Dugu you was eager to teach Cang Wu a lesson. Unfortunately, Cang Wu didn't appear on immortal Island, which made her very unhappy. She muttered several words like "bullying the soft and fearing the hard" and despised Cang Wu's absence. Complaining is complaining, disappointment is disappointment. Since Cangwu refused to appear, Dugu you would not go back to turn the Dead Sea upside down and pull Cangwu out to fight!

"Why did you come together? What a coincidence!"

Their breath was so striking that Lin Dong naturally sensed it. He came to the shore and said to Chen Fei and Dugu sisters with a smile.

"What's the matter? He hasn't made a breakthrough yet, isn't it too slow?" Dugu you felt the Immortal King's breath and couldn't help but look away.

Lin Dong smiled: "it should be fast. By the way, I haven't congratulated Dugu Feng on your promotion to Xiandi territory!"

Dugu Feng said with a gentle smile, "actually, I don't have such a strong pursuit of the realm, but Xiaoyou is not at ease. I'm afraid, so I'm promoted. Thanks to your pill!"

Lin Dong waved his hand: "if you are polite, you don't have to say. In fact, it may be really dangerous this time. I'll tell you the situation before the Immortal King closes up."

Lin Dong made a long story short and said something about the matter.

Hearing that there were other immortals of the old generation, Dugu Aotian was very curious. As far as she knows, or the whole fairyland, she has no impression of the old generation of immortals, and has never heard of the five Jue sect. No way, since the disappearance of their older generation, the situation in the fairy world has become worse, or the old generation of immortals has been very bad at that time.

It is a long time ago. In addition, the mortality of immortals in the fairy world is not low. Many news is that they disappeared in the long river of history under the rolling of time

"So, their strength is very strong?" Dugu you asked.

Lin Dong nodded: "it depends on how we compare. If we simply look at the strength of the realm, they must be stronger. At least they are stronger. That is to say, Xianjun realm is equivalent to the current Xiandi realm. But if we take it all together, I don't think it's too strong. Maybe it's because I've improved a lot recently."

"The old generation of immortals are not weak, and there are foreign demons and ancient immortals. I thought that I was at the peak when I arrived at the Immortal Emperor's realm, but now I found that I was a little watching the sky!" Dugu you sighed.

"It's not important. After all, we are on the same boat. We mainly deal with the snow beast and the supreme Immortal King. According to the route of the ancient battlefield, the supreme Immortal King enters the ancient battlefield from the immortal world, then passes through tiandang mountain to the snow desert, and opens the seal in the presence of the snow beast. This shows that his strength must have been enhanced , and not low! "

"Danger and opportunity coexist. At the beginning, he fled into the Taigu battlefield in embarrassment. Unexpectedly, it's a blessing in disguise. But it doesn't matter. No matter how strong he becomes, I'll kill him!" Dugu you said firmly.

"It's secondary. Just do it easily. The main thing is to close the seal. If you can't do it, there will be danger in hell and affect the world. If there are a large number of extraterritorial demons, it will be the end of the world. It should be interesting to play a guest role as the savior or!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

At this time, the strong breath suddenly came, followed by the dark sky, and the dark clouds rolled. The gloomy and depressing breath had permeated the whole immortal island. Many people came out one after another. First, to avoid being affected by the pond fish, and second, to promote the Immortal Emperor. Such an opportunity is very rare.


The appearance of thunder robbery means that the Immortal King has broken through. Of course, the Immortal Emperor is the Immortal Emperor after the thunder robbery, but... There's nothing to say.

"Do you want to help him?" Lin Dong asked.

Lei Zhuan is not here. He has nothing to do with Lei Jie.

Dugu you said: "what help is thunder robbery. What's the big deal? If he can't survive thunder robbery, he might as well die."

Thunder and lightning struck the Immortal King's cave. Soon the cave was destroyed. You can clearly see the Immortal King. I have to say that although Lei Jie is scary, immortal Jun is not a vegetarian. Dugu you is right. There was no tension or worry on his face, and the lightning was easily resolved by him.

The whole thunder robbery lasted about half an hour. Finally, it failed and dissipated slowly.

For a moment, there was an endless stream of congratulations, and the people on the undead Island were very excited. They not only understood the thunder robbery, but also rejoiced that Xianjun became the Immortal Emperor.

"Congratulations, you have become the third Immortal Emperor in the post fairyland era!" Dugu you walked over and said solemnly, but her words really didn't make people feel good. You can clearly see that immortal Jun was a little lazy and just wanted to say two polite words.

As a result, Lin Dong mended the knife.

