"Where do you live?" Lin Dong asked casually.

Cui Lanlan pointed to the next door: "I live next door."

"That's no problem!" Lin Dong smiled. He went in and put his things away. He looked at the room at will. The room was clean and tidy. At a glance, he knew it was often cleaned.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go to the front first. If there's something, you're calling me." Cui Lanlan said, and then turned and went out.

When Lin Dong arrived, he had nothing to clean up. He lay with a smile on his mouth and met Qiao Xinxin, a beautiful woman. Although Cui Lanlan was a little simple and didn't dress up, she had a good foundation, at least more than 80 points. There is a beautiful woman with 93 points, but there is a beautiful woman with 80 points next door.

This is life!

Just then, a mobile phone ring rang.

Lin Dong took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Seeing that it was the master calling, he immediately answered the channel: "old man, Mao?"

"Little beast! Just down the mountain, the wings are hard, aren't they? Find a smoke?" there was a loud scolding voice on the phone, "have you been to Suzhou and Hangzhou?"

"Old man, why are you asking nonsense? You pinch and call, I must be here!" Lin Dong said angrily. "Nothing, nothing. I'm hanging up and busy."

"You little beast who doesn't know the heaven and earth, remember what you promised me before going down the mountain. If you can't break through within a year, it depends on how I cut you!"

"Get a face! I don't know who can't fight the day before yesterday. I'm stunned to say that I'm holding my urine and my internal power is not smooth! Wipe, why don't you say I didn't pee clean? I went to shake JJ when I was fighting..."

"Bastard! Don't you pee?"

"Sprinkle, but I didn't sprinkle when I was fighting?"

"Get out!"

"Hey, hey, old man, I have good news for you. I've just been down the mountain. I'll take my daughter-in-law back and show you. One can sweep the 100 teachers you found for me. I don't know if there are any drops!"

"Hum, give me another child without delaying cultivation."

"Forget it, some children won't teach you. If it's shameless to teach you, where will I cry then?"

"Green is better than blue. You are shameless!"

"..." Lin Dong rolled his eyes. "I'm lazy to fart with you old guy. The phone bill is expensive. Hang up!"

Put away the phone. Lin Dong lies happily. He is used to quarrelling with the old guy. Now he comes to the big city and doesn't quarrel all day. He feels really uncomfortable.

However, it won't happen soon. It's much better to be accompanied by this big and small beauty than to know how to practice all day with that old guy!

After thinking for a moment, Lin Dong turned over and sat up. He found a small green tripod in his bag. The small tripod is emerald green, with many patterns carved on it. It looks chaotic and has some rules, giving people a very profound and mysterious feeling.

"First refine some skin nourishing cream for sister Xin, and then buy some medicinal materials to refine several Peiyuan pills to treat sister Xin."

Put the small tripod well, and Lin Dong took out the herbs. Angelica dahurica, white Poria cocos, pearl powder and so on were placed on the ground.

Lin Dong picked up the three lotus flowers of 30 years and secretly moved Xuangong. A dry and hot internal force poured into the palm from the Dantian. After the internal force passed through the palm, a flame was formed above the palm, and the surrounding air became distorted in an instant.

It's not that Lin Dong's internal power is hot, but because he has been practicing the longevity medicine classic for many years. After his internal power penetrates the body, it will automatically degenerate into a transpiration rich aura. This kind of aura does not have much temperature, but it can instantly extract all the essence of herbs. What's simple is purification. This is also the greatest feature of the longevity medicine.

After the strong aura escaped from Lin Dong's palm, it immediately went into the roots and flowers of the three lotus flowers.

Soon, the three lotus flowers "weathered" into a pinch of medicinal powder at the speed visible to the eyes.

Lin Dong will lose the essence of the three lotus flower thrown aside, raise hands to pour the powder into Dan Ding. Immediately, Lin Dong Lu Zi and flowers and fruits extracted from the internal force into the Dan Ding, stir evenly.

The whole process took only 30 seconds, which shows that Lin Dong is very skilled in it.

These three medicines are the introduction of lianyangfu ointment. They are evenly opened to enable the smooth integration of the remaining four main medicines.

According to the refining method in the elixir classic, Lin Dong stacked Angelica dahurica, white Poria cocos, pearl powder and Huai yam on top of the powder in turn.

After doing this, Lin Dong spread his hands under the tripod and secretly transported his internal power. He divided a beating "Dantian fire" in the Dantian into two, wrapped it with aura and transported it to the palms of his hands.

When the elixir reaches the third level after cultivation, a fire will condense in the elixir field. Lin Dong has suffered a lot in order to skillfully control the fire in the elixir field.

