What is the function of Lingshi? Liu Qiang knows it. Although he hasn't used it himself, it must be a good thing to increase his strength. Therefore, after Lin Dong ordered him to play, Liu Qiang did not know where to get a pickaxe and dug it up along the gap just cut by Lin Dong.

Hu Li laughed and joked aside. Zhang Bai didn't know what to say. It was obvious that he hadn't recovered from the shock of Lin Dong's splitting the mountain just now.

Lin Dong did his best just now. He was satisfied with the effect. The Qi worked in his body. Soon the injury of his palm was almost healed.

"If I try my best, I don't know if I can split the mysterious box, but it's estimated to be choking. The box is too mysterious." Lin Dong thought for a while, but he still felt uncertain.

It is estimated that the old man should know what the mysterious box is made of, but Lin Dong doesn't want to go back to him.

What a shame!

"Zhang Bai, brother Hu, you two go to the neighborhood to see if you can get something to eat. It's estimated that you can't come back for a moment. You can't go to Zhang Nu hungry." it's just the afternoon, and you're really hungry.

Hu Li nodded and drove away from the quarry with Zhang Bai.

Lin Dong tilted slightly, narrowed his eyes and basked in the sun, listening to Liu Qiang's wheezing digging stones there.

In the scorching sun, Liu Qiang swung a pickaxe and planed. He was already sweating and his arms were numb.

But Lin Dong didn't say a word, and Liu Qiang didn't stop. Speaking of it, Liu Qiang is also a second-rate expert.

The so-called second rate master has strengthened the internal organs, strong Qi and blood, strong strength, and dark strength in the muscles and veins.

This strength is not weak. Unconsciously, it has dug a lot. If you are not an ordinary person, I'm afraid you can't dig this hard rock mountain at all.


The pickaxe smashed on the stone mountain and made a crisp sound. Then it flew away and fell aside. Liu Qiang's arms trembled uncontrollably. The tiger's mouth was numb. He breathed several times and adjusted his strength. Liu Qiang planned to pick up the pickaxe.

"All right, have a rest!"

Lin Dong suddenly raised his voice and said.

Liu Qiang nodded and sat down regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not.

Tired, he now feels as if both arms are not himself, numb.

Lin Dongshi came over and took a look at the stone dug by Liu Qiang. It's big and small. There can be more than 20 pieces after digging. It's pretty good.

"It's OK. I dug out 18 spirit stones. With the realm of your second-class master, these spirit stones are enough for you to break through and reach the realm of first-class master." Lin Dong took a look and said with a smile.

Liu Qiang couldn't help being excited.

"Brother Dong, can these stones really make me break through?"

"If ordinary people practice and exercise their muscles and bones, they are skilled, and their palms can be broken into pieces and broken wood. This is basically the state of a third rate expert. A slightly better special forces soldier can almost reach this state. You were also a special forces soldier at the beginning. With so many years of practice, it's nothing to reach the second rate state."

"But if you want to reach the first-class level, you can't just rely on physical exercise. You must open up the muscles and veins of the whole body, convert the dark strength into internal power, and turn gravel into powder."

Lin Dong said as he bent down and picked up a stone. With a slight pinch of his fingers, the stone was immediately pinched into powder.

Liu Qiang's eyes were burning and it was difficult to restrain his excitement.

Although he has been practicing hard and his talent is good, after all, no one has systematically taught him how to practice. He just depends on his own little improvement. Since he saw the strong strength of Lin Dong and housekeeper Wang, he said he didn't envy. That's false.

"Brother Dong, how can I reach the realm of first-class experts?" Liu Qiang couldn't help asking.

Lin Dong smiled and pointed to the spirit stone next to him. "Rely on them! This spirit stone contains aura. You absorb these auras into your body, so as to help you get through your muscles and veins. Once your muscles and veins are connected, you will naturally become a first-class expert."

Liu Qiang couldn't help scratching his head and looked embarrassed. "But, but I don't know how to absorb it. Even, I don't feel any aura."

Lin Dong looked at Liu Qiang, who was originally fierce, and couldn't help laughing. "Well, well, I brought you here this time to help you improve. You won't, I will! When you reach the level of a first-class expert, you will naturally find the aura."

"You take a break and adjust your state, and then I'll help you absorb the aura. While you're okay now, you can break through directly." Lin Dong said with a smile.

Liu Qiang was so excited that he nodded again and again, adjusted his breath and rested.

After a rest, Liu Qiang felt almost and looked up at Lin Dong.

"Well, let's start."

Lin Dong said, picked up a spirit stone and used the spirit devouring method. The aura in the spirit stone was continuously absorbed.

In a moment, the spirit stone had turned into powder and dispersed with the wind.

