Ye Mei and others moved very quickly. When the rest of the pirates reacted, they found that the captain and many people had been thrown down. Only then did they understand that they had kicked on the iron plate. However, these pirates were also experienced. Although they panicked for a moment, they immediately calmed down and began to shoot.

For a moment, the sound of the gun was deafening.

What a pity!

They are still wrong!

If it's an ordinary soldier or a special forces soldier, this situation may be very dangerous, but for ye Mei, these gunshots are just fun and useless.

The gunfire became more and more rare, and it didn't take long to stop completely.

All the pirates on board have been thrown down.

"Go to the cab!"

Li Yifeng didn't do it at all. It's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't have a chance to do it at all! Seeing that the pirates on the deck had been solved, Li Yifeng directly greeted him to the cab.

Although there were pirates along the way, they were solved without the ability to resist. Soon, Li Yifeng took control of the cab. Speaking of it, Li Yifeng is really a versatile person. He knows how to drive ships. Soon, the pirate ship set sail again and headed for purgatory island!

"Hey, I can't see that this pirate ship is quite fat." Qiu Xue wandered around and found a lot of gold, silver, jewelry and dollars. After a rough calculation, it was worth at least thirty or forty million dollars.

"It's normal for a pirate ship. However, the ship is really good and its attack weapons are very advanced. It seems that it cost a lot of money to transform it. In this way, even if Mrs. Zhang sent someone to catch up, we don't have no strength!" Li Yifeng said with a smile.

"Is there enough fuel?"


"That captain is very interesting. He even got on our speedboat. It seems impossible for him to feed fish. However, it's bad enough for him to change the speedboat. I'm afraid his pirate career will start again!"

On the sea, the pirates who were thrown down floated one by one, and only a few lucky ones got on the speedboat. Captain Smith Peter watched his pirate ship drift away and wanted to cry without tears. If he had known the result, he would never stop Ye Mei and them. I was going to get a small ransom, but I didn't get the ransom. I lost my boat.

Well, I can only start over!

With the pirate ship, the speed is greatly accelerated. The pirate ship not only has attack weapons, but also has a very good speed. Obviously, it can run if it can't win, which is more in line with the pirate routine! At least one third of the time can be saved by changing guns from birds and boats to ships.

I was nervous about whether Mrs. Zhang would send someone to stop me, but I didn't see anyone until I saw purgatory island.

"Ahead is purgatory island!"

Far away, there was an island in front. It was bare and had nothing. It seemed that there was no grass, giving people a feeling of death and purgatory!

"Although it doesn't matter from the outside, in fact, this prison is built in the depths of purgatory island. Before, there were ten powers on the island, all of which were Heaven level powers. Besides the first time, there were some ordinary guards, which were very strict. The most important thing is that the monitoring equipment on the island is very advanced and the firepower is very strong. If we get close, I'm afraid we will be found immediately At that time, a * will come and the ship will not be able to carry it! "Li Yifeng said.

"Is there no boat on the island?"

"No, we can't get in and out of the island, so we must protect the ship. Otherwise, even if we save Lin Dong, we can't leave." Li Yifeng shook his head. "We can only abandon the boat and swim there. At the same time, we'd better leave one person on the boat. First of all, I must go to the island, otherwise you can't save people. So, you three sum up, who will stay!"

"I want to go to the island!" Luo Qingqing said simply.

Qiu Xue said, "I'm going up too!"

Ye Mei said sadly, "Hey, you two have to go up. Can you let me stay?"

"Those left behind had better sail and pick them up in time!" Li Yifeng said again.

Ye Mei immediately smiled. "I can't sail!"

"I won't!" Luo Qingqing said.

"You certainly will. You are a killer and must be proficient in all kinds of driving!" Ye Mei asked Qiu Xue.

Qiu Xue snorted angrily and didn't deny it!

Although she was reluctant and wanted to go up to save people, Li Yifeng also said that she must leave someone to protect the ship and take care of it. Li Yifeng can't stay, so she can only stay by herself.

"I can tell you that I will save Lin Dong anyway. If I don't see Lin Dong when you come back, I can't expect me to pick you up!" Qiu Xue snorted sadly.

"Go, go to the island ~" Ye Mei smiled proudly and didn't take Qiu Xue's threat seriously.

The three men went out of the cab to the deck, then jumped down and swam towards purgatory island. Although you can see purgatory Island, there is still a certain distance to go to the island. Fortunately, the speed of the three of them is not slow. It is estimated that more than 20 minutes should be enough!



The door of the cell was opened. Lin Dong stopped and looked up. Two prison guards were armed with guns. At the same time, a blue injection came in.

It's obviously to inject yourself!

Once injected, I'm afraid my hard work will be in vain.

Lin Dong quickly turned his mind and made a decision immediately.