You should know that the Dantian fire is hot and violent. It's not very serious. At least, the energy channels of the whole body will be burned by the Dantian fire, and at worst, the spirit and form will be destroyed. Lin Dong almost burned his muscles and veins by the fire. Fortunately, he was directly thrown into the cold ice pool by the master, which offset the temperature of the fire under the icy cold pool water, so he didn't scrap his muscles and veins.

However, Lin Dong is no longer a rookie at the beginning. Dantian fire has been controlled very skillfully.

With the progress of alchemy, a faint fragrance gradually floated from the Dan tripod

Lin Dong is refining medicine in his room. Outside the hall, Qiao Xinxin and Cui Lanlan are calculating the income this morning at the front desk. Cui Lanlan was curious about the relationship between Lin Dong and Qiao Xinxin. She couldn't help asking. Qiao Xinxin told her what had happened before, especially in the drugstore. She was very impressed.

"Sister Xin, is he really so powerful? If he could really make skin whitening drugs, he would have sent them earlier? But he doesn't look like rich!"

Cui Lanlan has some doubts. Don't meet a liar here. How much medicine did sister Xin take and how many methods she tried, and finally she didn't spend her money in vain.

"You can't judge a person by his appearance. I was skeptical at the beginning, but he, I can't say well, just makes people feel convinced. Forget it, just try it. There's no loss anyway." Qiao Xinxin thought of the previous things and always felt that Lin Dong was not such a simple person.

"The account is finished. I'll go upstairs and change my clothes first." Qiao Xinxin put down the account book, said, and turned to go upstairs.

Cui Lanlan nodded and collected the account book.



"Done, done!"

Lin Dong refined the beauty ointment when he was very young. Basically, he refined it once a month. He was already very skilled. He finished it in less than half an hour.

Lin Dong opened the small tripod. The medicinal powder inside had turned into paste, some black, emitting a strange smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

He turned and took out a small porcelain vase from his bag. Lin Dong squeezed the ointment in the small tripod into the small porcelain vase little by little. Then, holding the small porcelain vase, he planned to find Qiao Xinxin and try the effect.

Just got up, a rough madman suddenly floated into the room with a somewhat overbearing voice.

"Where's your landlady? The fourth brother is coming. Where are you hiding?"

"Four, four brothers, sister Xin is not here..."

Hearing Cui Lanlan's hesitation and trembling voice, Lin Dong frowned immediately, turned out of the room and walked to the front desk.

"Little girl, you're so brave? I clearly see that your boss's wife is back and wants to frighten me. Isn't it itchy?"

"Four, four brothers, sister Xin, sister Xin is really not here..." Cui Lanlan's voice became smaller, and her face turned white. She had a clever eye and showed a strong color of panic and fear.

"Little TM, come to this trick! Go and call your boss's wife down..." a man with big five and three thick, dark complexion, wearing a flower shirt and a ruffian face, staring as big as a bell with fierce eyes, patted the front desk table with big hands and roared at Cui LAN angrily.

"Ah!" Cui Lanlan stepped back in fear.

At this time, Lin Dong had walked to the front desk. He glanced at the big men who came in, turned his head and said to the frightened Cui Lanlan, "sister, who are these goods?"

Before the words fell, several younger brothers behind the big man quarreled angrily.

"I'm C, boy, looking for smoke, isn't it?"

"MD, very arrogant, fourth brother, smoke him!"

"Yes, smoke him..."

Lin Dong turned his head and looked in displeasure. "I didn't ask you again. Call a Mao?"

As soon as he said this, he immediately angered the big men, stroked up their sleeves and rushed to beat Lin Dong.

Cui Lanlan was at a loss when she saw this. Usually, these people often come here, but they just harass Qiao Xinxin. They don't dare to make a big fight in the hotel, because there is a police station near the hotel. Once things get big, the police can come every minute.

Nevertheless, Cui Lanlan knows that these people on the road are not easy to provoke. Lin Dong offended them because he didn't know the situation. The other party has a large number of people. If he starts, Lin Dong must suffer a heavy loss. What can we do?

"Sister, stand back." Lin Dong said, stepping in front of Cui Lanlan and looking at the big man headed by his eyes.

"Er, what's the matter with you, blind black bear looking for sister Xin?"

"Hmm? Boy, do you know who you're talking to?" Zhao Si, the leading man, said angrily with a gloomy face and forced the idea of going to do it.

In fact, it's not that he has a high level of self-restraint, but he has some doubts when he sees Lin Dong talking and doing things without fear in front of five or six of them.

There are plenty of rich or powerful CHILDES in Suzhou Hangzhou University. If such a person is really like this, he must be careful, otherwise he will offend such a person rashly, and the consequences will be unpredictable. It is precisely because of his consistent caution that he has been able to stay in Suzhou Hangzhou University for more than ten years.

However, Zhao Si's younger brother saw that his eldest brother had been damaged and asked if he didn't do it. He immediately felt that his face couldn't hang.


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