"Nephew Lin Dong, although you just came back today, I believe you can see some situations. If, I mean, if you really plan to take your mother away, I'm afraid it will be difficult for your family to help you in the future. I know you may not like it here, but you've just come back, and everyone is not very familiar. I believe it's good to get along with you for a long time."

After a moment of silence, Du Qing spoke. What he said was very direct, but also very sincere. He didn't treat Lin Dong as an outsider at all.

"I think I have considered it very clearly." Lin Dong said faintly.

Du Qing shook his head helplessly: "you are so stubborn that you are really like your mother."

"Are you sure you can cure it?" Du Fang said.

Lin Dong nodded: "at least you can't cure it."

"Well, originally, I thought you had finally come home and wanted to make good compensation for you. Since you want to leave and cure your mother, I can't stop it anyway. What's more, if you can cure it, it's also a good thing. Although you left, you should remember that you are still the Du family, and the Du family is your home!" Du Fang said solemnly.

Lin Dong nodded. There are so many people in the Du family. In addition to his mother and aunt, maybe Du Qing and Du Fang let him have some favor and respect.

"I want to leave tomorrow."

"In such a hurry, don't you stay a few more days? I still want to take you hunting." Du Qing said in surprise.

Lin Dong shook his head: "time waits for no one!"

Thinking of du e's body, Du Qing nodded.

"Then rest early and let Du Qing see you off tomorrow." Du Fang said and got up and left.

"Don't worry, you still have an aunt. If you have anything to do, tell your aunt and help you!" said Du Juan.

Lin Dong smiled: "I knew a truth when I was very young. Everything depends on myself."

"You bastard, don't you believe your aunt when you say so?" Du Juan immediately pretended to be angry and said.

Lin Dong shook his head: "if I really can't do something, I must tell my aunt first!"

"That's about the same. All right, let's rest early and let's go together tomorrow." Du Juan smiled with satisfaction.

Although the villa is only for du e to cultivate, it is not small. Lin Dong found a room to live in, but he tossed and turned in bed. He doesn't recognize the bed and can easily sleep anywhere, but today he has some insomnia.

He is no longer alone.

With a mother, an aunt, a second uncle and grandpa.

All this made Lin Dong unable to sleep at all.

Vaguely lying in bed, turning left and right, I don't know how long it took to fall asleep. And he didn't sleep well. He dreamed!

Yes, since his practice, he has rarely dreamed except the dream of breaking his delusional eyes.

He had a beautiful dream. In the dream, he seemed to become smaller. There was du e and Lin Kang, who he had not seen before, but in the dream, his appearance was very clear. Three people, a family of three, extraordinary happiness. Like a bystander, he witnessed his happy life from small to large!

But dreams are always dreams.

When it's over, you wake up!

When he opened his eyes, Lin Dong suddenly found a man sitting by the bed, looking at himself lovingly.

"Mom, why are you here?" Lin Dong blurted out subconsciously.

Du'e said excitedly, "Ping'er, what did you call me just now, mom? Really? Can you call me again?"

Lin Dong was a little embarrassed. He just woke up because he had finished his dream. In his dream, he called very naturally, so he blurted out. Now he's awake, but it's hard for him to say so.

Seeing Lin Dong's embarrassed appearance, du e was disappointed, but after all, he had shouted. Du e believed that as long as he took good care of her and fulfilled his mother's responsibility, he could accept himself.

"Your aunt told me you were going to take me away today, so I asked someone to pack up early. I heard you didn't wake up, so I asked your aunt to take me there. I want to see you. I'm afraid, I'm afraid it's a dream, and I'm afraid you're gone!" du'e said with a smile.

Lin Dong said: "your body is difficult to cure in a short time, so I'm going to take you to another place. If it goes well, I think you will recover completely in a short time."

"Well, I believe you!"

Du'e was completely blind to trust at this time.

Lin Dong got up and simply cleaned up. Du Juan had already cleaned up du e's things. In fact, there were not many. One or two clothes and a photo album! It's a picture of Lin Dong when he was a child, and it's also the only thought du e has had over the years.

"Let's go."

Du Qing has come and the helicopter is ready outside. Du e has no nostalgia. For her, the place with a son is home. Lin Dong got on the plane with du e in his arms. Then the plane started slowly and left.

In the villa in the distance, Du Fang silently looked at the distant plane and turned silently.

Before Lin Dong left, he told Linda that he might come back in a few days, but unexpectedly, Lin Dong came back in only one day.

