Duke sack's stillbirth had a great impact.

Originally, the five holy lands were like a mountain on everyone of dragon nu. After all, only congneng was the holy land, and the rest were just close. Now, when Duke Sark died, there were four holy places left. Although only one was missing, it made their pressure suddenly light!

"The old bat is useless!"

The werewolf ancestor scolded fiercely. Who would have thought that Duke Sark would die like this? It's just like a child's play.

Originally, the werewolf ancestor was worried about Duke Sark. After all, he was a united army. Since they could unite together, they obviously had their own interests. Just like sharing the cake, if you eat more, I will eat less.

No one wants to eat less!

But I didn't expect Duke Sark to hang up before he even ate the cake.

This makes the werewolf ancestors don't know what to think. Without the Duke of Sark, their cake will naturally be divided more. Especially after the werewolf and the blood clan have been fighting each other for so many years, he won't regret the death of Duke Sark, but... It doesn't matter if he dies. I'm afraid the next battle will not be so easy.

He had obviously felt the dragon's anger. The momentum of these people rose again, and he was obviously excited.

It is reasonable to say that when Duke Sark is dead, the werewolf ancestor should be powerful and take the opportunity to turn the momentum back. What's more, anyway, Duke Sark and he are all European. Now he is the only one left. He always has to do something to avoid being compared by ninjas and yin-yang teachers!

But the werewolf ancestor not only did not get angry, but suspended the attack.

Although it was not so obvious, Ning Yuji still felt it.

This made her wonder, what did the werewolf ancestor want to do? Mingming has changed, and Mingming is ready to fight to the death, but now it suddenly seems to be dealing with it.

Is he afraid?

Or did Duke Sark's stillbirth have an impact?

The idea flashed through Ning Yuji's mind and was soon dismissed.

Besides, if the werewolf ancestor really wants to do it, he may not be able to stop him. Therefore, he was not afraid, but deliberately.

As for the reason, she soon guessed.

Heart disorder!

The hearts of the United Army are not united.

Although they are united, they have their own purposes.

This makes Ning Yuji suddenly feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it. As long as they don't have the same heart and even pull back from each other, they will have a chance. Thinking of this, Ning Yuji hesitated and made a very risky decision. She asked someone to inform congneng in the back and let him lead the team to support others!

If the werewolf ancestor really wanted to make a profit, he should be happy to see the ninja and yin-yang division suffer heavy losses.

Ning Yuji's decision is very risky. If the werewolf ancestor takes the opportunity to attack, the team without congneng is likely to be broken. But in fact, when the werewolf ancestor saw that congneng led the team to leave, he really didn't launch an attack. Instead, he ordered the werewolf army to slow down the attack, making the situation seem very sticky and inseparable.

And the werewolf ancestor himself, but didn't make a move in the end!

"Bet right!"

Seeing the situation of the werewolf, Ning Yuji was overjoyed and immediately ordered to go down and don't kill too many people, so that the werewolf ancestor angered her for a moment!

Although the old man and Ning Yuji were far apart and had no communication, they cooperated with each other very tacitly.

For a moment, a strange picture appeared.

Although they are fighting each other, it seems fierce, but if you look carefully, you will find that like a family, you punch and I easily dodge. I kicked you and you dodged.

The whole feeling is like filming!

As long as the camera can't shoot, everyone is lazy and slippery.

"There seems to be something wrong. How can congneng take people to Tianyun?" Lin Dong frowned when he noticed that congneng led the team to Tianyun.

What about Ning Yuji as soon as he leaves?

Thinking of this, Lin Dong hurriedly looked in the direction of Ning Yuji.

As a result, he also found a clue.

Although Lin Dong doesn't manage long Nu like Ning Yuji, he has a lot of experience and can analyze the reasons at a glance. But he is not a fool, not to mention his extraordinary eyesight. How can he not understand that they seem fierce, but in fact they don't fight at all.

If it were someone else, Lin Dong must think she might have rebelled and deliberately acted here. But since it's Ning Yuji, it's impossible.

Therefore, Ning Yuji saw something and knew that there was no danger for the time being, so she let Cong be able to support others!

After thinking about it, Lin Dong waved to Qian Hui.

"You watch here and shout as soon as something goes wrong. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, brother-in-law, I understand. Leave it to me!" Qian Hui promised by patting his chest!

Lin Dong nodded and passed in the direction of Luo Qingqing's group.

Since Ning Yuji puts Ren congneng to support, Lin Dong naturally wants to seize this opportunity.

Luo Qingqing's team is dealing with Yin Yang division!

Yin and Yang spirit emperor, GUI Li Da Ye!

Lin Dong jumped onto the wall and looked down. He found that the number of yin and Yang masters was not much, only about ten in total. Compared with the number of Ye Mei Group, it's a far cry. But the intensity surprised Lin Dong.

