Ning Yuji is in a bad mood now!

She has received countless messages one after another, all of which are messages that members have been attacked. The number of casualties is gradually increasing. All the battle teams of Longnu have been dispatched, but the effect is not very powerful. The other side is too strong. Werewolves, vampires, these dark creatures in Europe are just enough. Even ninjas and yin-yang masters are produced in Europe.

Although Ning Yuji contacted the other party for questioning at the first time and tried to solve the problem through diplomatic means, it was a pity that the other party never responded, and even pretended not to know anything and refused to admit it.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to solve the problem through diplomatic means.

At the same time, Pudu temple and Jianfeng were also attacked to varying degrees. Pudu temple can be said to be the weakest of the three organizations. Although the attack was not fierce, it could not resist, and the casualties were very large. And Jianfeng... Ning Yuji doesn't know how to describe it.

The situation of Jianfeng can be said to be the most tragic, because Jianfeng has a special relationship with the National Security Bureau. In addition to monitoring the three organizations, the National Security Bureau also has the responsibility of discovering powers. It can be said that many powers of Jianfeng were discovered by the National Security Bureau. Therefore, when Zhang Tai launched, it can be said that the sharp front had ordinary people to follow. Before the joint army took action against them, the sharp front collapsed internally.

Before many people understand what's going on, they find that their teammates who usually get along well are confused about themselves.

In short, it can be said that long Nu is too busy now, Pudu temple is in danger, and Jianfeng has completely fallen!

The three official organizations in China have been brought to the present level by the National Security Bureau, not to mention Ning Yuji, which many people can't think of!

In addition to worrying about the current situation, Ning Yuji still cares about Lin Dong.

She knows the purpose of Zhang taixia's attack on Lin Dong. Lin Dong's existence is an alternative! Although he does not belong to any organization, his strong strength is enough for anyone to dare not ignore, and even... To exaggerate, he has the strength to turn the situation around!

Whether it's Lin Dong's own strength.

Or his elixir poison technique, which is enough to have a great impact!

"Purgatory island... I don't know if they saved Lin Dong!" Ning Yuji thought silently in her heart, and then quickly put the idea behind her.

Now, she is not allowed to think about love affairs!

Although the people above have known the news, they have also provided some help. But this kind of help is of little use. Even if countless troops are sent, how powerful can they play in the face of things like werewolves and vampires? It will only increase casualties in vain.

If the noise is too loud, it is easy to rise to a higher height, it is not just the current situation, it is easy to trigger a war between countries!

"The seventh team asked for additional personnel, with heavy casualties. The enemy was about 100, all werewolves and vampires!" at this time, Ning Yuji received a report from her subordinates!

Ning Yuji frowned, so almost all the fighting members had been sent out. Even if it is a request for additional staff, no one can send it! Although she can go, she has gone by herself. Who will organize the overall situation? For the first time, Ning Yuji found that the dragon's anger was so weak!

Hesitation is hesitation, but war waits for no one!

A moment later, Ning Yuji said in a deep voice, "tell the seventh team that I will go to reinforce them immediately and let them stick to it anyway. In addition, if there is any place that needs reinforcements, tell me in time!"


His men hesitated and asked Ning Yuji to go out in person and rescue everywhere, which may also alleviate the current dilemma, but Ning Yuji can't rest at all. Once the other party's master appears, who can resist?

"No, but let me know!"

Ning Yuji said decisively, and was ready to go to the battlefield.

At this time, Ning Yuji's phone suddenly rang. Ning Yuji frowned. When she took it out, she found that it was Lin Dong, which relieved her immediately. The previous pressure seemed to disappear all at once.

He didn't speak yet. Just seeing the name on the caller ID changed Ning Yuji.

The men who were going out could not help but be surprised to see that Ning Yuji had changed when she saw the phone. Although Ning Yuji had been calm before, she obviously felt that she was full of pressure, but at this moment, she seemed to be a lot easier.

"Who on earth is calling and who has such magic?"

"Is that you?" she answered the phone. Ning Yuji didn't find her voice trembling.

"It's me. How's the situation on your side?" Lin Dong's voice came. Ning Yuji was relieved immediately, and then said: "I'm not optimistic. Pudu temple is still insisting. The sharp front has been completely occupied, and the situation on my side is not very good. They seem to have concentrated their fire on Fu long. There are a lot of casualties. I'm going to add the seventh team."

