Watching the two people blink away, Lin Dong sat alone in the living room, a little depressed. What's the matter? Even if the Fat Dragon's ability works well and catches a strong man, he won't let himself stay and wait? Turning around, there seemed to be no servants in the villa, and the owls and other guards outside wouldn't come in at will.

"If I had known, I would have let Feilong bring a comic book. At least he could pass the time." Lin Dong muttered depressed, leaned casually on the sofa and crossed his legs.

I just closed my eyes and was ready to close my eyes, but suddenly I heard a sound. I opened my eyes and looked at the door. A woman came in, about thirty, dressed very plainly, and carrying several bags in her hand, which seemed to contain vegetables.

I guess it should be a cook!

However, he kept a good figure. Although he was plain, he was very beautiful, which surprised Lin Dong. Unexpectedly, the cooks of No. 1 leader were so beautiful!

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

Su Yinghong was surprised to see the young man sitting on the sofa. He seemed young, but he was very handsome. Although he crossed his legs and sat on the sofa, he didn't make people hate to think he was pompous, but he had a natural and unrestrained temperament.

"It's normal that you haven't seen me. After all, I'm not very familiar here. By the way, my name is Lin Dong."

"Lin Dong? It's you. Why are you here alone?" Su Yinghong immediately knew who he was. He was the young man who saved his father.

At noon, my father specially said that he would invite them to come and express his gratitude, and specially asked her to cook. No, she just came back from shopping, but she didn't expect him to be here alone!

"Don't mention it. He took the Fat Dragon away and left me alone." Lin Dong said depressed. "By the way, are you the chef of the villa? Such a beautiful cook is rare. How do you maintain your skin?"

"Cook?" Su Yinghong's expression was a little strange. Then she smiled and nodded and said, "yes, I'm really a cook. I've just finished shopping. I'm ready for you to eat."

"That's really hard work. People are beautiful and their cooking skills must be good. Why don't I help you? I'm fine anyway. In fact, my cooking skills are also very good." it's better to help than sit here, let alone fight for beautiful women!

"With such a sweet mouth, who requires a beautiful cook? You know, the more beautiful a woman is, the less she can cook." Su Yinghong said with a smile.

Lin Dong shook his head. "That's not necessarily true. Aren't you an exception? By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

"A woman's name is not easy to tell others!" Su Yinghong said with a smile.

"I've only heard that a woman's waist can't be touched casually, and I've heard that age can't be asked casually. The name should be nothing?" Lin Dong said with a smile.

"My name is Su Yinghong."

Su Yinghong said her name and looked at Lin Dong to see how he reacted when he heard her name. Who knows, Lin Dong just said a good name with a smile, but there was no other reaction. This surprised Su Yinghong. Hasn't he really heard his name?

As the daughter of No. 1 leader, although she did not hold any position and was not a person in the system, most people knew it.

"There's nothing else except my good name and sound good?" Su Yinghong looked at Lin Dongdao.

Lin Dong nodded and said, "what else should there be? Oh, by the way, the name sounds good and people look better. Is that all right?"

Su Yinghong can be sure that he really hasn't heard his name and doesn't know his identity. This makes her feel very interesting. Which of the guests who usually come to the house is not polite, and it is rare to meet someone who doesn't know herself.

"OK, of course." Su Yinghong smiled.

"Shall I call you sister Yinghong? Sister Yinghong, anyway, I'll do nothing. Let me help you!" Lin Dong said with a smile. Sister Yinghong's cry was very natural.

"You are a guest, how can I ask you to help!" Su Yinghong said with a smile.

"I'm a real guest, but have you ever seen the guest stay at home without the host? The host doesn't see it. Why should I see it?" Lin Dong said. He took off his suit and rolled up his shirt sleeve. Obviously, he was ready to help.

Hearing what he said was interesting, Su Yinghong was also very interested in him. "Do you really want to help? Are you good at cooking?"

"Look down on me. If you can help a beautiful woman, you can do it. If you can't, you can do it!" Lin Dongdao.

"Well, come with me!"

Su Yinghong said, turned around and took Lin Dong to the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Su Yinghong puts the bag aside and takes out the contents one by one. Lin Dong volunteered to take over the work of washing vegetables. Su Yinghong didn't refuse. She instructed him to wash vegetables. She prepared everything she was going to use. She prepared vegetables first and did it directly when she was ready to eat.

Lin Dong chatted casually with Su Yinghong while washing vegetables. This casual feeling like a friend makes Su Yinghong very happy. For her, identity is a big problem, so she can't make friends like ordinary people.