The ground is pockmarked. It looks like a fierce battle.

Not only that, Lin Dong found that these yin-yang masters stood in a row, behind the battlefield, but in front of them, there were illusory spirits.

There was a very gloomy smell around. Lin Dong saw a man attack the spirit body with his own eyes, but he penetrated the spirit body. Then the whole person seemed to be frozen in an instant.

Then, the spirit body could send out cold air, when the ground condensed into ice!

Unreal but with strong attack means!

Lin Dong can't help frowning. The yin-yang teacher is really hard to deal with.

Some of these spiritual bodies are human and some are animal. No matter what form they are, they are extremely difficult to deal with!

Although there are more people than each other, they are obviously at a disadvantage. Don't talk about dealing with Yin and Yang masters. It's hard to say whether they can stop the attacks of these spirits. They can't fight back. They can't fight at all!

Soon, Lin Dong found Luo Qingqing in the crowd. At this time, Luo Qingqing looked like Shura. She wanted to break in several times, but she was blocked, which annoyed her. Then, Lin Dong met sun Bing, Yang Lun and Ouyang sisters.

Luckily, they don't look hurt!

Lin Dong did not immediately go down to support, but observed the spirit body. This spirit body is similar to Dharma. It is a pure energy body. Its attack can cause damage, but it is difficult to be attacked.

Extremely difficult to deal with!

However, Lin Dong knows that both FA Xiang and spirit body are energy bodies. Since they are energy bodies, there are ways to deal with them!

Broken eyes.

Lin Dong stared at the spirit body, trying to find out the flaw.

As a result, he really found something.

Here, there is a special energy in the body of the spirit, which should be relatively rich, and no matter how unreal or separated its body becomes, it will eventually gather together again because of this energy.

This energy is their cover door!

It is also the energy of Yin Yang division!

However, if you don't have to break your false eyes, it is obviously difficult to find, and the energy position of each spirit body is different. I'm afraid it's difficult for others to do it except yourself.

Therefore, the real key is those Yin and Yang teachers!

Once Yin and Yang master dies, those spiritual bodies will naturally disappear.

Lin Dong looked at the yin-yang teacher, but suddenly frowned. Although these yin-yang masters gathered together, they seemed unprepared. In fact, Lin Dong found that there was a layer of energy about 20 square meters around them.

A defensive barrier!

Lin Dong doesn't know much about Yin and Yang masters. He just knows that their means is to summon channeling and enchant!

Even if he breaks through the spirit body and goes to them, the boundary may not be easy to deal with. Lin Dong can feel that the boundary is very strong. His eyes focused on the last robed man in the yin-yang division. He couldn't see his appearance at all, but Lin Dong could feel that he was different from others.

Obviously, this should be the yin-yang spirit emperor.

I'm afraid this border is also his pen!

It's really hard to deal with attacking with spirit body and defending with barrier. No wonder Yin and Yang masters dare to take on one side of the attack although they have the least number!

At this time, Lin Dong suddenly found that Ouyang Huoer seemed to be entangled by a spirit body. He was in a hurry and seemed unable to resist.

Before he could think more, Lin Dong rushed over in an instant. With a sweep of Ling Feng's sword, he directly hit the energy of the spirit body. In an instant, the spirit disappeared.

Ouyang Huoer breathed a sigh of relief and was delighted to find that Lin Dong had saved himself.

"Be careful yourself. I'll find a way to deal with these guys!"

Lin Dong said, and the man ran out again. He just found that when the spirit body disappeared, the body of a yin-yang master obviously trembled.

This makes Lin Dong firmly believe that as long as the spirit body is destroyed, the yin-yang Division will also suffer from reverse bite. Although it may not be very serious, it is enough to hurt them and can't continue to summon for a short time.

After discovering this, Lin Dong started to work on the spirit body.

Although the spirit body is ethereal, Lin Dong also has the experience of fighting with the law, so he won't panic. At the same time, he can accurately find its cover door. After Lin Dong easily killed several spirit bodies, Luo Qingqing came to Lin Dong.

"How did you do it?"

She didn't ask Lin Dong how he came, but wanted to know how Lin Dong could kill the spirit.

These spiritual bodies made her hold her fire. The feeling of being powerful and nowhere to use made her accumulate countless anger. I don't know how to vent it!

"Each spirit body has a special energy. If you attack it, you can destroy the spirit body. But it's hard to find it in different positions!" Lin Dong said.

Luo Qingqing frowned and then rushed to a spirit body.

Hard to find?

Then don't look!

Attack the spirit everywhere.

Luo Qingqing's method is simple and rough, but it works very well. Under the airtight attack, the kitchen knife quickly hit the energy body. In an instant, the spirit body disappeared!

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