"After so many years of conspiracy, Mrs. Zhang has made a careful plan to start at this time. Now I'm with Luo Qingqing, ye Mei and Qiu Xue. In addition, there are not many people in Ye Mei Yulin villa, but it's enough. Stay in the overall situation and I'll help sun Bing!"

"OK, I'll tell you the address right away. Pay attention to the phone and keep in touch at any time!" Ning Yuji said without hesitation, and then told Lin Dong the address.

"Yes, wait for my good news!"

Lin Dong said and hung up.

Ning Yuji opened her mouth and wanted to ask him if there was anything wrong, but she thought that as long as Lin Dong came out of purgatory island safely, his ability must be all right.

After taking a look at the men still standing next to her, Ning Yuji suddenly said in high spirits: "inform all combat teams and tell them to hold on. The reinforcements have come and will rescue them successively according to the situation of each team!"


His men immediately answered and turned out.

Although he didn't know who called, he saw Ning Yuji's reaction.

When the news reached all the battle teams of Longnu, everyone's spirit was inspired and sent out the idea of war again.

Sun Bing also heard the news. He was relieved to hear that reinforcements would arrive soon. He also knows that the reinforcements will not be Pudu temple or Jianfeng, so the only possible thing is... Lin Dong!

Yes, sun Bing's first reaction was Lin Dong.

Except him, it is estimated that no one will come to reinforce at this time!

If dragon Nu knows Lin Dong best, it must belong to him except his goddess Ning Yuji. He can be said to be the first person to come into contact with Lin Dong. The thought that Lin Dong would come to reinforce him greatly boosted his spirit. Immediately Yang shouted, "the brothers of the seventh team will insist again, and Lin Dong will come to reinforce him soon. Take good care of these animals at that time!"


When Yang Lun and others heard that Lin Dong was coming for reinforcements, they roared excitedly one by one. Although they had been injured before, it seemed that nothing had happened at this time. On the contrary, they were more fierce than before.

In front of them were a group of tall, hairy werewolves.

At the same time, there are some vampires mixed in. Although these vampires don't look as fierce as werewolves, they are no different from ordinary people, even more weak and pale, but they are quite fast and move strangely. As long as they don't pay attention, they are likely to be bitten by sudden fangs and suck up blood!

Four people have been killed in the seventh team, three of them were killed by vampires. It can be said that vampires mixed in werewolves pose a greater threat!

"Be careful, don't be bitten by these bats. As for the werewolf, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. Don't forget who Lin Dong is. He's a miracle doctor. As long as he comes, don't worry about any serious injury. Brothers, take out some blood. Do you want these animals to shout on our Chinese land? Do you want Lin Dong to see us in such a mess?"

Sun Bing looked excited and roared, even if his chest had been scratched by the werewolf's sharp claws, the blood flowed, and even the meat opened, revealing the seeping bones inside, but Sun Bing didn't hum, as if someone else was injured. I have to say that although sun Bing has some minor problems of good face, he is a tough man with an iron bone.

Perhaps because of Lin Dong's coming or sun Bing's encouragement, the seventh team radiated a strong momentum again, which made those werewolves and vampires completely wonder how they suddenly radiated such a strong momentum when they had been defeated.

It's like we're the losers!


Yang Lun's arm was suddenly caught by a werewolf with his sharp claws. At the same time, a vampire rushed in front of him to bite his neck. Yang Lun struggled, but the strength of the other party was so great that he couldn't get rid of it. Seeing the vampire's tusks close at hand.

Yang Lun even bit his teeth and forcibly broke his caught arm. "Ah ah!" the pain made Yang Lun roar, and his arms were drooping. The werewolf didn't seem to expect Yang Lun to be so fierce. He was stunned for a moment.

Yang Lun seized the opportunity to pull his arm back. At the same time, he swung his body and threw his broken arm at the vampire. The vampire's fangs just bit his arm. Just about to spit out, he found a ferocious smile on Yang Lun's face.

"Go to hell!"

The knife in his hand stabbed into the vampire's heart and turned ferociously. The vampire immediately screamed and slowly fell to the ground.

At the same time, the werewolf had rushed up before, grabbed Yang Lun's broken arm, tore it hard, pulled it down directly, and then rushed up again!

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