"What do you mean by this expression? Didn't you say that the supreme devil is absorbing the evil spirit of the nightmare devil? Then find a way quickly, or let him out and I'll fight him!" Chen Fei doesn't understand Lin Dong's idea. If he wants to trap the supreme devil with the nightmare devil, it's really a good way, But now the supreme devil is absorbing the evil spirit of nightmare devil. Obviously, this method won't work. Let it out as soon as possible and just fight with him as before.

Anyway, I've been playing for a long time before, and I haven't seen the supreme devil's other abilities. What's more, he didn't let go and go all out, but he still had scruples.

Let it out and let Chen Fei deal with it? OK is OK, but the problem is that the risk is too great. He can trust Chen Fei, but the critical moment is coming. If the supreme demon emperor has any means, even if Chen Fei can resist, he can't guarantee that it will not affect himself. At the critical moment, even under the influence of a little bit, the results will be earth shaking changes, which can not be taken lightly.

Therefore, Lin Dong had to be cautious and kill the possible problems as much as possible.

"If the supreme demon emperor becomes stronger after absorbing the evil spirit of the nightmare general, are you sure to win?" Lin Dong asked Chen Fei. "Not just ask, I need an accurate answer."

Chen Fei looked positive and knew that this problem was not a joke. I also guessed that Lin Dong was ready to give up the nightmare general. As long as the seal was closed, even if the supreme demon emperor was stronger, he would not be as threatened as the arrival of extraterritorial demons. So Chen Fei really bowed his head and meditated for a moment, and then said slowly, but very firmly: "don't worry, I haven't opened my fire. If I don't have scruples, I'm at least 70% sure I can win! Even if the supreme demon emperor becomes several times stronger than now!"

"That's it!"

Lin Dong breathed a sigh of relief. He was relieved to have Chen Fei's answer.

There is no doubt that Lin Dong is strong, but Chen Fei is stronger. There are many means, and the strength is deep and bottomless. It seems that he can't see the limit all the time. No one can show all his strength better than him. Although he knows he is strong, he doesn't know how strong he is, so Lin Dong must ask clearly. The 70% chance of winning is already quite high.

So Lin Dong is really ready to give up the nightmare master. Although the nightmare master is really rare, at this time, compared with delaying time, the value is not so high. Although sacrificing the nightmare God may make the supreme devil stronger, the threat of the supreme devil is different from that of the extraterritorial demons. Therefore, Lin Dong made up his mind to let the supreme demon emperor absorb the evil spirit of the nightmare God general. Of course, this does not mean that the nightmare God general will not resist.

This time, the delay must be very long.

It's impossible to decide the outcome so quickly, so we can get enough time for Lin Dong to close the seal.

Lin Dong nodded to Chen Fei and then manipulated the seal at full speed.

Now, the black pattern on the stone is almost low. Once it is low, it is time to close the seal. Lin Dong's attention has been completely focused, and there is even a faint sign of closing the five senses. The people and voices around him disappear completely. All he can see is the stone and seal in front of him!

This is a very wonderful feeling, with no distractions, but as if you know everything. Especially when the force of hell flows into the seal through his own operation, he can even feel the subtle changes in the force of hell, which is a feeling of... Similar to comprehension. It seems that... The force of hell is a part of his body, which is handy.

It seems that it is no longer so hard and laborious. As long as the mind moves, the force of hell will act like a pet and act according to its own mind.

It can be said that Lin Dong is completely immersed in this wonderful feeling!

But others dare not like Lin Dong. Almost everyone adjusts their state to the peak, so as not to be caught off guard in any situation. Time becomes very slow at this moment, which makes people irritable.


Suddenly there was a loud noise like an explosion. The nightmare God exploded, and even his life magic weapon exploded. The strong explosion immediately produced a violent air flow. Everyone tried their best to resist to avoid affecting Lin Dong, but Lin Dong was unconscious, as if he didn't know what had happened.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie... It's a pity that you want to delay time with nightmare demons? It seems that your hope will be lost..." in the dust storm, a shadow gradually became clear.

The supreme demon emperor laughed wildly and wantonly, and his every move showed his pride!

After absorbing the evil spirit of the nightmare God general, his strength has not increased a bit. Although he can't understand the boundary division of extraterritorial demons, he can clearly feel that his strength is advanced. With his current strength, if the nightmare devil is still there, he doesn't need to fight at all. As long as he thinks, he can make the nightmare devil disappear.

