The enthusiasm of these reporters obviously surprised Lin Dong. He is just a boss, not a star. Is there such a big response?

In fact, Lin Dong belittles himself. Although these are entertainment reporters, the news is very well-informed. Although Lin Dong's news is not so clear, he can't hide some things. It can be said that Lin Dong himself is more eye-catching than entertainment stars.

In addition, this big production makes people think that Lin Dong is interested in Jiang Yu, so he spends money to touch her.

This kind of gossip news naturally attracts attention.

And just now this series of characters enough to trigger the earthquake has increased Lin Dong's influence. It's strange if those reporters can calm down!

Lin Dong didn't have the consciousness of being a star. Although he heard the reporters constantly calling to let him look here and there and pose, Lin Dong ignored it at all. Although he didn't walk so fast, he didn't stop, which made those reporters depressed.

At least you turn around and let's take a face!

Just when Lin Dong had finished half of the red carpet, Lin Dong suddenly heard a noise behind him, and the reporters next to him also set up flash lights, which made Lin Dong curious. It seemed that he was the finale, and no one was right behind him.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, please stay!"

Lin Dong heard someone shouting behind him. He stopped and turned around. He saw a man he didn't know coming up quickly.

"Are you?" Lin Dong frowned.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm the Secretary of No. 1 leader. My surname is Zhang. No. 1 leader knows that this year is the premiere of your company's film, so he specially asked me to send blessings. He also said that if he had time, I hope he can arrange it for him, and he would like to see it!"

Lin Dong was surprised. Unexpectedly, this man was the Secretary of No. 1 leader. This is a great favor. I'm afraid there's no film that can startle the No. 1 leader? Although the Secretary Zhang's voice was not loud, it was enough for those reporters nearby to hear it.

Those reporters were stunned when they heard the news, and then they were as excited as if they had won the five million grand prize.

"Thank the leader for me and tell the leader that if he wants to see it, I'll send the film to his home later!" Lin Dong doesn't think leader No. 1 will really watch the film in such a high profile, but it's just to give face. Naturally, Lin Dong won't be out of fashion.

Secretary Zhang smiled: "OK, I'll turn around the leader. There's nothing wrong. I'll go back first and order the film to sell!"

"Thank you!"

Lin Dong was a guest, and Secretary Zhang turned and left.

"Mr. Lin, was that really the Secretary of leader No. 1 just now?"

"Mr. Lin, what is your relationship with leader 1? Why did leader 1 ask the Secretary to congratulate?"

For a moment, the reporters shouted one after another.

Lin Dong ignored it and walked the red carpet on his own.

After coming in, Zhang Zhu came up and asked, "boss, is that man really the Secretary of leader No. 1?"

Lin Dong nodded: "yes, I didn't expect leader No. 1 to give face like this."

"God, boss, you have too much face. It's hard for us to think about this film!" Zhang Zhu said exaggeratedly.

Leader one!

That's leader one.

I'm afraid even the top entertainment companies don't have such a big face!

"OK, don't get excited. It's almost time. Have you arranged everything? Just prepare to play the film." Lin Dong took a picture of Zhang Zhu and calmed her excitement.

Lin Dong was arranged in the box.

With sun Qian, Li Qingcheng, Jiang Yu and Heimei!

As for the other stars, they were arranged in the first row of the cinema, followed by journalists attending the premiere and some film critics.

The film soon began to play. Everyone held their breath and wanted to see what the film that caused such a sensation and invested so much money was like. Many film critics watched it more carefully and were ready to write back.

Lin Dong watched it very seriously. This is his first time to watch a movie in the cinema, or he invested in shooting it himself, and the people he knew are all on it. This feeling is very wonderful. But I have to admit that Jiang Yu shot very well. Although he acted in his own color, some places naturally changed, but Lin Dong didn't feel at all against the peace. The performance was very natural, and the shooting method was also very good, without the feeling of rough manufacture.

Throughout the whole process, Jiang Yu was very nervous. From time to time, he looked at the reaction of Lin Dong and others, or at the situation in the hall outside.

But obviously her worry is superfluous. From the external response, it should be very successful!

"Is this skin nourishing cream?"

When the picture of Jiang Yu specially buying skin care cream to whiten his skin appeared in the film, it can be said that this picture completely restored the original picture of shooting skin care cream advertisement, which can be called a play in the play. The picture of skin nourishing cream is a close-up of the, and it takes a long time.

It's all about embedded advertising.

