"Mayor Zeng told me before that I think the project of this film and television city is very good. If it is established, it can promote the economic development of Yanjing and make Yanjing the largest film and television base in China. However, there are regulations on bank loans. Although I am the president, I don't speak at all, so there are some troubles if the amount is too large. I don't know how much you are going to use, Lin Shao Less? "

President Zheng first expressed his full support for the project. At the same time, he didn't say so much. He first said his difficulties. In this way, if the amount is small, he can make a decision, and if the amount is large, he can find a way, but in this way, Lin Dong must read his favor.

The more difficult things are done, the greater the favor.

Therefore, no one in officialdom will say things so absolutely and easily. If you can do it easily, it doesn't seem that this favor is not worth money!

Lin Dong smiled at the speech: "governor Zheng is really interesting. However, I still need to consider the loan. If there is no accident, I may not bother president Zheng!"

"Well, what does that say?"

President Zheng was stunned and didn't need a loan? Then why are you looking for me? This favor can't be sent out. President Zheng looked at Zeng fan. Zeng fan also looked stunned. Obviously, he didn't know what was going on.

Zeng fan thought about the wording and said, "Lin Shao, do you mean no loan? As I always said, this project needs at least 70 billion yuan. Lin Shao can take out such a large amount? Of course, I don't doubt that Lin Shao doesn't have this strength, but I'm sure he still needs some funds for normal turnover?"

"What's more, there are no outsiders here. It's better to use bank money than your own money. Now how many rich and powerful people don't lend? Even if you have money, you can also borrow from the bank in case of poor turnover. Moreover, President Zheng is a real person and is ready to turn this project into a key support project. At that time, the interest rate will be very low and won't change Hurry to pay back the money. Lin Shaoda can rest assured! "

Zeng fan's words are almost equivalent to disclosure.

Lin Dong smiled and said, "don't get me wrong. I understand president Zheng's kindness and keep it in mind. However, I'm not going to make a loan. I'm going to treat the film and Television City as private property. I've almost prepared the funds. However, I also need president Zheng's help. That's my purpose today!"

"No loan, what else can I help?" President Zheng asked suspiciously.

"President Zheng, should banks fry gold?" Lin Dong asked.

President Zheng nodded: "yes, gold appreciates very quickly and makes no loss. Not only depositors, but also banks themselves will buy gold, but the amount is not too large. For banks, investing in others is much more and faster than investing in gold! Investing in gold is just to avoid risks!"

"I have a lot of gold in my hand. It's definitely good gold. It's worth about 7 billion yuan. It was more, but I just let Chiang's jewelry eat some." Lin Dong said with a smile.

Zheng Xingchang was surprised at the amount of the gold, but he understood Lin Dong's meaning. It turned out that he was for this purpose.

This made him a little embarrassed.

"There's no problem with the origin of this batch of gold. I inherited it from my grandfather. It should be proved that there are all the data. Although many foreign banks are interested, good things can't be cheaper for outsiders!" Lin Dong accepted with a smile.

Inherited so much gold?

Who is Lin Dong's grandfather!

Of course, they just think about it in their hearts and naturally won't ask. Seven billion to is not much, at least much less than the two or three billion loans planned at the beginning. But this is different from loans. If you buy so much gold at once, let alone the operation of funds, the problem is that the bank itself does not need so much.

Investing in gold is just a way for banks to avoid risk, because gold will not depreciate, or hard currency will not depreciate. But generally speaking, they will not invest too much to avoid the situation of lack of funds.

To put it bluntly, banks are second dealers.

When depositors save money, they take the money to lend to others for investment, and then transfer the money to take out part of it as the interest of depositors, which is equivalent to borrowing chickens and eggs to make money with other people's money.

But if you buy gold, the benefits are obviously not so great.

Therefore, if it is OK to lend Lin Dong $230 billion, but to buy $7 billion of gold, President Zheng will have to consider it.

Lin Dong didn't speak or urge. It has been said that if President Zheng agrees, he will agree. It's no use saying anything if he doesn't agree. This is not a matter of asking for help in a few words. What's more, Lin Dong is not asking for help.

As he said, gold is a hard currency, so naturally you don't have to worry about selling it. It really can't be sold in foreign banks, but the price may be lower. And gold is sure to earn without losing. Naturally, we should consider our own people first in this business!

If the film and television city didn't need funds, Lin Dong didn't even plan to sell gold.