"Not necessarily. Maybe it's the fourth. Maybe the supreme immortal Jun is earlier than him!"

"Supreme Immortal King? What's the matter?" Immortal King is completely not excited. After so many years, he finally broke through and became immortal emperor, but he was hit one after another. Now it's even more about supreme Immortal King. How can he be happy to break through.

"The supreme Immortal King hid in the ancient battlefield, which is the place you are afraid of. As you said before, he not only didn't die, but also benefited from misfortune and greatly increased his strength. After all, he opened the seal and caused trouble. So now you have two choices. Either, stay here until when the extraterritorial demons come and die. Or, go to the ancient battlefield with us , close the seal and solve the problem of the supreme Immortal King. "

"Choose for yourself!"

Lin Dong knows that the ancient battlefield is in the Immortal King. Oh, no, it should be the Immortal Emperor who has left a deep shadow in his heart. At this time, we have to take drastic medicine. We can't give him the opportunity to hesitate to consider. Otherwise, he will shrink back. Therefore, Lin Dong didn't introduce the current situation too much, and even his tone was not so polite. He directly chose one of two and forced the Immortal King to make a choice.

The Immortal Emperor was stunned, and the Dugu sisters were not surprised. They didn't expect Lin Dong to be so strong and so straightforward as soon as he came up.

"Go or not, give me a happy word. Now there's no time to waste!"

The Immortal Emperor hesitated and said, "I know you went to the Taigu battlefield and what happened there, but what's the situation now? Do you have to tell me? What's the situation of the seal outside the territory?"

"I don't have so much time to explain to you. If you go, they will tell you on the way!"

"I say you are also the Immortal Emperor now, not to mention so many of us. Lin Dong has been wandering in the Taigu battlefield for so long, and the supreme immortal Jun is fine. You are afraid of Mao!" Dugu you was also impatient and looked down on the Immortal Emperor.

Immortal Emperor is really a little tangled. Once some things become a shadow, even if he knows nothing, he will have scruples. But at present, neither Lin Dong nor Dugu you gave him time to think about it, and the Immortal Emperor Chen Fei was here. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't lose face. In the end, he was cruel. Lin Dong was fine, too Xianjun was fine, and everyone else dared to go. It would be a shame if he didn't go.

"OK, I'll just go with you. But you have to tell me the specific situation!"

"That's right!"

Lin Dong smiled and said, "but now I really don't have time to say more. They are in tiandang mountain, which is a middle area. The danger of that place has been solved. All you have to do is start from the fairyland and go to tiandang mountain. Then we will meet in tiandang mountain and tell you the details!"

"What about you?"

"Naturally, I won't go with you, but let's go first. I'll ask about the situation there on the way."

So far, there is nothing to say, and there is no need to prepare.

Dugu sisters, Immortal Emperor, Chen Fei, four people go to the entrance of the Taigu battlefield. On the way, Lin Dong's Buddha had asked Zhishen about the situation and danger on the road from the fairy world to tiandang mountain.

In short, there is no external threat on this road. After all, they came in from this road, and they have long tried to solve the danger. Of course, this only refers to external threats, just like the wind killing in wind killing valley. There are still natural dangers, but there are also certain rules. If you know, you can avoid them. This has long become common sense for them.

At the same time, we discussed it. Anyway, we can't go to the snow desert until they arrive. It's better to take a warship to pick them up. On the one hand, we can avoid danger and on the other hand, we don't delay time. After all, the speed of warships is much faster than their forward speed. Lin Dong thought about it and thought it was feasible. He just had a chance to see it. Maybe he could find some clues.

At least we should be able to find some clues about the supreme Immortal King.

On this side of tiandang mountain, everyone boarded the battlefield to pick up. On the side of the fairyland, they have also come to the entrance of the Taigu battlefield. They turn around and explain the situation to them one by one, watching them enter the Taigu battlefield!

"This is it..."

After entering, the Immortal Emperor couldn't help recalling the original dangerous situation, and his tone was trembling.

"I said you don't have to be so afraid. Well, what strength did you have when you came here and what strength you have now? This moment and that moment, there may have been danger at the beginning, but it doesn't mean there is danger now. Besides, Lin Dong told you about the danger here. You know the details, what are you afraid of. When the old generation of immortals come, it's plain to make people laugh!" Dugu you didn't want to be looked down upon, so she was very dissatisfied to see the Immortal Emperor!

The immortal emperor heard the speech and took a few breaths. After adjusting his mind, he nodded slowly: "you're right. I'm worried too much. No matter how strong the old generation of immortals are, now... It's not their time!"

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