Lin Dong glanced at Jiang Yu and Jiang Yu smiled. There are not only skin cream, but also advertisements for Chiang's jewelry.

However, Jiang Yu is not worried about being said to be implanted too obviously, because Jiang Yu himself is an actor in the skin care cream advertisement, and this film is also about a process from the daughter of a jewelry tycoon to a star in the entertainment industry. Therefore, whether it is skin care cream or Jiang's jewelry, these are reasonable and can't find anything wrong at all.

In addition to these two, Tianguang entertainment may be the implanted advertisement, but it is also reasonable. In fact, when shooting, many manufacturers want to implant advertisements, and even the price is not low. After all, this play has a great influence.

But Jiang Yu refused.

Although it's inevitable to find advertising in making a film, if it's not too obvious, as the first play, Jiang Yu doesn't want to take risks.

Because of Jiang Yu's particularity, sufficient funds and special status, the company can only agree. After all, Lin Dong said that everything is up to Jiang Yu!

Even if Zhang Zhu is the person in charge of the company, he can only help from the side. He can't be the master at all!

After nearly two hours of the film, at the end of the film, Jiang Yu became a star. It can be said that this is a story that knows the end after reading the beginning, but it is such an ordinary story that people can feel how hard it is for everyone with a dream to enter the entertainment industry and how difficult it is to succeed!

Thunderous applause broke out and the most heartfelt congratulations were given to the main creators.

Jiang Yu's eyes were red. She was excited and was about to cry with joy.

"Succeeded, I succeeded!"

Jiang Yu jumped into Lin Dong's arms excitedly and couldn't help thanking him. "Thank you, thank you, Lin Dong. You gave me a chance!"

"If you really want to thank me, I don't mind if you promise me by example." Lin Dong said with a smile.

Jiang Yu took a shy look at Sun Qian and Li Qingcheng next to her. Naturally, there was no succession of Lin Dong's jokes!

"Well, you should go out and thank the reporters. I won't be involved in the rest. I'll go back to the company first and give you a celebration party later in advance! All those who come to join us today will be notified and join us if they are free!"

Since people have given face, it is impossible for Lin Dong not to show it.

You hold me, I hold you, human relations!

Although Lin Dong is not interested in this kind of activity, after all, the entertainment company needs to develop. As a boss, he can't play too much. He should socialize, but he still needs to socialize.

Lin Dong quietly left with sun Qian and Li Qingcheng and got on the bus. Sun Qian said, "my father asked me to ask you when you're free to go home. It's probably because of leader No. 1. If you can help, you can help. If you can't help, it's nothing."

"Your father will be so angry if he hears this!" Lin Dong laughed.

Sun Qian hummed, "do girls understand it? Besides, human feelings are used up less once. What will you do in the future?"

"They won't attend in the evening?" Lin Dong asked.

Sun Xi shook her head: "it's good to come to the premiere. They won't attend that occasion at night."

"Well, let's go tomorrow. I'll go there when I have time tomorrow. If it's not difficult, I'll do it easily. Anyway... I have to do enough for you!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

Sun Qian nodded with satisfaction: "you can speak!"

Not long after returning to the company, the news about the film premiere has spread, which can be said to have caused a considerable sensation.

Not to mention the stars with bright stars, the owners of the three giants, as well as all kinds of senior officials and leaders, and even the Secretary of leader No. 1 have come. Together, these people can imagine how much influence they have.

Almost every newspaper reports this news, without exception, all headlines.

This also makes the film that has attracted much attention more sensational. The second day of the premiere is the day of business release. With this influence and the quality of the film itself, I believe the box office must be very good!

In fact, although Lin Dong spent a billion to shoot, after all, he is not a science fiction blockbuster and needs special effects, so he didn't spend so much money at all, but he spent less than 300 million. This is because he spent a lot of money on film pay and shooting. In addition, he didn't have experience in large-scale production.

After all, Tianguang entertainment did not produce its own films before. It mainly relied on Liu Yilong's relationship to hold stars. There was a slight lack of experience in this regard.

In the evening, the top hotel in Yanjing directly contracted one floor as the celebration banquet. In addition to the crew, the main creators, naturally, there are those stars who came to support it. The three masters didn't come as sun Qian said, but to Lin Dong's surprise, the mayor of Yanjing came!

One can imagine how busy the head of a city is and how prominent his status is. It's almost impossible to attend this occasion, let alone attend the premiere before. It's enough face. Hearing this news, Lin Dong can't understand. I'm afraid he has another purpose!

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