Zeng fan obviously knows president Zheng's concerns. If he is allowed to let go, he will lend more to the bank, but if he is buying gold, his pressure is not small. So at this time, Zeng fan didn't join in. He just greeted him to eat and drink.

Zheng Xingchang is very clear that when this is done, Zeng fan is also the big head of human relations, and he can only be regarded as a small head. If you think about it for too long, even if you finally agree, you can't help leaving a hesitant mind. This is not the problem of taking care and pretending to be difficult, which is completely different from that. One is to borrow money and the other is to buy and sell. Can it be the same?

Therefore, Zheng Xingchang simply said, "yes, I'll do it. I'll ask someone to estimate it later. If the quality is really good, the price will not be low!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zheng. I invited you to drink today!"

Lin Dong replied with a smile.

"Uncle Zeng, I will let Zhang Zhu of my entertainment company and the owner of the sun family take charge of this. There will be many places to deal with at that time. Uncle Zeng needs more help!" Lin Dong said to Zeng fan with a smile.

Zeng fan's politeness doesn't matter to Zhang Zhu, but he can't take it seriously. It seems that the relationship between Lin Dong and the sun family is really unusual. Otherwise, such a big thing, especially Lin Dong also said that he planned to take the film and Television City as private property. How can outsiders be responsible?

Lin Dong's own identity coupled with the relationship with the sun family, Zeng fan couldn't help wondering whether to make the human relationship a little bigger. Anyway, for him, this is not an abuse of power for personal gain. Even if Lin Dong has a relationship with the sun family, he has nothing to do, but he will get benefits!

To make this clear, Zeng fan thought about where to start and expand the favor.

The meal lasted more than two hours. Basically, it was all idle talk. It was all about words without nutrition. Specifically, Zeng fan and Lin Dong didn't talk much.

After the event, Lin Dong informed Zhang Zhu and grandpa sun. When the bank estimates the gold, it will contact them directly. As for the film and Television City, Lin Dong is just responsible for paying for it!

The bank acted quickly, and the next day someone came to deal with it. Soon the estimation results were out, and the price was slightly higher than that on the market. After all, it was a total of 7.1 billion. It's 100 million more than his estimate, but the difference is not big. Even if it's higher, it's not as much as 100 million. However, Lin Dong has inherited the favor of President Zheng in this matter. If something happens in the future, this favor will have to be replaced.

But Lin Dong is not worried. First, he can exchange this favor. Second, there are still many places to deal with banks in the future, and there must be many places to owe favor.

It can be said that President Zheng and Zeng fan are eager to ask them for more work. The more people they owe, the more reassuring they are. In this way, they will open their mouth to find themselves when they have something to do.

It's an alternative human relationship!

It is also a custom in officialdom.

The more you owe a favor, the closer the relationship is. It's best to owe it so much that it can't be calculated. In this way, you have me and I have you. That's the real reliable relationship.

Otherwise, who will do business for no reason?

That's how the relationship works.

"Jingling..." the phone rang suddenly.

Lin dongleng, who had just received Mr. Sun's call, looked at the number, Jiang Yu, and immediately got through. "Why did Jiang Da Xing call me when he was free?"

"Even if I'm a big star, I can't escape the palm of the big boss? The whole company doesn't know how excited it is. You don't show up. I didn't lose face to you this time. I didn't let you lose money!" said Jiang Yu with a smile.

"Isn't it busy? By the way, how about the box office?" Lin Dong asked with a smile.

"You still know how to ask. I think you just don't care how much money you have. It's been released for half a month now, and the box office is about 900 million. There are about ten days to release, and it's expected to reach 1.2 billion. If you throw away the cost, you'll earn at least seven or eight billion. Don't you, the big boss, plan to reward me?" Jiang Yu's words couldn't hide his excitement.

The first movie made so much. Can you not be excited.

"What kind of reward do you want? How about making a promise?" Lin Dong joked with a smile.

Jiang Yu hummed, "it's so beautiful that you can't be so cheap. I've given myself to you. You can't just send me away with this film?"

"You've just finished making a movie and haven't been shown yet. You can't wait to work? Don't say take a break. If you're tired, your father can't spare me!" Lin Dong said with a smile.

"I don't care. You have to give me some new plans." Jiang Yu doesn't worry about being tired, because this is the life she wants.

"Do you already have any ideas? If you have, just say it directly." Lin Dong asked.

Jiang Yu thought and said, "I have some ideas. Why don't we meet and talk?"

"Yes, I'm in Li Qingcheng's villa. I'm fine myself. Come here now," Lin Dong said.

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