"Sure enough, I failed." Lin Dong frowned. Although the result was expected, he was a little unhappy. But think about it, the hundred flowers palace is so mysterious. If all powers can find out, I'm afraid it can't maintain its current status.

Lin Dong can be sure that even the National Security Bureau or long Nu may not have this information. Although dragon Nu claims to register all practitioners, it is only aimed at those who are weak, or do not want to have any friction. Those who are strong or have certain power, such as the four major cultivation families, may not give this face at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Dong thought he could only find his aunt.

Although he was reluctant to do so.

When his aunt left last time, she left a set of methods for Lin Dong to deliver messages. Lin Dong quietly came out of the room and walked out of the yard. There was nothing else on the mountain and wild flowers were everywhere. The hundred flowers palace is used to deliver messages. Flowers are an important medium. You can't do without flowers.

After finding a wild flower whose name Zhu didn't know, Lin Dong began to use it according to the formula given to him by his aunt cuckoo. Before long, he saw that the wild flower was gradually emitting brilliance, which seemed a little special. Lin Dong didn't know whether he had succeeded or not. He whispered to the wild flowers tentatively, "aunt, can you hear me? I'm Lin Dong?"

No response!

Lin Dong frowned. "Is it the wrong way, or is it not successful? It's clearly the way my aunt said. Is there something missing?"

It should be right to think about it carefully. Why don't you do it again?

Lin Dong was thinking about going to do it again, but suddenly he heard his aunt's lazy voice as if she hadn't woken up. "I heard that. It's rare for your boy to find his aunt. Why did you pick such a time and wake up when you just fell asleep? What's the matter? I miss your aunt?"

Hearing the cuckoo's voice, Lin Dong was relieved, and then he realized that it was really late now. But anyway, I finally got in touch.

"I'm sorry, aunt. I'm in a hurry. I forgot the time."

"It's all right. Anyway, I just fell asleep. What's the matter? Is there something wrong with your mother's body?" asked Du Juan.

"No, no, she has completely recovered and is asleep now. Aunt, I want to know the specific location of the hundred flowers palace. Can you tell me?" Lin Dong asked.

Du Juan was stunned at once. It took a long time to fight and continued: "do you want to know the location of the Baihua palace? Why, isn't it ready to see my aunt? Outsiders are not allowed to enter the Baihua palace, especially men. If you want to be my aunt, I beg my master for mercy after a while, and I should be able to go out for a few days."

"Don't men go into the hundred flowers palace? Then... Aunt, can someone go to the hundred flowers palace these days? I mean men." Lin Dong asked tentatively.

The cuckoo also seemed to feel something wrong and replied, "I really don't know. I've been practicing recently. What do you mean by asking, what happened?"

"Well, what if, I mean, if a man entered the hundred flowers palace?"

"It depends on what he's doing here. If there's something serious, he'll let him go when he's done. If there's nothing serious, he won't be allowed to come in. If he steals in, it'll be miserable. I'm sure he won't let him go. What's the matter, do you still beat around the bush with your aunt?"

"I didn't beat around the Bush, but... The old man seems to have gone to the Baihua palace, and it should be in the Baihua palace." Lin Dong said in a deep voice.

"Old man? God, you're not talking about your annoying master. He came to the Baihua palace. It's impossible. How could he know the location of the Baihua palace? Even if he knew, he wouldn't die? He dared to break into the Baihua palace without permission. Lin Dong, where did you get the news?"

"Never mind where I got the news. Is there a cave in your Baihua palace? The furnishings are quite unique. Your master's dress and temperament are similar to yours, right?" Lin Dong asked.

Du Juan said, "yes, how do you know? But the cave is used to imprison people who plot against the Baihua palace. Is it true that your annoying master is in the Baihua palace and is locked up by my master? No, I'll have a look!"

"No, don't go yet, aunt. Tell me the location of Baihua Palace first." Lin Dong shouted quickly.

"You... Don't you also want to come to the Baihua palace? It's not that your aunt doesn't support you, but the Baihua palace is really not a place where you can come. If your master really sneaks to the Baihua palace and is locked up, I'm afraid it's difficult to do this. Even if you come, it's not so easy to save people. I'd better go and have a look first. If it's true, I can plead with my master and maybe let him go He killed that nasty guy. "

Of course, Lin Dong knows that things are not so simple, but what if Du Juan's master, white peony, refuses to let the old man go? In the dream, the last white peony obviously shot at the old man. Lin Dong didn't dare to take risks. Lin Dong said good or bad, and finally asked his aunt Du Juan to say the location of the hundred flowers palace, but it was just a location. It was not so easy to enter the hundred flowers palace.

