situation inside and know what's going on. In this way, I'll go first and let you know what's going on."

With that, Lin Dong hurried down from the warship and returned to the cave.

"Eh? Where's the sea demon?"

Originally, the sea demon stayed next to the cave, but now... It has disappeared.

I have just checked that there is no abnormality and danger here, and there is a double doll on the sea demon. Even if there is danger, it won't even shout, not to mention... There is no trace of attack here. Even if the sea demon is dead, what about the body?

Like, just like those disciples of Tianjian sect, they disappeared out of thin air!

"How could this happen?"

Holding the wolf tooth sword, Lin Dong completely released his spiritual consciousness, looking for the whereabouts of the sea demon and the reason. But as a result, he was quite depressed without any abnormality. If the sea demon didn't disappear suddenly, it would be as if nothing had happened here.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on!"

Lin Dong cursed depressed, but there was nothing he could do.

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