"Nephew Lin Dong, I won't stay much longer. This is my phone. If there's anything you can tell me, don't treat my second uncle as an outsider, okay?" after getting off the plane, Du Qing handed Lin Dong a note with his number on it.

Lin Dong took it down and replied, "I will."

"Take good care of your mother. She has been suffering for so many years!" Du Qing patted Lin Dong on the shoulder, turned and got on the plane and left.

Into the villa.

Linda, Feilong and Chen Yan are here, but they don't know what to say. In particular, they have guessed that the woman who is weak enough to swallow at any time may be Lin Dong's mother.

"Is this your friend?" du'e asked weakly, sitting on the sofa.

Her body can't stand tossing. Although she takes a plane, she is also a little tired.

Lin Dong nodded: "Linda, Feilong, Chen Yan."

Linda said hello to du'e politely.

"I want to go to purgatory Island, Fat Dragon. Her body is now. If you use your powers, are you okay?" Lin Dong asked toward Fat Dragon.

"It should be all right," said Feilong.

Lin Dong frowned and said, "I don't want to hear anything. Should I ask you for a clear answer, something or nothing?"

"It's all right. I can slow down a little to ensure that there won't be any discomfort!" Feilong thought and said definitely.

"That's good!"

Lin Dong felt relieved and looked at Linda. Linda said immediately, "don't worry. Just leave it to me here. When it's handled, I'll take Jesse back by plane."

"Please, Chen Yan, stay here and help Linda. When I get back, I'll tell Ning Yuji to take you to purgatory island." Lin Dongdao.

Chen Yan nodded. Purgatory island used to be a terrible place. No one would want to go there. But now it's different. Now purgatory island belongs to Lin Dong. He took himself to purgatory island. In name, it's imprisonment and punishment, but in fact it's a kind of care.

It's a reward for his time.

"Do you want to have a rest? Later, you may have to move to purgatory island in an instant. It is an island on the high seas to hold prisoners of the National Security Bureau. But now that island is mine. The scenery is good and quiet, and that place is very suitable for me to help you heal!" Lin Dong asked du e softly.

Du'e smiled and said, "listen to you."

"Then take a rest. I'm tired after taking the plane for so long."

After a long rest, he felt that du'e was better. Lin Dong took her with Du Juan Feilong and left smoothly.

The fat dragon was very careful when exercising his powers, for fear that it would make du'e uncomfortable. The blinking time was much slower than before. When he arrived at purgatory Island, Fat Dragon's first reaction was to look at du'e to see if she was OK.

But Lin Dong's reaction was faster than him.

"It's nothing except shortness of breath. Let's go." Lin Dong said, and then led du'e into the prison.

After Li Yifeng left, Xu Xier was basically in charge of purgatory island. Li Qingqing also practiced here. At the same time, the defense work was handed over to the sea lion!

As soon as Lin Dong and others appeared, the people on the island knew immediately. Before they went to prison, Xu Xier and Li Qingqing had come out of it.

"Why did you come back suddenly? Is this?" Li Qingqing came to Lin Dong and looked at du e in his arms suspiciously.

Lin Dong didn't know how to explain for a moment. He said, "things are a little complicated. I'll tell you later, Xu Xier, help me arrange a room. Remember, I want the best."

"Well, this island is yours. You have your word!" Xu Xier shrugged and said, "come with me!"

Lin Dong followed up with du e in his arms. Du Juan followed him and looked around curiously.

"Fat Dragon, who are they? How do I feel that Lin Dong seems to care and nervous?" Li Qingqing pulled Fat Dragon and asked in a low voice.

Feilong hehe said with a smile, "are you jealous? But you really can't afford this vinegar. I tell you, what happened these days is like a movie. It's too strange. You can't guess who these two people are in your dreams. I advise you to be considerate. It's good!"

What he said really confused Li Qingqing. Who is it!

"The one who follows Lin Dong is his aunt!" Feilong whispered.

"Aunt? Are you kidding?" Li Qingqing said in surprise. "How could this be possible? He, he should be an orphan. Where did his aunt come out?"

"Hey, it's not just his aunt. The one he's holding is his mother and your mother-in-law. You should do well. This is a good opportunity to get the moon first!"

"Lin Dong's mother? Well, what's going on!"

Li Qingqing was completely confused and felt like a dream. After half a day, he reacted and pulled Feilong to ask the matter clearly. When Feilong finished talking to her about this period of time, Li Qingqing still felt a little incredible.

Totally unexpected!

"Don't be stunned. You don't know that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most difficult. This is a good opportunity for you to be courteous!" fat long kindly reminded Li Qingqing when he saw that Li Qingqing was still stunned here.

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