This feeling of controlling others' life and death is really great.

Previously, he was also a little depressed because he was controlled by extraterritorial demons. No one wanted to hang a knife on his head and cut off his head at any time. He had to do what people said and had no freedom. Especially for ambitious people like the supreme devil, it's almost no different from killing him.

But now, it's his turn to control the life and death of others, and he finds how wonderful it feels and how fascinating this right is. If you can get the right, even if you have sacrificed before, it is worth it!

"If only the magic spirit of the snow beast could be absorbed. Now the snow beast has been demonized and the magic spirit in his body has been stimulated, which is a good time to absorb. Unfortunately... Now he has to open the seal. It's still not strong enough!" the supreme devil thought with some regret in his heart. Then he looked at Lin Dong.

It was a little surprised to see Lin Dong's state was too evil. He could see that Lin Dong was now in a very wonderful feeling, as if he was understanding. However, this is also a critical moment to close the seal. Too late to think, the supreme devil suddenly moved.

Almost no one reacted. The supreme demon emperor almost passed Zhishen and others to Lin Dong.

"So fast, no, stop him!"

Although they didn't react, they had already arranged defense to protect Lin Dong, but they didn't expect that the supreme demon emperor suddenly became so strong, easily penetrated their defense, and didn't even cause a little effect, as if the defense had failed.

Dugu you's reaction was the quickest. He rushed to the emperor and stabbed him. The supreme devil didn't seem to respond, and it seemed that he didn't care about her attack at all. Dugu you's short sword easily stabbed the supreme devil, and even passed through. Dugu you was surprised that he would be so relaxed.

"Be careful!"

Chen Fei suddenly shouted. Before Dugu you could react, she felt that she had been thrown out. For a moment, she felt as if she had been torn apart, and finally seemed to be held by someone.

Reluctantly turned to take a look and found that Chen Fei was holding him. Dugu you was shocked when she lowered her head again. Her left arm was completely gone, and her right arm was broken. Although her lower legs were still there, she didn't feel it.

Oh, my God!

Dugu you was shocked.

Such a serious injury is the first time!

"Why, why can't I recover?" Dugu you wanted to mobilize immortal Qi, but he found that it was blocked by something, which was useless at all. "Evil spirit, evil spirit has invaded your body. Don't worry, you resist first and I'll help you!" Chen Fei said and was ready to help.

Dugu you said stubbornly, "don't worry about me. It's a waste of time. Go and stop him. Don't let him affect Lin Dong!"

Chen Fei was stunned and quickly put Dugu you down. Then he appeared next to Lin Dong and stood in front of the supreme demon emperor.

"You want to stop me? I'm afraid you can't!"

The supreme demon emperor is now full of self-confidence. In an instant, the demon spirit was publicized, like a storm, surging towards Chen Fei, which is countless times stronger than before.

However, Chen Fei did not change his face, and even the corners of his mouth were still with a faint smile.

He didn't know how to make a move. The devil gas storm couldn't get close to him, so it was separated from him and flew away from him. It didn't explode until far away.

Chen Fei, unharmed.

Lin Dong, it doesn't seem to be affected.

The supreme demon emperor was surprised. He was confident in his strength. He thought Chen Fei would be unable to resist, but he didn't expect that Chen Fei couldn't help blocking it and played it down. "It's interesting. It wasn't your strength before!"

"Nonsense, if I do my best, I can affect Lin Dong without you. Am I stupid?" Chen Fei said.

"It's interesting. I think you're more and more interesting now. The Lord of the extraordinary world, the only strong man, is also the only one who makes me unable to see through the strength. I really want to fight with you, and then... Defeat you completely and convince you!" the supreme devil said, but there were some regrets. "Unfortunately, it's not the time yet. You can't stop me. The seal will open and the extraterritorial demons will come! As the strongest, you must be the first to be solved!"

"If it's normal, in fact, I should talk to you about ink now to delay time, but forget it, I'm no longer interested in it. Come on, have a good fight!"

With that, Chen Fei suddenly turned into a separate body, which opened his hands to form a golden sky curtain and wrapped Lin Dong in it. Then Chen Fei turned to the others and said, "sorry, I can only protect Lin Dong. I can't protect you. Otherwise, it will have a great impact on me! You'd better stay away from me so as not to..."

Chen Fei's words didn't finish, but everyone understood the meaning.

It seems that Chen Fei and the supreme demon emperor are ready to fight completely.

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