Finally, Du Juan was worried and persuaded Lin Dong to inform himself first if he arrived at the Baihua palace. Don't rush in, otherwise it would be more troublesome. In this regard, Lin Dong naturally agreed to be kind, but at that time, Lin Dong didn't dare to guarantee it. However, Lin Dong still asked Du Juan to inquire to determine whether the old man was really in the hundred flowers palace.

After cutting off the connection, Lin Dong turned back and found du e standing in the distance looking at himself.

Lin Dong was stunned and said, "Why are you up? Did you wake up?"

"Your master is in the hundred flowers palace? Are you going to the hundred flowers palace to save people?" du e asked.

Lin Dong wanted to deny it, but he couldn't say it. He nodded and said, "well, if there's no accident, the old man should be in the Baihua palace. I don't know what relationship he has with the leader of the Baihua palace. He took the initiative to go to the Baihua Palace. Now, he's stopped. Anyway, I have to go and have a look and find a way to get him out."

"Do you know how difficult it is to save people in Baihua palace?" du e asked.

Lin Dong nodded: "although I don't know much about the Baihua palace, I think I know that there must be many experts in that place. Moreover, the palace leader Bai Mudan, I'm afraid he is an expert in the immortal realm. It's definitely not that easy to enter the hard rush to save people. However, I don't intend to break through hard and reason with them. After all, my aunt is also in the Baihua palace."

"If I want to go with you, you won't agree?" asked du'e.

Lin Dong touched his nose and said, "I don't need this. I'm not going to fight. I should be back soon. If you feel bored here, you'll take you back to Suzhou, Hangzhou or Yanjing first, or go to purgatory island."

Du'e smiled: "OK, but I'd better stay here. The environment here is good and no one bothers. When are you going?"

"Now." Lin Dong didn't know when the things in his dream happened. Whether it was early or late, since du e already knew, he was naturally ready to start as soon as possible.

However, Lin Dong apologized. He wanted to bring du e here to meet the old man. Who knows that no one has seen him, but now he still has to keep du e here. It's the old man's fault. He doesn't stay at home and runs around.

Seeing du'e agree, Lin Dong soon woke up the Fat Dragon in his sleep and asked him to pick him up. When Fat Dragon came, he was still sleepy. Although he was reluctant, when he saw du'e nearby, fat dragon was still very knowledgeable and didn't say anything. He handed Ling Fengjian to Lin Dong, and then waited for him to move away.

Before long, they appeared in a deserted canyon. The canyon was somewhat special. There were high mountains on both sides, and there was a long corridor in the middle, about one kilometer long. You could see a dark forest opposite.

"Tut Tut, this place looks really evil. If you go in, there will be a block at both ends, and some people are arranged on it, you can't run if you want to run." the Fat Dragon looked around and muttered. "What are you doing here? There's no one in the middle of the night."

"Leave it alone and go back to bed." Lin Dong said with a smile.

The Fat Dragon obviously didn't mean to get to the bottom of the matter. He nodded and disappeared. Leaving Lin Dong himself, he looked around curiously.

My aunt won't tell her the wrong address. This is the hundred flowers palace. However, my aunt also said that it is not so easy to enter the Baihua palace. There should be something like an array. It is difficult for ordinary people to find the Baihua palace. Just like now, Lin Dong can't even see the shadow of the Baihua palace.

Lin Dong doesn't know much about the array.

I've seen a B & B in Taiwan before. It's just a small array. It's just to improve Feng Shui. It's not too magical at all. Lin Dong tried to turn around and didn't find any clues at all, as if there was no Baihua palace here.

He found a wild flower nearby, and Lin Dong contacted the cuckoo.

"Aunt, I've been outside the hundred flowers palace."

"So fast? Eh, don't act rashly. I just inquired. It seems that someone broke into the Baihua palace, but my master caught him. If it's right, it should be your annoying master. But I haven't seen my master yet. Otherwise, I'll see my master first and ask what's going on?" said Du Juan.

"I'm sure you can't ask anything, and if you don't succeed, I don't think it's so easy to save people." Lin Dongdao. "Aunt, don't worry about it. Just know that the old man is in the Baihua palace. After all, you are from the Baihua palace. With this relationship, you can't explain it at that time."

"Silly boy, I'm your aunt. What's wrong? Your business is my business. I can't let you take risks," said Du Juan angrily.

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