Seeing that the two prison guards had come to him and stretched out their hands to catch themselves, Lin Dong suddenly shot!

Kaishan palm directly split it.

When he hit one of them heavily, he heard a quack, and the man's shoulder suddenly collapsed. Seeing Lin Dong's hand, another man was about to shoot immediately. Unfortunately, the muzzle of the gun was just raised and swept away by Lin Dong. Then the thunderbolt leg kicked the man's knee quickly. The knee bone was immediately kicked to pieces, and the man's body fell down. Lin Dong grabbed his neck and twisted it hard!


The man's head twisted directly to the back, obviously hung up!

Then, Lin Dong kicked the guy whose shoulder bone was broken at the beginning, flew up, hit the glass, and then fell heavily!

"I'm not used to it when my strength becomes weak. I have to deal with this guy twice!" Lin Dong muttered depressed, and then ran out directly.

Although I'm not used to wearing clothes, I don't care so much at this time!

Out of the cell, Lin Dong looked around.

The rest of the prisoners didn't seem to expect Lin Dong to dare to do it, but the expression on their faces was obviously not that kind of expectation. They expected Lin Dong to let them out by the way, but a kind of pity and schadenfreude.

It seems that someone must have tried to escape before, but it didn't succeed, and the end was very sad!

These people have been completely smoothed out. They don't dare to escape!

Originally, Lin Dong also wanted to do good deeds, release them, give them freedom and cause chaos. He also took the opportunity to escape. But seeing them like this, Lin Dong was really lazy to do so.

Since they like staying here so much, stay!

Lin Dong shook his head and ran towards the door of the corridor. Just as he was about to run out, the corner of his eye suddenly swept to a nearby cell. The man was pounding the glass hard, as if he wanted to escape!

His move stopped Lin Dong and turned to look at her!

A woman, a woman who obviously looks like a European, but if you look carefully, it still feels like a Chinese, hybrid!

The body is very hot and looks very young. It's estimated that it's only twenty-four or five years old!

Seeing Lin Dong stop and look at her, her hands constantly beat the glass, her chest constantly trembled and collided, which was very attractive, but what attracted Lin Dong was her eyes, to be exact, her eyes.

Begging, longing, she wants to go out, she wants to get out of here!

After hesitation, Lin Dong turned and walked over to her cell. The door of the cell is an electronic lock. It seems that you need a password to open it. Lin Dong doesn't know the password. It's a little difficult for him for a while. Who knows, at this time, the half blood woman knocked on the glass again to attract Lin Dong's attention.

Then his fingers began to move.


Her is drawing numbers!

Lin Dong was stunned, pointed to the door lock, and then cast an inquiring look.

Half blood woman nodded!


This woman knows the password!

Lin Dong was curious about the identity of the woman. He even knew the prison password. Want to return to think, but he has tried to type up the number just drawn.

When the last number was input, a click was heard, and then the prison door opened slowly.

That's right!

Lin Dong was about to ask, but the hybrid beauty eagerly said, "there is monitoring here. People outside already know. Let's go!"

When I speak, I speak standard Chinese, even with a little Yanjing accent!

Lin Dong doesn't care about the sense of disobedience in his accent, because the hybrid beauty has run out.

Well, the skin is white and the ass is warped, but... The scar on the back is a little ugly!

Lin Dong followed him and hurried out.

Outside the cell is a corridor.

While running, the half blood beauty said, "it's in the depths of purgatory island. There's only one way out, but it must be surrounded and can't get out! Come with me. Let's find the antidote of KS2 first, so that we can escape from here!"

"What is KS2?" Lin Dong asked after her.

"KS2 is a forbidden drug injected into prisoners. It can suppress all things such as true Qi and different abilities. It is a new forbidden drug secretly developed by the National Security Bureau, which is specially used for prisoners. If the injections are frequent and take a long time, it may turn people into waste. There are ten day level powers in purgatory island. If you don't restore your strength, you won't have any chance to escape Yes! "

The half blood beauty said and walked forward.

At this time, I had reached the corner. As soon as I went out, I heard the sound of gunfire. It was obvious that someone had come. However, the half blood beauty did not panic at all. After silently counting three times, she suddenly flashed out. Pop! A punch hit a prison guard on the head and directly threw the man back. Then, the hybrid beauty reached out and grabbed his gun, kicked his slender legs out, and the * in her hand rang!

Dense and fast gunfire stopped and Lin Dong took a look.

A lot of people lie in front of us, all of them have been solved!

Lin Dong squinted at the advancing beauty and couldn't help being surprised.

This half blood beauty seems to be familiar with here. She knows the password and even the layout of the prison. Moreover, she is very sharp and her skills are not weak. She knows that she is not an ordinary person at a glance!

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