As the staff of Yangshengtang entered the hotel for training, the hotel became lively. Although it is not open to the public, the eight people in the Yangsheng hall, together with the original Lin Dong and them, are 13 people. Moreover, they gather on the first floor most of the time, which makes it a lot lively and crowded.

However, the progress is still very satisfactory, because they are old guys of Yangshengtang and are not unfamiliar with medicinal materials, so they don't need to identify medicinal materials as Qiao Xinxin and Cui Lanlan did at the beginning, so they can directly jump to the refining step.

Zhou Xiaoxuan and Liu Qiang are responsible for the usual food. There are so many people. In addition, they are all their own employees and need closed teaching. Naturally, the problem of food has to be solved. It's too much trouble to do it yourself. Just take it out directly. Anyway, there are many kinds of restaurants near the University!

Hu Mingyue is also in full swing. Lin Dong is the only one who is more leisurely.

At first, Lin Dong followed him, but later he felt dull. Qiao Xinxin and Cui Lanlan are enough to teach these employees. Originally, we just broke through the last line of defense with Qiao Xinxin, but now we can only stare! Even if Lin Dong has a thick skin, Qiao Xinxin is embarrassed.

It's ok if all the guests live, but all the employees live in their own store, and they have to face each other every day. Qiao Xinxin is sorry!

"Brother Dong, if you want to feel bored, why don't I teach you how to drive? Anyway, you have a driver's license, and it's easier to learn to drive. For example, our car is only two seats. If you want to go out to pick up girls, you can't let me drive, and then let the girl sit on your lap?" Liu Qiang suggested when he saw Lin Dong talking and doing nothing.

"Learn to drive?" Lin Dong thought it was good. Anyway, there's nothing to do now. It's good to learn. And it's said... It seems very popular now... What kind of shock. It's good to try it at that time.

"OK, then learn to drive!"

Lin Dong wants to learn to drive. Qiao Xinxin naturally supports him. Qiao Xinxin also sees his boredom these days. It's better to make time for something. In fact, Qiao Xinxin wanted to tell Lin Dong that if she was bored, she would go out for a walk instead of staying in the hotel every day.

This subtext means that Qiao Xinxin doesn't mind Lin Dong going to Ouyang's house or other places.

But now Lin Dong wants to learn to drive, which is even better!

No matter how generous Qiao Xinxin is, she can't be generous enough to take the initiative to let her man find another woman!

Liu Qiang drove Lin Dong to find a relatively remote and open place and handed over the driving steps to Lin Dong. Lin Dong listened carefully and remembered carefully. Liu Qiang said it again and basically remembered it all. After all, Lin Dong can remember all kinds of prescriptions, not to mention such simple driving steps!

"Brother Dong, it's actually easy to drive. It's just those steps. Driving is a skilled job. The longer you drive, the more skilled you will be. At the beginning, as long as you don't get nervous and drive slowly, there will be no problem!" Liu Qiang gave up his driving position to Lin Dong and sat in the co pilot's position to remind him.

Lin Dong smiled: "nervous? Don't worry, I'm not nervous even in the face of the beautiful young master."

Start the car, step on the clutch, shift into gear, and then give the accelerator. The car immediately got out.

This is a super sports car. It speeds up very fast. Almost in the twinkling of an eye, the car flies out quickly. Liu Qiang was startled and hurriedly grabbed the handrail. "Dong, Dong, slow down. The throttle is too big!"

"Ha ha, it's okay, it's okay, it's fun." Lin Dong smiled, grabbed the steering wheel and controlled it.

The car is getting faster and faster. It drives a long way almost in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, there are no people in Liu qiangxuan's way, otherwise he will be scared!

At first, Lin Dong was not familiar with it, but he soon got started, and then he was more handy.

Seeing Lin Dong's freely controlled acceleration, deceleration and turning, Liu Qiang was really amazed.

This learning ability is really strong. I have fully mastered it so soon. Originally, Liu Qiang was worried. Now that Lin Dong has been controlled freely, he simply doesn't care.

The first time he drove was still a little new for Lin Dong. He accelerated all the way and turned left and right. Finally, he suddenly found a serious problem. He got lost!

I don't know where it is!

"What is this place, do you know?" Lin Dong slowly stopped the car and asked Liu Qiang.

Liu Qiang looked around. It was a desolate and remote place. There were no landmark buildings. He couldn't see where it was.

"It's estimated that it's been far away. Maybe it's out of the market. I'll use the navigation!" Liu Qiang answered and found the location through the navigation!

As a result, it's really the same as he guessed. He even opened the capital of Suzhou and Hangzhou!

It seems that I've only driven for more than an hour. It's so far. The speed... Is really fast.