Liu Qiang has been silly, and at this time, Lin Dong has come to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I now put the aura into your body. You don't have to resist. Feel it first, then gather the aura in your Dantian, and then listen to my orders." Lin Dong said and poured the aura into Liu Qiang's body.

Liu Qiang immediately felt a very comfortable and strange airflow pouring into his body, which should be Reiki. Immediately follow Lin Dong's instructions, get familiar with Reiki, and then guide Reiki into Dantian.

Lin Dong slowly loosened his hand and frowned slightly. "The aura I absorbed with the spirit devouring method can only be transformed into one-fifth to Liu Qiang. It seems that the realm of my spirit devouring method is too low to be transferred 100 percent."

After absorbing the spirit stone, Lin Dong can absorb all the aura, but if he wants to transfer it to others after absorption, it is only one fifth. The rest of the aura can't be mobilized at all and can only be absorbed by himself.

"It seems that if I have time, I have to improve the realm of soul devouring method first. In this way, as long as there are enough spirit stones, I can help others improve their strength." Lin Dong thought in his heart, but he didn't stop.

Originally, Lin Dong thought that Liu Qiang would absorb about three pieces, and the Dantian should be full. Now it seems that three pieces are far from enough.

Lin Dong did the same, absorbed the aura of Lingshi, and then transferred it to Liu Qiang.

Almost absorbed eight or nine pieces, and Liu Qiang's expression became a little unnatural. Obviously, there was too much aura in his body, which had reached the limit.

"The aura in your elixir field is full. Now you can guide the aura to break through the muscles and veins. Don't worry too much. It's impossible to get through all the muscles and veins with these auras. Take your time." Lin Dong ordered.

Liu Qiang nodded slightly, and then began to guide the aura to break through the muscles and veins.

This process is painful and dangerous. If the muscles and veins are damaged, it's not fun. However, this kind of danger is far from breaking through the territory. Liu Qiang should have no problem.

Liu Qiang's expression became very painful and ferocious. It seemed that he was suffering from unspeakable torture. Before long, he was sweating profusely and couldn't help making a deep sound of pain.

After almost half an hour, Liu Qiang's expression eased down, and then weakly opened his eyes.

Although he was tired, his eyes were bright.

Obviously it succeeded!

"How do you feel?" Lin Dong asked with a smile.

Liu Qiang thought for a long time and jumped out: "pain and happiness!"

"Then enjoy it."

Lin Dong smiled, absorbed the aura again, and then transferred it to Liu Qiang. With the last experience, Liu Qiang seems to have been used to it. He is familiar with the road and starts to impact.

Step by step, do the same.

Until all the spirit stones dug out by Liu Qiang were absorbed, Liu Qiang finally got through his muscles and veins.

When Liu Qiang stood up, the whole person felt different. Like a sharp sword, he exuded a sharp breath.

"Brother Dong..."

Liu Qiang looked at Lin Dong gratefully.

Lin Dong smiled: "OK, don't make these little women's gestures. I said, since you followed me, I won't treat you badly. You just broke through, let's have a good understanding first."


Liu Qiang restrained his gratitude and excitement and silently walked aside to experience the difference in this realm!

Lin Dong sat down casually and just helped Liu Qiang absorb the spirit stone. Most of the spirit was absorbed by himself. When he arrived, he was not in a hurry to improve the realm. He had just entered the realm and needed to consolidate slowly.

But the secret of heaven must be improved. Breaking false eyes, devouring spirit and refining medicine scriptures are of great help.

Breaking false eyes can see through and read the mind. If the realm is improved, it can even break illusions, and even... It can deduce the future.

The improvement of the realm of medicine refining classic can increase the quality of alchemy and obtain more formulas.

As for the soul devouring method, although it seems ordinary, its function is only to absorb Reiki. Even if it does not improve its realm now, it can still extract Reiki 100%. However, if you encounter any precious medicinal materials, or encounter any treasure containing aura, the effect will be discounted. Moreover, I've just tried it. It's not ideal to help others transform Reiki.

Originally, according to Lin Dong's plan, he was the first to improve the drug refining dictionary. He was a doctor. Mastering more formulas was the key, and it was also the way to make money.

However, now Lin Dong is going to improve the spirit swallowing method. First, if he helps people convert Reiki, the effect is better. Second, Lin Dong still doesn't forget the mysterious box. There is Reiki in it!

Since I can't open it, can I absorb it with the spirit devouring method?

"There are so many spirit stones here. If you absorb them all, it will be enough to improve all the skills in the Tianji Taoist collection. Well, let's start with the spirit devouring method!"

Mobilizing the aura in his body, Lin Dong slowly closed his eyes and began to practice the spirit swallowing method.


This chapter is the third watch of yesterday. It rained and thundered all night yesterday, so I can't write it. It's still three o'clock today, brothers, please help!

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