The SUV drove into the quarry and stopped in front of Lin Dong and others. Walking down from the car was a middle-aged man in his thirties, which made people feel very capable.

"I heard that someone wanted to buy a quarry. Is that you?" the man came over and asked after he came down.

Lin Dong was a little surprised because he spoke Chinese. He didn't look like a Burmese, so he was more sure.

"Are you Chinese?" Lin Dong asked.

The man nodded. "That's right."

"Mr. Rudi, my name is Zhang Bai. I have bought stones in this quarry before and am very familiar with Mr. Lutian. It happens that Mr. Lin is my friend. He wants to buy this quarry. Look, can we talk in detail?" Zhang Bai interrupted at this time and said to the man with a smile.

Hearing the name, Lin Dong thought it was very interesting.

Lu Tianlu Di, this guy is heaven and earth. He's a cow's name. I don't know if their father's name is Lu Guan, who specializes in them. But... Lu Guan's name seems... Not very good!

Lu Di glanced at Zhang Bai and said, "are you Zhang Nu's people?"

Zhang Bai and Lin Dong were stunned when he said this. Who is Zhang Nu?

"Dongge, Zhang Nu is an arms leader in Myanmar. There are a group of people who specialize in arms and are quite powerful," Liu Qiang whispered.

Lin Dong nodded to show that he knew.

When Liu Qiang said this, Zhang Bai also remembered. He is quite familiar with Myanmar, but it is only limited to the quarry. However, Zhang Nu is really amazing, so Zhang Bai has heard of it.

"Mr. Lu, you misunderstood. We are not Zhang Nu's people. You should have heard that this is Mr. Hu Li, who is very famous in the gambling circle. And this is the third leader of the green snake Gang! As for Mr. Lin Donglin, who is from Suzhou and Hangzhou, he is just interested in gambling, so we are definitely not Zhang Nu's people!"

Zhang Bai quickly explained.

That said, Lu Di's arrival was quite unexpected. After taking a look at Hu Li and Liu Qiang, it is obvious that they have heard some rumors.

"Since you are not Zhang Nu's people, it's easy to do." Lu Di smiled and suddenly waved his hand to the back.

At this time, several people came down from the car with guns in their hands.

Hu Li and Liu Qiang put their hands on their waist when they saw that the other party had brought a guy. If something was wrong, they would do it immediately.

Zhang Bai looked a little frightened. He glanced at Lin Dong, but he smiled freely and didn't take it to heart.

"Don't worry, I don't mean any harm, but I've had a holiday with Zhang Nu recently. He wanted the quarry before, so I heard that someone came to buy the quarry and thought it was his man, so I had to be careful." Lu Di explained and motioned his people to put away the gun.

Zhang Bai asked, "Zhang Nu, do you want this quarry, too?"

"Well," Rudy nodded without saying more. "You are guests. Let's go in and talk slowly, shall we?"

Zhang Bai glanced at Lin Dong. With Lin Dong's consent, several people entered a house not far away.

After entering the house and taking his seat, Lu Di said, "it's no problem for you to buy this quarry. In fact, I didn't want my brother to run this quarry for a long time. I had planned to contact some time ago to see if it could be sold, but it was delayed because of something else. If you want to buy it, I can decide it."

"I don't know what price Mr. Rudy is going to sell?" Zhang Bai asked.

Rudi smiled and said, "I spent 30 million on this quarry. Although I mined a lot, I didn't make much money and barely guaranteed the principal. If you want to buy it, 25 million. The price is very reasonable. I think... You should know!"

Zhang Bai nodded slightly, 25 million. The price is really not expensive. Although the stones in this quarry are not very good, the price is reasonable. If it is a good quarry, even hundreds of millions are possible, then people may not be willing to sell it.

"Mr. Rudi, the price is really reasonable, but you just said that Zhang Nu also wants the quarry. Zhang Nu can't afford to offend people in Myanmar. If we take over the quarry, I'm afraid it will cause trouble?" Zhang Bai asked.

Rudi hummed, "to tell you the truth, Zhang Nu really despises this quarry. The reason why he wants this quarry is not because my despairing brother offended him. Therefore, if you take over the quarry, it has nothing to do with our brothers, and Zhang Nu will not trouble you. If you don't have the courage to take it, take it as I didn't say!"

Zhang Bai was not sure about people's names and the shadow of trees. Zhang Nu was not an ordinary person. He didn't know whether Lin Dong would buy them after he knew them.

Zhang Bai turned his head and looked at Lin Dong. Lin Dong said. "I want to know how your brother offended Zhang nu. If you don't mind, can you tell us? At least, let us know the causes and consequences. Even if Zhang Nu came to trouble, we know why?"