"Turn around and drive back," said Liu Qiang.

Lin Dong turned the car back and finally returned to the original place.

"I'm really tired. Come and drive. Let's go back!" after driving for more than two hours, Lin Dong was really fun, but he was also tired. He changed a place with Liu Qiang and went back to the hotel.

Although it is the first time to drive, Lin Dong has strong learning and comprehension ability. It can be said that he learned it once and can drive by himself.

Back at the hotel, he chatted with Qiao Xinxin for a while. After dinner, Lin Dong planned to drive out by himself!

He doesn't think it's new. Although driving is very exciting, it's far from beautiful women. It's not so attractive to Lin Dong. But it's boring to do nothing in the hotel. Second, he wants to test run... Earthquake!

This is his real purpose to learn to drive!

"Who are you looking for? Huo'er and bing'er? I'm afraid not. If you want to take them, you have to take them both. You can't take only one, but this car can't fit! It seems that you have to buy a bigger car later, otherwise it's too inconvenient."

Lin Dong sat in the car and thought for a long time. The most suitable candidate is Qiao Xinxin, but she is teaching employees now. Obviously... It is impossible to go out with herself.

After thinking about it, he didn't think of any suitable person, which made Lin Dong sigh: "he still has too few women!"

Fortunately, no one heard this sentence, otherwise I would feel angry and spit blood? That's not enough? Qiao Xinxin, Ouyang sisters, there are three! And every one is the best of the best. Others can get a husband and wife who are smoke from their ancestral graves and have been repaired for eight generations. Lin Dong is good, but he is not satisfied. He says less!

"Forget it, just walk around."

Lin Dong muttered and opened at will.

Speaking of it, Lin Dongdao hasn't seen the night scenery of Suzhou and Hangzhou carefully. The lights are bright and the people are noisy. The degree of excitement is no less than that of the day, and there is a more charming feeling than that of the day. This feeling makes Lin Dong like it very much. It's not like when he's on the mountain. At night, except for the old man talking about his illusory romantic history, he just looks at the stars on the top of the mountain. It's boring!

At the red light ahead, Lin Dong slowed down, stopped, rolled down the window and looked at the neon lights flashing outside.

"Hey, it's a nice car. Do you dare to fly?"

A voice came from the side. Lin Dong turned around and saw a yellow sports car parked next to him. It was a girl driving!

The hair is riotous with colour, and the ear is also covered with exaggerated Round Earrings, and the face is heavily dressed. The black eyeliner looks scary.

Wearing a bra, wrapped around something that doesn't look big. Outside is a black mesh coat, which hardly has the effect of shielding the body, but looks more attractive!

At this time, the girl is looking at Lin Dong provocatively.

"I'm not interested!" Lin Dong said, looking at the girl's age, and I'm not interested in this dress!

"Don't be uninterested. I think you dare not? At least you're a man. Don't you dare to drive such a car? It's too counseling!" the girl was unwilling and said provocatively.

"I said I was not interested, I didn't say I didn't dare!"

"From here to the foot of the mountain, whoever comes first wins. If you win me, I can give you a chance to invite me to dinner!" the girl said with a smile, as if it was a great honor to invite her to dinner!

"I'm not interested in inviting little children to dinner." Lin Dong curled his mouth and said.

"You're a little fart. You're not old. It's good to say I'm a little fart. Hey, you look handsome. I'll give you a chance today. If you win me, I'll go with you at night. How about it?" the girl deliberately stood up and teased.

Lin Dong was really not interested in talking to the little boy and shook his head slightly. At this time, it just turned green. Lin Dong started the car and was ready to flash.

Who knows, as soon as she drove out, the girl's car leaned over and directly blocked Lin Dong's car. Lin Dong wanted to run from the side, but every time she deliberately blocked it, coming and going, which annoyed Lin Dong!

"Little boy, wait until I catch up with you!"

Lin Dong snorted, suddenly accelerated, instantly surpassed the girl's yellow sports car, then stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the foot of the mountain.

As soon as she saw Lin Dong accelerating, the girl suddenly became interested. "Ha ha, I haven't said I'm interested. I'm really excited when I say it. Men are all the same, but... Miss Ben won't lose!"

For a time, two cars were running on the road. You come and I go. It was very fierce. The speed is also quite fast, causing the vehicles along the way to slow down one after another, so as not to affect the fish in the pond.

Lin Dong accelerated all the way, and the car had already been fast, even more than 200 miles. This is in the urban area. Such a speed is no different from looking for death. However, Lin Dong's reaction ability is very fast. It can be said that he is a swimming fish in the water. Before long, he has come to the foot of the mountain, but the girl's yellow sports car... Has fallen behind and can't be seen.


There are too few flowers, brothers!

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