Most of the people we usually get along with are people of similar status. Naturally, this friendship is mixed with many other things, and it is not so pure.

Lin Dong's appearance made her seem to forget her identity. She really regarded herself as a cook. She spoke at will and complained about Lin Dong's mistakes from time to time.

Unconsciously, the two people also gradually had some physical contact. Although they are very ordinary, it is very rare for Su Yinghong. You know, ordinary people don't have any physical contact with her. I'm afraid they don't even have a chance to talk.

Su Yinghong is cutting vegetables when she suddenly hears Lin Dong shouting. She seems to be ready to pass the freshly washed dishes to herself. She didn't care and reached for it. However, because the tacit understanding between the two was not enough, before Su Yinghong could hold it, Lin Dong let go and saw that the food was about to fall. Su Yinghong subconsciously loosened her hand and bent over to pick it up, but when she let go, the kitchen knife she had held in her hand naturally fell down.



The kitchen knife and vegetables fell to the ground. Su Yinghong snorted and covered her feet with her head down.

The accident happened suddenly. When Lin Dong reacted, Su Yinghong was already injured. She immediately squatted down and held her arm and asked, "are you okay? Take the delivery away and let me see if it's hurt?"

Su Yinghong bit her teeth and loosened her hand in pain. She saw that her ankle was bleeding and there was a deep wound. Fortunately, she is wearing shoes. Otherwise, she may not be hurt.

"Why are you so careless? Take off your shoes and I'll see for you!" Lin Dong said with concern.

"It's all your fault. If you don't let go, I won't worry. If you don't worry, I won't loosen the kitchen knife or get hurt!" hearing Lin Dong's complaint, Su Yinghong is very happy. After all, he is concerned about himself, but on the surface, he still puts the responsibility on Lin Dong.

Lin Dong said without a word: "well, well, it's my responsibility. I'm responsible for the big deal. Come on, take off your shoes and let me, a miracle doctor, help you see. I promise it'll be fine soon and won't leave scars!"

"True or false?" Su Yinghong asked in surprise.

As a result, Lin Dong stretched out his hand and slapped on his head. "Are you still in the mood to doubt me at this time? You don't hurt!"

Su Yinghong didn't hear what Lin Dong said behind her. She was completely stunned by his previous actions. He knocked himself on the head? Obviously, he is younger than himself. Why does he have the illusion that he seems older than himself?

She had never experienced this kind of caring and slightly blaming behavior. Even my father has never done that!

"What are you doing? Take off your shoes!" seeing Su Yinghong looking at himself, Lin Dong really didn't react to what was wrong with his behavior.

Although he is very young, he can get along with others, but he will never be regarded as a child, especially with women. Lin Dong's behavior as a big man is like he is the older one. The behavior just now is just a natural subconscious action.

"Did you hit me on the head just now? No big or small. Who called me sister Yinghong just now? She dared to hit me on the head!" Su Yinghong finally reacted and immediately hummed to Lin Dong.

However, if you look carefully, there is some confusion between her eyebrows, and her pretty face seems to be faint and red.

"Well... I'm used to it. I'm in a hurry. Sister Yinghong, you'd better take off your shoes first and I'll take a look for you." Lin Dong said.

"Hum, I forgive you for the time being. But there's nothing here. Let's go to the room. There's disinfectant and gauze in the room. It hurts. It's really unlucky!" Su Yinghong said depressed.

Lin Dong reaches out his hand to help Su Yinghong up, then holds her shoulder with one hand and holds her almost half in his arms with the other hand. "Where is the room? I'll help you!"

"Ah, yes, upstairs!"

Su Yinghong didn't expect Lin Dong to make such a move. He half hugged her in his arms. Her strong chest and broad arms made her feel strange. Almost muddled, she took him upstairs to her room, and the whole process, she didn't feel the pain, only felt Lin Dong's strong strength.

After entering the room, Lin Dong put Su Yinghong on the bed and asked her to sit down. Then he squatted down, held her feet and took off her shoes.

Very smooth, very white, tender and despised jade feet!

Although Lin Dong didn't have any thoughts, he was inevitably attracted at this time. This is the first time he has seen such beautiful feet. He is not a foot control or leg control, but I have to admit that Su Yinghong's feet make him feel more beautiful than any part!

"See, have you seen enough? Do you want to deal with the wound with me or deliberately take advantage of me?" his feet were held, and Lin Dong looked obsessed, which made Su Yinghong shy and deliberately pretended to be angry.

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