Lu Di hesitated for a moment. This requirement is reasonable, and it seems that the other party really wants to buy a quarry. After thinking about it, Lu Di said: "in fact, it's not a big deal. Zhang Nu has a woman named Zhang Hong, who is not a good woman. I don't know how to hook up with my brother. As a result, Zhang Nu knows, he's going to kill my brother. It's so simple!"

It's because of women!

It's understandable that Lin Dong, a dignified arms boss, is wearing a green hat. He will certainly not give up.

So it's not because of the quarry itself.

When Zhang Bai arrived, he would observe his words and expressions. Seeing Lin Dong's expression, he knew that he must be going to buy the quarry. After thinking about it, Zhang Bai said: "Mr. Rudi, this quarry is also a trouble for you. Zhang Nu will certainly not give up easily. If we take over, you will be more relaxed. What do you think? 20 million, we can buy this quarry right away!"

"Twenty million?" Rudi frowned slightly.

In fact, Rudi wanted to sell the quarry for a long time. He didn't make much money. Moreover, after Zhang Nu stared at it, it was even harder to sell it. Moreover, Zhang Nu certainly wouldn't let the quarry continue to operate, so he had to pay for it all the time.

It's a rare opportunity. It's better to sell it!

Rudi said immediately, "OK, 20 million is 20 million. I'll give you the machines, cars and so on."

"Mr. Lu is so cheerful!" those machines and cars are also valuable, say millions at least.

Zhang Bai turned to look at Lin Dong. Lin Dong smiled and said, "in that case, go through the formalities."

"This quarry is run in the name of my brother. If it is transferred, my brother needs to sign. If you are not in a hurry, can you wait for a while? This matter can be settled first, and the quarry belongs to you for the time being. When my brother comes back, he is going through the signing formalities?" Lu Di said.

"When will your brother come back?" Lin Dong asked.


Rudi hesitated. After Zhang Nu said something, Rudi asked his brother Lutian to stay out of the limelight for a while. As a result, after Lutian left, Rudi didn't know where he had gone and when he would come back.

"I'm not sure about that."

"You're not kidding. You're not sure. Do you want me to wait all the time? Business, isn't it?" Lin Dong was a little unhappy. Since he just said he could decide, he has to wait for his brother now.

Lin Dong doesn't have so much time to delay.

He is bound to have this quarry. Only when he gets it one day earlier can he feel at ease.


Just then, Rudy's phone rang, looked at the number, and Rudy smiled. "It may not take long. It's my brother's phone!"

When he connected the phone, Lu Di shouted brother. As a result, he changed his face not long after. He was still smiling, but he became angry.

"Bastard, what do you want to do? Fart! You TM can't think. If you dare to touch him, I'll kill you! 80 million, where can I get 80 million?"

Rudi roared ferociously and finally hung up the phone.

Seeing him like this, it's obvious that this call is not from his brother.

"Sorry, I won't sell this quarry!"

Ferocious breathing for a moment, Lu Di suddenly said.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Lin Dong asked faintly.

Rudi groaned sadly, "it's Zhang nu. Zhang Nu caught my brother. He asked me for $80 million to let him go."

"In that case, you should sell the quarry."

Rudy shook his head: "You don't know Zhang nu. He is cruel and ruthless. Those who offend him usually come to no good end, not to mention this time... So even if I give him the money, he won't let my brother go. Originally, I planned to keep my brother out of the limelight and take out the money. Anyway, he couldn't find my brother when he took the money. I didn't expect..."

Lu Di looked at Lin Dong and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry. I promised you, but now I can't sell it to you in the quarry."

Not for sale?

That's not good. Lin Dong of this quarry is bound to win.

"Since you know that Zhang Nu will not let go of your brother even if he takes the money, it doesn't matter whether the quarry is sold or not?" Hu Li asked.

Rudi shook his head: "although I say so, I still want to try. That's my brother, my only relative. I still have some industries. Counting this quarry, I should be able to scrape together enough. I hope... I hope he can let my brother go. If he refuses, the fish will die and the net will be broken. Even if he can't save my brother, he will die together!"

"Real man!"

Hu Li was moved!

Zhang Nudi knows how powerful he is. If he wants to save people from him, he will almost die. Lu Di's affection for his brother is really moving!

"Quarry, I'm going to fix it!"

Lin Dong was silent for a moment and suddenly opened his mouth.


Something happened yesterday. I didn't update it in the early morning, so this chapter is a little late. I'm sorry. In addition, it's still the third watch today. This is the first watch!

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